I fucking love this map

It's just one of the best maps I've found for precolonial north america.

Question: which tribes/cultures do you think would have become powerful and large if there wasn't, for example, the lack of resistance to disease that was one of the key destroyers of the Native populace. Like, which tribes do you think would have become powerful nations or states or ethnic communities if there was no successful genocide? Like, how Ethiopia is a powerful state or how the Igbo are a powerful ethnic community (relative to Africa). I think the Shoshone, Cherokee, Haudenosaunee, and the Mesoamerican cultures definitely would have. Thoughts?


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>tfw great grandpa was a pipil featherneck

They seem to be El Salvador's punching the more I read about them

what do you mean?

They've always been fucked with by the Spaniards and wealthy land owners after El Salvador gained independence. In 1932 the government damn near killed the entire Amerindian population after a majority of them sided with commies in an uprising. The Mestizos kept fucking with them and taking advantage of them until the civil war in the 80s where another fuckload of them got murdered, from what I hear they're doing better now though.

its really incorrect.There was no mayan empire as there was no greek empire but citi states. When the aztecs had an empire the Olmec had been gone for 1500 years. Makes no sense.

I noticed the olmec bit too, but everything else checks out.

>Slave tribe in Canada

Lol, yeah, that always catches everyone off guard. It's a complete linguistic coincidence. I remember seeing "Great Slave Lake" on a map for the first time and thinking "what the fuck?"


>Olmec in eastern Yucatan
>Mayan Empire

I'm not fan of alt-history but one shudders to think what would happen if those seven mighty empires discovered writing and confederated

What do you mean, shudders? + many tribes were already confederated, they were driven to especially for self-protection from the settlers. Shoshone and Haudenosaunee being the obvious examples.

this is an extremely common mistake, but the Iroquois were not called the Iroquois. Iroquois was practically a slur. They called themselves the Haudenosauenee (pronounced hoe-den-oh-SHOW-knee)

meant to include this pic

South Americans had hieroglyphs

The Chumash were pretty good with boat making and seafaring(close to shore). They were also in a good position to receive some of the advancements of Mesoamerica if they could have gotten their boats to reach it. I could have seen them becoming a strong state bolstered by pacific coast trade.

Slave, true to Lee

>Miami at Great Lakes area

the miami DID live in the great lakes area.


No they didn't, what bullshit are you citing? The closest any south American came to writing was the Incan Kuipu.

This seems an extremely unlikely source for the name, granted the Basques reached the Americas before Columbus but they confined themselves to fishing off the coast and there's no indication that they ever ventured onto the mainland, and certainly no evidence that they encountered the iroquois. The derivation from the Innu term irnokué, meaning "terrible man", seems far more probable, since teh French are known to have had extensive contacts with the Innu and to have used them as scouts.

Quipus already existed 2500BC. Incas already developed the concept of zero, used the quipus for accounting, management and more. Sadly, most elites were killed by Atahualpa, eurangutan pestilence and the "catholic" church.

>Quipus already existed 2500BC

No evidence for this at all.
>Objects that can be identified unambiguously as quipus first appear in the archaeological record in the first millennium AD. They subsequently played a key part in the administration of the Kingdom of Cusco and later Tawantinsuyu, the empire controlled by the Incan ethnic group, flourishing across the Andes from c. 1100 to 1532 AD.

>"El quipu más antiguo encontrado hasta ahora fue hallado en el año 2005, entre los restos de la ciudad de Caral y data aproximadamente del año 2500 a."
>The oldest quipu was found in 2005 on Caral archaeological site. And its date is approximately 2500BC
Other tribes and civilizations older than the Incas already used them anyway.

They were used in the beginning of the colonial era too, till they were considered demoniacal; most priests and Inca quipus which recorded past events were already destroyed by that time anyway.

I admittedly know little of Amerindians, so I got taken by surprise by that one.


It's crazy to think how powerful these people were in the past. To think if they hadn't basically broken into a civil war during the American revolution, they could have tipped the scales to the British if they decided to side with them. Washington was so frightened of the idea that he sent out a campaign to specifically neutralize them by burning down villages with wanton disregard and murdering random people.

An alternate history situation that was pondered on here a while back was what would have happened if the British had one and the US had remained colonies.

The British had tried back then to honor tribal borders and wanted to restrain westward settling.

So imagine if instead the British made a protectorate state out the the eastern indigenous nations and eventually brought them into the fold like with India. The Eastern Natives would just join in sharing the wealth of the Empire. Instead of being histories greatest fucked-over people, they'd have their own nation and great respect in the global community.

None. They would have continued with their culture and way of life until being eventually conquered and repartitioned by a number of european powers the same way Africa was.

Those tribes weren't any more advanced than black africans were. If anything, most were less advanced, and clearly less socio-politically structured, less culturally strong and overall easier prey, as the fact that there are lots of black african nations arond these days and lots of black african people in places like the caribbean where they have added up and crole'd their traditions, and all of this in spite of having had it much, much worse than the indians. But at the end of the day they endured whereas the indians didn't and they're history now.

Toltecs were also gone by the time of the Aztecs. Why are Olmecs so far from where they were? And where the fuck are tje Chichimecs?