So how do I find a job? I'm litterly a moron that never had a job with somewhat of a depression on neetbucks...

So how do I find a job? I'm litterly a moron that never had a job with somewhat of a depression on neetbucks. 24 years old. Just tell me where I can find a job cause I have no clue and how to behave.

You can start with agencies that will hire for manual labour. Although it's not the best, you are still getting money.

there are plenty of morons that have a job. go apply for a job in mcdonals or some other min wage shit

Learn Python

It beats being a hardcore neet. Anything but this hellish life.
How much would that pay 500$€?

Apply for every job you can, ask friends/parents if there's any jobs going, get out of your mental rut, sell items you don't need, do work online.

The first step to getting rich is the mindset.

Why do they all ask to be in possesion of a car?

Your local state government webpage will have positions you can apply for.
I would recommend garbage collection because the blue collar guys are great to work for until someone accidentally gets themselves killed doing something retarded.

Work in a warehouse. You'll get paid over $10 an hour to drag boxes around with a bunch of niggers

If it makes you feel better today I logged into the job site where I thought I applied for a government job but it turns out that despite completing the application that I spent several hours on, I never clicked the submit button.

Interesting. Tell me more. I'm a social retard btw.
No it doesn't make me feel better :(
Cool but I'm a social retard so I hope it doesn't affect me.

Is it weird to work at mcdonalds as a 24 yo? Am I too old?

I mean I can pretend for a while then they will notice.

Gotta start somewhere, but if you can, find something better. By the way, don't look at yourself as a social retard l, its self destructive and will only affect you negatively.

>Gotta start somewhere,
So yes.

Google your citys webpage and/or department of labor page.
Its not difficult.
Just keep in mind that most will drug test you.

if you work full time yea

How the fugg can you be 24 with zero work experience

Nigga I started a paper route at 13 and have been working ever since

Wow I was just joking.

Anyway all those job applicants are just kidding when they say you need a high school degree and a car and stuff right? That's something they won't care about I hope. Otherwise I won't find anything.

>got an email from department of corrections
Are jail and prison guard jobs just as easy as normal security? I have only worked welding and casino jobs before.
I signed up for literally everything that required no college degree or 200 years experience

Is it that weird? I have been sick for a while.

Do factory work. They hire literally anyone. I'm talking druggies and drop outs. If they require experience, just make something up. They NEVER care enough to actually check your background. As long as it's just a local factory and not a household name like Nestle or something you're golden.

I did this, it was chill. everyone minded their own business

nah u dont need a car or education to work in those places

u dont even need to speak english

Even if they ask for a supposed degree o something meaningless?

If they ask for a degree then stop applying for things you're not qualified for. Manual labor jobs typically don't even ask for a high school diploma.

It asks for some high school "techinical" diploma. I assume I can ignore that.

>have literally no job experience
>didn't graduate hs
>put together some extremely half assed resume, the most effortless piece of shit i've ever laid eyes on
>submit it to del monte
>get call next day to come to orientation next week
4 years of being a neet just for it to end like this

Yeah it's totally the same, other than the murderous felons throwing their feces at you

Technical deploma is the lowest tier of high school education.
Its a deploma that only requires 3 years of some core classes instead of 4. It suppliments more electives instead.

So it's worthless and I shouldn't know shit right?

Its not worthless since some schools have computer programming classes or vocation education like welding but the deploma itself is worthless since it doesnt specify that you need to do any of those things and you could have done art classes and still received it.

Intradesting. So it's not worthless but I just don't really need it?

If they arent asking for a specific certification then they just want someone who graduated high school.

That's gr.. oh high school diploma.

You can lie because they wont verify.

K cool. So I'm good for that stuff. Thanks for help.

If by some weird happenstance they do say they need the diploma just say you dont have it and stall until they forget.
IE you are waiting for it to be mailed to you and it still hasnt come so you are just going to go request it again and there was some computer error so they said it will get there in a couple weeks blah blah.

Maybe try becoming a dealer in a casino. I doubt they are going to demand diploma.

Or try bagging groceries at some random store.

Maybe work as a delivery boy for pizza.

Factory work also works well


>Factory work also works well
I kind of assumed that pays pretty well.