Why are you still eating meat?

Do you have even an ounce of empathy in your soul? If you watch this video and then don't immediately go vegan you're an absolute shit person.


Also, morality of eating animals thread.


because it tastes fucking good.

We have got empathy towards humans, becasue it helps in preserving our genes. Why should we have it towards other animals?

Edgyyyy xD

Craaawwwling in my skin

We are le epic evil gene I'll act as a mindless gene even though I'm a person with rationality
and potential for empathy


If eating meat is wrong I don't wanna be right
Its the same autistic vegan faggot who keeps making these threads.

Saged and reported

I'll stop eating meat when livestock evolve to taste like shit.

You didn't answered.

I'll start believing vegans when they stop benefiting from 3rd world labor like the rest of us. To live in a modern society is to harm others grievously in some way. Also when they stop this Disney-tier anthropomorphizing of animals.


How do you suppose we stop doing that? Jesus man, you do what you can to be a good person... Stop being an ignorant little prick.

Calm down, don't you have an animal testing lab to bomb?

Make me.

Didn't mean to mention you here my B

Huuuuuge pussy. Can't even change your eating habits you're such an unmotivated fuck. People like you are destroying our society. Grow a sack and forfeit some things.

Go join the Amish faggot.

You can go and be a good person, the issue is you're still contributing to the rapes, abuses, and slavery that funds your (and my) lifestyle, anything short of Kaczynsking it will be ultimately a half-Andre attempt. To put it another way, if people wouldn't give up modern convenience out of compassion for their fellow man, why would they do it for animals.

>giving up eating meat
>giving up your entire life to live with the Amish
You think these things are equivalent. Would hate to be as dumb and unmotivated as you.

How the fuck is it a modern convenience to eat meat? The issues are totally unrelated you faggot.

Are you dense, I'm saying that modern life requires you to complicitly agree to greater evils than eating meat, and you should know how the current agricultural industry is an exclusively modern phenomena.

Societies are trying to remove murderers, and thieves, because one that doesn't is less likely to succeed. It doesn't work that way with hurting animals yet. But we will resign from breeding them, when we will have cheaper alternative.

If you're so wrapped up in the morality of eating meat, why don't you try hunting?

No shit........ Like I said in the beginning, you do what you can to be a good person and if you can't do anything about something then you're stuck. Just because many aspects of our society are bad doesn't mean we shouldn't try to root out those bad aspects one by one, does it?

Being vegan is an easy thing to do and an entire society being vegan would make it look at other situations differently and with more empathy which would in turn solve or produce an attempt to solve those greater evils. If you have an easy solution to those other evils then let me know.

>an phenomena
Kys yourself

Another question, why are meat eaters such dumb fucks? Go eat your pet dog you fucking faggots.