Can any theist please give me an explanation?

According to the dating of fossils that have been found, humans like us have been around for 300000 years. How can any religion believe their god was silent for almost 300000 years before revealing himself in some form to any humans?

Even if he maybe revealed himself to earlier humans, why isn't there any evidence at all in religious writings that were supposedly inspired by a deity?

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I'm not a Christian but I have read C.S. Lewis and his response to this question literally boils down to "don't worry about it." Not joking.

Ever heard of the phrase

"God works in mysterious ways"


It never occurred to you that dating methods are erroneous? That there is no "standard" to check to see if your 300,000 year old dating method is accurate?

That never occurred to you?

It never occurred to you that if humans were around for 300,000 years, that there would be an infinite number of human beings at any positive growth number, and zero at any negative growth number?

None of these things occurred to you?

>God didn't show themself during prehistory

How could you possibly know that?

lol and then there's this fucking guy

>It never occurred to you that if humans were around for 300,000 years, that there would be an infinite number of human beings at any positive growth number, and zero at any negative growth number?
i love creationism

CS Lewis was a militant atheist until he was older.

There's nothing saying he didn't show himself to prehistorical man; if anything, the old testament (At least Genesis) could be a metaphor for his dealings with early man.

>CS Lewis was a militant atheist until he was older


I'm just saying relying solely on his responses isn't wise. Nor is relying solely on mine. Find clergymen.

>How could you possibly know that?

Because if he did, that fact was lost, which is impossible if God didn't want it to be lost. Could God have wanted people to forget about him? Possibly, but then God is a liar.

>f anything, the old testament (At least Genesis) could be a metaphor for his dealings with early man.

The OT only good back 6000 years, which is not prehistory.

I love it because it's true.

You love it because it gives you a false sense of intellectual superiority.

Proving there is no "prehistory".

It's almost as if all the major religions were made up at some point by people without any knowledge about our ancient past as any writings or teachings do not contain a single fact about said past.

Genesis goes back to the beginning of time.

Who do you think you are to judge what god wants?

>what are wars, dry seasons, disease, famine, climate changes etc

There are many ways to bring that number down. Trust me. Most of our history more of us have died than lived till 20's or 30's

>How can any religion believe their god was silent for almost 300000 years before revealing himself in some form to any humans?
Who says the god was silent?

>Even if he maybe revealed himself to earlier humans, why isn't there any evidence at all in religious writings that were supposedly inspired by a deity?
So you're saying you want written evidence from the time before writing?
That's a totally reasonable standard of evidence to adhere to.

>It never occurred to you that if humans were around for 300,000 years, that there would be an infinite number of human beings at any positive growth number, and zero at any negative growth number?
what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?

Do you really think population growth rates don't take such things into consideration?

It means find a population calculator online.
Put in 2 human beings.
Put in 300,000 years.
Put in 0.01% population growth per year (the current known population growth is about 1.11%).
Hit enter.

Because there would be an infinite number of people if two people 300,000 years ago started mankind.

Conversely, if 6 people 4600 years ago started mankind (Noah's sons and their wives after the Flood), there would be calculated about 7.5 billion people on the world today.

Oh, hey, there's about 7.5 billion people on the world today.

What a coincidence.

Are you proposing that you could reach infinity by starting with a finite number and just multiplying it?
Because that's just completely wrong on a fundamental level.

I'm saying human beings reproduce geometrically, and if we were at it for 300,000 years, there would be an infinite number of people.

Go scare yourself. See how fast the world is adding a billion people since 1900. See how fast the interval is shrinking.

Go ahead. You'll have nightmares.

After 30,000 years, there would be over 21 trillion people with only a 0.1% growth rate.

And again, the known growth rate is eleven times that high.

this is after 50,000 years:


Here's how many people there would be if 2 people 100,000 years ago mated, again at 1/11 the rate of known population growth:


That's what, 5 tredecillion people.

Are you referring to the current known growth rate, which is an explosion, or the growth rate for most of human history, which was vastly lower?

>expecting protestants to admit reconsidering their beliefs

Doesn't Islam answer this?

According to Islam even bees are "muslims" in the sense they do their duty as God wanted and having a place in nature. That's why they say even Noah was a muslim. So a muslim would answer "those 300000 years before people were muslim even if they didn't know Muhammad or God".

I know it seems stupid but at least is an answer.

No there woudn't, they'd be dead long before that because they'd too inbred to survive

Can you not do this for yourself? Really?

I'm using a very small positive number, .001, to show that mankind has not been here 300,000 years.



Mankind has been on the planet for 6,021 years.

Not 300,000.

Why would mankind have to be in a constant population increase?
Would we not fluctuate in size like any other animal up until we "jailbreak" nature with agriculture and shit?

The incest babbies from two people also wouldn't survive long enough to reach that number

Growth rates are not constant for even ten years, let alone thousands. They are not always positive. Like any other organism, the population is in dynamic equilibrium, going up and down depending on food availability and various other factors. Even today, Hunter gatherer societies have more or less zero population growth. The current population explosion is the result of agriculture, which allowed us to essentially create our own food without practical limit.

>population growth rates are always positi-

>It never occurred to you that if humans were around for 300,000 years, that there would be an infinite number of human beings at any positive growth number, and zero at any negative growth number?

This just might be the dumbest thing I've heard on this site. Enjoy your (You)s my friend.

anunnaki made humans about 400000 years ago from the proto human who were inhabiting earth

the missing link is missing because of that

>this whole thread
Making Veeky Forums was a mistake.

We chose to turn away from God in our free will. Thus, we forgot Him. We know now Christ is Lord.

The creationist really thought he was on to something):

i don't think you understand what the "missing link" is. unless you have a fossil from every generation from the first single cell organism to modern humans there will always be a "missing link"

Religions are a hoax.

How dense can you be?

When the world was covered with food, was there enough food for 10 people? For 1000 people? For 1,000,000 people? For 1,000,000,000 people?

Of course the rates go up and down; hence the 1.11% is an AVERAGE GROWTH RATE.


You people astonish me with your ignorance. We have absolutely zero evidence of any civilization that is older than 6000 years old. Zero.

But you cling to your god Darwin in the hopes that you can hide from the one true God. You truly followed the god who failed.

This is just math. And you're arguing with math.

>A volcano erupted 69,000 years before the earth was created.

This is how dumb you are.

i mean the one where humans and apes separate

And one lie convinced you otherwise.

We only care about one.

The one you darwinists never found.

If the world is only 6,000 years old, how did the aliens build the Sphinx?

i am and but not just to clarify: i think evolution is right
just not in this special case

like he said, you are still assuming an overall constant growth rate. for large parts of human history the population stayed fairly constant or even fell. you aren't accurately representing conditions if you don't account for all the famines, poor harvests, plagues, devestating wars, etc throughout history, let alone conditions before agriculture when large growth of the population was near impossible. punching random numbers in a calculator doesn't mean shit.

Block by block. And they were natives, not aliens.

All the evidence for evolution is for changes within kinds.

Never a jump from one kind of creature to another.

No, I'm not. For instance, in the last 150 years or so, the growth rate got all the way up to 2.2%, and then came back down to earth at about half that.

Do any of you take math classes?

>it's a high number therefore it's infinite

you mean the past 150 years during the industrial revolution? recent growth rates are significantly higher than for most of human history, which again were often negative or stagnant, especially pre-agricultural revolution. do you not take history classes?

that is incorrect

a species is somethig that can mate and produce children who are able to produce offspring

for example: you can crossbreed a lion and a tiger but these liger (or whatever you want to call them) can't have children

there are some documented cases of one species become two sepereate species

look up "darwin's finches"

god is much greater than you probably think

for example:

if you correctly translate the first verse of the bible it states:
"the first one created the gods /togther) with the heavens and the earth"

yhwh elohim is not god yhwh it is yhwh of the elohim (gods referd to in the genesis 1:1)

you are god, i am god, you are me and i am you

we are experiencing reality from different perspectives but everyone has the whole of existence iside of them

hence: all is one and one is all

"Yeshua, son of God, the first one, has been here and had many names, krishna, buddah, lao tzu (I know it means old man) and many others.

Yeshua said "I am the Way"
Krishna said "I am the Way"
Buddah said "I am the Way (Path)"
the Tao means "The Way"

love your neighbor because your neighbor is part of yourself. Be generous, be compassionate. Don't be greedy. Create beauty. Don't lie."

relax and let the love take over

(and by love i mean love and not lust, the two seem to get confused nowadays)

wew that was quite the tangent

haha yeah but i thought it may help him (or you?)

>what is war and disease?

How can anyone consider C.S. Lewis a worthwhile "intellectual" is beyond me. His answer to the delay of parousia is downright pathetic.

most cultures have fragments of knowledge about Gods creation of earth and Noah flood evident in greek mythology, Mesopotamian mythology, indian, polynesian mythology, native american myth .. ect. As well as Chinese belief in Shangdi the creator god to whom they offer cattle sacrifices in accordance with old testament worship. but with the dispersion at babel humanity gradually created pagan distortions of those accounts until the time of moses.

I didn't say anything about written evidence from the time that these ancient humans lived, I am asking for mention of these ancient humans and their interaction with a deity in modern day religous texts which were supposedly inspired by said deity who has knowledge of his own interaction with these ancient humans.

Why does the bible contain a creation myth that gives no scientific facts and cleary wasn't inspired by anything other than a simple human being making up his own story?

>How can anyone consider C.S. Lewis a worthwhile "intellectual" is beyond me.

Well it's not like modern Christians have a lot of options.

we find fossils
we build narratives around these observations
autists like OP misunderstad what science is, and build an entire metaphysics around scientific explanatory narratives (i.e.they project an objective past behind themselves which they think exists and existed independent of themselves - and it is this past that our scientific narratives describe)

when in reality all we have are our present observations, and the narratives we weave around them

sceience is not in the business of metaphysics. it is not the domain of science to concern itself whether humans *actually* existed in the past, independent of the theories we have which state they do, which we use to explain and predict our present observations

tldr learn what science is

I highly doubt that if a higher power exists, it is anything like what any religious text says about it. People want there to be a God that loves them and cares about them but we're living on a random tiny dot in the middle of a vacuum. I like to think this higher power, this Creator doesn't care at all or is observing an experiment in progress. After all, did organisms not develop on Earth through evolution? We as humans are just another evolutionary step. You could say that we were destined to be formed but does it really make a difference? No higher power has revealed itself unless you're one of the people who consider the universe or everything to be part of a higher power. Still, nothing is set in stone, we are still waiting for an actual response.