Bitcoin pulls through in what will become its biggest bull phase yet. It shatters meme TA predictions...

Bitcoin pulls through in what will become its biggest bull phase yet. It shatters meme TA predictions, on which shorters have based their assumptions on recently. This is the event on which the previous years have been building up for.

The people who have held Bitcoin and believe in its future as a store of value or a usable currency are holding the largest stake in this. However, seeing the potential in crypto a lot of new money is flowing in. Although this alone is not the reason for this sudden movement.

People who own Bitcoin now are simply not willing to "sell" their Bitcoin for fiat anymore, there is a certain trust that has developed, the altcoinmarket has proven that you dont need fiat to trade. Even blockfolios posted here are more and more showing the value in BTC only.

(((Bancor)))jority in Bitcoin wants to use it, not sell it. The general mentality is to "hold" and every attempt at selling to buy back lower is being severely punished. On the other hand you have big institutions that want to get in on it but cant. Attempts on taking value away from Bitcoin have failed (e.g. Ripple, Bancor).

So there really is only one way to gain a stake, its to find some fool willing to give you their Bitcoin. People who need fiat urgently, People blinded by high amounts of fiat, People who believe in TA because it has worked before on Bitcoin. This is the time where Crypto establishes itself in the world and you can watch it happen live.

Be happy with the stake you have in crypto and wait for the developments during the next year to use your crypto, (((they))) will want your coins and are going to adapt to accept it widely.

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So what do I do? hodl?

depends, if you got in relativly late sell in increments to cover some expenses, just in case. Your long term strategy should be to hold as many as you can and wait for more uses to pop up, effecticly you want to replace fiat with your stake.

I got in at ~1k.

everytime i read something like that i happily sell all my coins

so far i could always buy back in at -50%

let it drop

You basterd. Congrats.

people killed themselves when btc dropped from $700
what will happen during the next drop

Bitcoin can't maintain this recent growth, I'm going to sell all my bitcoin for a reliable alt coin until the next dip. I was thinking ETH or LTC. Any suggestions?

MoonCoin can only go up like in the past :)

Wow. I have a 400btc wallet on an ex-gf's laptop. I feel stronger not having necked myself now, thx.

I sell and buy all the time it's pretty easy about to sell one BTC now and buy the dip

are you a fucking retard?

You sound like you need a diaper change



Definitely xrp

Yeah, I guess XRP doesn't go anywhere and wont go anywhere. I'm a bit greedy though and hope to make small gains over the next week.

ETH and XMR.

Forget LTC it's 15 minutes of fame are over.

Is there so many newfags that this is that intangible? BAKA desu dedu

When would be a good time to drop $600 in Bitcoin?

I'm thinking now or next dip, but is the dip even coming?

You fool......