This is your last fucking chance to buy vertcoin before it hits $1

This is your last fucking chance to buy vertcoin before it hits $1

Also buy Litecoin



LTC just went up like 8% in the middle of the night on a thursday. Grats if you were here to sell, but it's about to dump on people hard, unless they have a reason to push past.

Remember that LTC is entirely controlled by the chinese. It doesn't move normally, except downwards.

What's going to happen?

I'm guessing you're new to crypto? My LTC holdings 10xed when it hit ATH. It will soar past the previous ATH when bitcoin implements atomic swaps with LTC.


Probably mainly lightning network/atomic swaps.
Maybe some news on MAST/ smart crypto vault (smart contracts in LTC) and personally I'm hoping for confidential transactions.

Sure it can 10x if you bought it at $5.80
Most people here likely aren't buying it at that level.
Just look at what's happening right now, the bots already dumping part of its stack on people.

You're one of the people who were lucky to ride it up.
Doesn't change the fact that it's still manipulated.

Also Lightning is garbage. Doesn't solve any real usecases the need to be solved in crypto. Crypto is about speculation and wealth storing right now, not store purchases and other garbage.

hmm, my Verticoin is now down only 40% from what I paid for it in July. This is nice. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day.

It's not too late to get in on VTC. It should be at least 4x higher.

Why do you think Lightning doesn't solve any problems? Atomic swaps alone is pretty big imo. Have you tried to do any bitcoin transactions lately?

Vertcoin is worthless until atomic swaps with bitcoin. Once that happens though...

But as soon as better coins implement atomic swaps VTC will crash again.

Decred for example is a way better coin and they're implementing lightning in Q4 2017.
Also at a great price right now.

The fact you are 9 out of the 14 posts in this thread is enough of a reason
I'll never invest in Litecoin even if it increases.

Anyone who needs convincing, just look up the creator, his brother, wallet distributions, volume+price fluctuations, and what people say about it.
On top of all that, it doesn't even increase in value that much even when it does

ltc is as decentralized and unmanipulated as crypto gets. eth on the other hand, well look no further than their past troubles that were swept under the rug on google.
but as always, people who dont do their research and are only out to make a quick profit will always lose in the end

Also almost all the volume for LTC is Chinese/Korean exchanges. And at an abnormal rate.

You sound like r/litecoin
kek, I'm sure China and it's chinese creators are so fair when it comes to it's value

and you sound like every other faggot on biz who just spews out the same flawed rhetoric day in and out

So what are you investing in then?

Also I'm trying to shill Vertcoin here, not LTC