Is the Trinity the most retarded theological position in existence?

Is the Trinity the most retarded theological position in existence?

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Is there any theological 'proof' for it anyway?

Ice, water, and steam


user, that's heresy



What a truly stupid argument. Also, it's a heresy called "modalism".

Nah, Supercessionism is worse. Trinity is just illogical and not supported by scripture. Supercessionism is illogical and actively contradicted by scripture.

Scripture can be twisted to mean just about anything, but at least supercessionalism makes /logical/ sense, which is more than the trinity does.

Three existences of a single divinity, being essentially and operationally identical, identical in will and activity, but distinct in existence.

No, Christianity is based on experience and mystical revelation. It's not figured out by logic, the Apostles weren't academics or scholastics

Why 3? Why can't it be just 1? Or 4? Or 7? Or an infinite?

I get 1, I get infinite, I don't get arbitrary number.

>Three existences of a single divinity, being essentially and operationally identical, identical in will and activity, but distinct in existence.

Schizophrenic word salad.

I can't think of anything else more retarded off the top of my head, so, yes.

>Three existences of a single divinity, being essentially and operationally identical, identical in will and activity, but distinct in existence.

This is, literally, just throwing random words into a sentence to try and be as nonsensical and obtuse as possible, while trying to sound deep to thickos who can't comprehend big words very well.

Only in abrahamism

Supercessionism requires God to lie to literally millions of people about what the purpose in life is and how to achieve salvation. I mean, I guess it could be considered logically plausible, but only if we throw out some of those attributes usually associated with God, like benevolence.

>Also, it's a heresy called "modalism".
Ice is not a "mode" of water.
Ice, water, and steam all exist at the same time, which is not consistent with the modalist interpretation of the trinity, in which God shifts between modes. In order for it to be consistent all the water in the universe would have to exist in only one state at a time, only liquid, then only solid, then only gas, in all the universe.

Who says you're supposed to "get it"?
>I get 1, I get infinite,
You clearly don't

It's meant to be the best attempt to understand something that exists outside our reality and perception

>Supercessionism requires God to lie to literally millions of people about what the purpose in life is and how to achieve salvation

The God of the Bible is CERTAINLY a liar. Fossils prove that he is a liar, since his account of creation is at odds with the empirical evidence. Ergo, either his account is a lie, or the evidence (that he created) is a lie.

Then the heresy you're committing is polytheism.

No why, because God IS. No rational reason or design for him, he simply is, or in fact is beyond that. God isn't reality, he is the source, sustainer and goal of reality.

There is no rational answer to your question because God is not a product of reason or anything else. We did not deduce him as Trinity, he revealed himself as such.

Because you don't grasp the essence-existence distinction. Neither did Aquinas

Wrong, as there is only one God.

How's your horse girlfriend, Constantine?

no muhammad. how hard is it to comprehend three persons but one entity as it is taught openly in the NT and hinted in the OT.

No. The church's position has always been that it's a divine mystery. Any attempt to explain or prove it is heresy.

How fucking dumb are you? That's not exactly an sentence that's trying to be obscure

>Ice, water, and steam all exist at the same time, which is not consistent with the modalist interpretation of the trinity, in which God shifts between modes. In order for it to be consistent all the water in the universe would have to exist in only one state at a time, only liquid, then only solid, then only gas, in all the universe.

By this logic then the Greek Pantheon would be monotheism.

It is the most important christian doctrine because it differentiates us from muslims, kikes and kike-loving unitarians.


Well, it's not "retarded", like in Mormonism-like retarded, but it's sure convoluted and counterintuitive. Then again, you have to understand the goal of the people who formulated it in the course of the second and the third centuries CE - they had to square the circle of strong monotheism and the idea of Jesus being God, and they applied the best of Greek philosophy to come up with this solution. The other alternatives like docetism were even less appealing.

The Holy Spirit is the power, the fabric of time and space, The father is the being that controls it and The Son is an agent on his behalf.

Hinted where?

Absolutely, I'm LDS and one of the most sensical tenents is Nontrinitarianism

>By this logic then the Greek Pantheon would be monotheism.
Wrong, as the Greek pantheon is not all one being.

Might want to look up Tibetan buddhism and how its different from either zen, therevada, or mahayana buddhism.
Shit is confusing because they are clinging tightly to a lot of ideas that come out of hinduism despite the fact that buddhism is supposed to be its own thing, not a ...subsect of hinduism

>buddhism is supposed to be its own thing, not a ...subsect of hinduism

Is that what Gautama said?

I unironically love dilettante/lay theology.

Gautama said a lot of things and considering that buddhism for centuries was entirely an oral tradition (and therevada buddhism STILL is), not all of the things attributed to him are his word.
But yeah. Gautama argued that hinduism focuses too much on the acetic lifestyle while non religious life was too much about being a fat slut. Buddhism is supposed to be the 'middle way' and not an alternative path into hinduism

That's quite advanced for lay theology, 95% of Christians would profess some kind of Arianism when asked about Trinity.

>Anything but pure tawhid

Watch yourselves Gnostic retards

>tfw you realize the solution for duality is not a return to unity/non-duality, but trinity/mediation of a third term

Taught openly where? "In the beginning there was the word, and the word was God" only applies to in the beginning before the word became flesh. And tarnation off JWs, your translation is trash.

and all water isn't part of one being, it's just a bunch of water molecules with no relation to eachother if they aren't together

which is the father, son and holy spirit in this analogy?

>essence-existence distinction

Show me something that has "existence" but no "essence", or vice versa. They're synonyms.

Neither is the trinity, you;re a polytheist every bit as much as a worshipper of any other demon.

But isn't arianism literally against trinity? Most layman know very well that the trinity exists, they just don't think it makes sense.

Well, water would be the Father, because when we talk about God we are usually talking about the father. Jesus would be ice because they both are solid and can be theoretically touched. The holy spirit is steam because it is sometimes described as being the 'power' of God, and kinda doesn't have a form.

Just like the water in your example


Jesus is cool as fuck, and also solid and tangible, so he's Ice

Water nourishes us, so it's the Holy Spirit

Steam forms clouds which are in the sky and God comes from the sky, so God is Steam. Also he can burn you.

wtf I'm a trinitarian now?

your welcome, former heretic

>Ice, water, and steam all exist at the same time
They all exist yes but not at the same time in the same place, show me water ice and steam in a stable relationship when they are together

Sea ice.

is this a troll?


And that totally exists in nature, only way you get that is in a lab scietifically

Yet it exists.

I didn't say show that it can exist I said show me it happening

lol literal mysticism

You'll have to ask the lab if you want photos but the point is that if it can be created in a laboratory the existence of a Triune Deity becomes more plausible.

t. Miaphysite

>exists in nature

god is supernatural

t. alchemist


They dont actually exist together, the triple point is merely one temperate where you can change liquid water into a gas or solid (or vice-versa) by changing the pressure.

Sorry I was mistaken, it is a specific temperature and specific pressure where freezing or melting/boiling doesn't happen

i wonder what temperature and pressure is the God?

The water thing is an analogy at best, and not even a good one, I hope you realize that.

trinity is basically pagan

pagans from the mountains of pakistan considering christians to be fellow pagans for example

t. prays at a rock five times a day

Honor kill yourself Muhamad.

I'm a brahmin from india, dumb christcucks

the only people who take christianity seriously and practise it right are low iq redneck whites who tend to be low-thinking and racist, niggers from africa and SEA monkeys like philipinos

oh, let's not forget mongrel race spics

yes - the trinity is retarded

Literally everything you can think of has an essence, but not everything exists (a dinosaur, for example)

Not addressing the exact same question, but a related one:

Reminder that christianity is a false religion that leads to hell.