Conc. Camp vs Gulag

>Few days of cramped trains thru Europe, very painful death


>Many days in a freer, colder train, excrutiatingly hard labour kept on the brink of starvation while working years, BUT you keep being alive

You do know forced labor and starvation took place in nazi concentration camps, right?

Yeah, I'm not denying that, but for tops 5 years vs people who spent lifetimes in gulag

I'm just excited for the KIDF to show up and claim the concentration camps were fake

GULAGs were refugee camps

What do you mean by this:"spent lifetimes in gulag"? Them were prisoners, they had prison's periods.

This desu. People only died in gulags because they starved themselves to make the Soviet's look bad

Why gulag of Hitler still don't have a loud label? It is because USA don't be in Cold War with Germany?

I thought this wasn't /v/, my mistake, I'll just be leaving

Most people who entered the GULAG came out alive.

Because de-Stalinization

>BUT you keep being alive

Death rates in the Gulags were much higher than in the concentration camps. You're making the mistake most morons make of equating the concentration camps with the death camps, most of the people kept in concentration camps survived the experience.

Population census says otherwise.

can you read, schlomo? Not every Concentration Camp was used for extermination, they also functioned as POW camps.
>but muh starved ppl
from mid 44 germany couldn't even feed it's own population, how would they feed prisoners?

So what you're trying to say is simply your Holocaust denier

funny that "they couldn't even feed their own people" excuses the nazis in a war that they started, but that doesn't count for the soviet union, who get slammed with the higher death rates in the gulag during the war years. nice logic there.

Concentration and death camps were different.

Please rephrase.

You could ask people who were in both nazi camps and soviet camps. Ive seen accounts claiming soviet camps were worse

I hope that is bait.

Survivor bias.

Unless you were there for political reasons (in which case your chances of survival were nil) then you had a decent enough chance of making it, better if you were willing to get your hands dirty for the local gulag gangs.