ITT: We post general rules of thumb that might help other anons to not lose money in crypto. I'll start:

ITT: We post general rules of thumb that might help other anons to not lose money in crypto. I'll start:

Never buy at an all-time high. This doesn't hold all the time but it holds frequently enough for it to influence whether you open a long position or not.

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Does Veeky Forums have a wiki or something, or should I just lurk if I want to learn about crypto?

Yes lurk more. Use Read whitepapers.

/biz is pretty friendly, ask some questions and we'll answer!


Don't bother with whitepapers, don't ride the hype. Learn to distinguish shitcoin from potential goldmines.

I was thinking of building one, if you have any questions feel free to ask me on discord: Nickolas#1247

Only buy a coin that is down on the 24 hour by at least 8%, and which has an overall upward historic trend, and which is close to the end of a downward cycle as assertained by Moving Average 50/20 analysis of the 1 hour charts.

Always hold no matter what. It's not a loss until you sell.

Don't trade emotionally.

look at the 24h high and low - close to low? - solid coin? - might be a good bet

How much Stratis does it cost to fuck her in the ass?

Buy as much BTC as you can and hodl

In uncertain times (like now) buy LTC and XRP, they're a bunker.

Just buy SNT and TME. Be ready to sell TME fairly soon, be prepared to hold SNT longer term. Thank me later.

>no pre-mine
>Capped ICO's
>Phenomenal Dev Teams
>Slack is active

>me following Veeky Forums's advice

I need that capital tho for my next bad decision!!

I struggle with this. For example, SIA. It'll probably recover eventually but that might be months from now - perhaps even next year. In the meantime, there are better opportunities that I'm missing out on by hodling.

2FA all your accounts for the love of god. I had 3 bitcoins stolen from me about a year ago off bittrex when it wasn't popular. Still sad to this day.

>>Slack is active

STRAT's slack is active and that shit ain't moving at all

>buy DGB at 2k sats
>always hold


how were they stolen?

How about bitcoinwiki you absolutely idiot

Nice just learned 100%

My account was hacked then there is a way they use the order books to buy and sell your coins repeatedly without actually having to withdraw or deposit so you don't get notified. Went grocery shopping to come home and find out I was left with 5 CNY in my account. Fucking chinese scum

Yes, day trading is optimal, but you aren't accounting for the potential to get burned. HODL isn't the most efficient but it also doesn't require you to pay attention and shuffle your coin. 5% gainz is also very respectable as an investment.

Who's the girl?

I just throw money at whatever coins have the most memes currently in the catalog.

It's made me like 150% so far and I have no idea what I'm doing

This is all you need.

Eventually you will fuck up your day trade and your performance will be worse compared to holding. And you will be stressed looking at charts instead of enjoying your day.

All the advice in here is terrible. No wonder 99% of you are poorfags.


>search crypto

never hold sht coins, such as dgb, sigt, sc,
how to know if it sht? checkout the devs

An important rule of thumb to keep in mind is that Bancor is literally unstoppable.


Another bunker.
If BTC is having a altcoin massacre or crashing, put your money in Bancor, it will be safe by design.

>My account was hacked
how did that happen?

Then give us some good advice, fagget. Also checked.

fugg this sounds like me. just bought $100 in bitcoin and put it on Bittrex, probably gonna put it all in OMG soon. Some in Digibyte too

Im up 190% with this method. When I was getting in last week and signing up for exchanges i saw a post about the 0x ico and thought why not might as well sign up. And here we are.

Use RSI and MACD you buffoons and train ya damn hands

Keep chart resolutions to hourly and daily. The rest is noise.

For the love of God just avoid DGB. Trust me

And how the fuck do I do that?

Unlike you, he's going to buy them at a reasonable price (you're also allowed to increase your stack tho).

Research a coin's tech before investing - what does it do, who are the developers, do they have a working product etc.

When you choose to invest it usually means that you believe that the coin has long term value, if you understand it's function, team and purpose then you'll be less likely to panic sell when the price drops. And believe me the price will drop, sometimes dramatically.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, the market is unpredictable and just dumping everything into one coin is a gamble.

When you've made good money on a coin, pull some back out into BTC. There are many many great investments in crypto, the sooner you can diversify your portfolio the better. For example, I sold some NEO when it was high which gave me some extra capital to invest in OMG coin and some to stash in BTC.

If you want to buy, be patient and wait for a coin to dip

How much DGB for a girl like this?

Is accumulating BTC the only thing that matters, long-term? Even if we believe in these other projects?

Don't trade when you're angry
Don't trade when you're sad
Don't trade when you're happy
Don't trade when you're hopeful
Don't trade when you're regretful

Do expect that after you've made a trade, that you may start to feel emotional. Have a plan for when this happens. Decide upon an exit strategy when you're least emotional, and stick with it.

Is BTC a shit coin???

Yes a nice slow guaranteed loss. Tether is a better investment.

Read the whitepaper, obviously!

Always jerk off before you are buying anything.

It's hard to tell who is giving actual advice, who is larping and who is shilling around here though

If you lose all your money and have to start sucking dick to pay the rent, invest in knee pads.

how do you know if it will go down after reaching an all-time high? what if the all-time high is the new low?

Tight stop losses. Always. Bagholding for months on end in hopes of recovery is risky and just stupid.
That said, pick NEW projects with a good team - I can't stress this enough.

Never go into LTC unless it's to quickly transfer between exchanges.
It might increase a bit some days, but it always under performs and the more you research into it, the shadier it gets
Seriously, shit is rigged beyond belief by a few massive holders

Never buy an alt coin on the way up during a rapid movement unless it's market cap is under 1B. Even then, be careful and watch it closely. Dollar cost average your way in and out.

who's that semen demon

Nice just bought 100k.


what do you know about monaco?

i have a better deal
i have mad nigger pops
they will make you rich quick
only 1 bitcoin
then u moon

No, not the only thing. But you better really fucking believe in the products. For example, I bought $6k of STOX two days ago and I'm up $1.3k but I think their project is fucking retarded, just thought was a little cheap, and I was willing to grab some on a sketch exchange to dump on bittrex when t transfers over.

Got out of serious debt with this method.

Confirmed best strategy. I got into OMG with my first major trade doing this....

This so much this

If you start checking the charts right after you buy and you see it dip 5%, it can be very frustrating

Just buy and hodl, don't check your coins all the time because that can lead to some bad decisions

Invest in a strong team, not just an idea.

Read trading books, seriously.
Don't margin. Use stop-losses of about 10% if you are going to margin.
Set an exit point. Sell off profitable trades slowly on way to exit point.
Get out your initial investment if you are able to double, or triple.

This is how to avoid being a pink wojack. These rules are simple, but you will want to break them.

36 rules for cryptomarkets

psst... Zcash just spent 80 000 in grants with the aim of improving the coin with possibilities of adding WhatsApp support.

Someone post the graph with all the shitcoin prices plotted over time.
More than 90% of shitcoins die within a few years and you'll lose your full investment.

as OP said, never buy an ATH. You might get lucky once but 9 times out of 10 you will regret it very quickly. Be very careful about mooning coins in genera and FOMO.
When a coin moons it's usually too late. The goal of the game is to invest early in a coin when it's dirt cheap and you think it has a lot of chance to grow. Study the product, the team the market cap, the number of tokens in circulation etc.

Be patient and remember that FOMO is panic buying and is even worse than panic selling.

learn programming
learn data structured
learn network basics

Dat trading is nog the most optimal. Holding is. This faggot posted the best possible scenario.

Buy everything with neat looking logo. Next year Elon Musk will be working for you

A femanon that posted here pics here a few weeks ago

Tether is not even an investment. Ltc can only go up from here

I'm getting mixed messages here...

Terrible advice.

Veeky Forums was ecstatic about ZRX and rightfully so.

buy high sell low