Women and War

I had an idea for a military tactic.
An army conquers part of an enemy's territory. What if rather than stealing the enemy's women, they instead sterilized the women and gave them back to the enemy? Then the women would be pretty useless and a net drain on the enemy.

Also, is that even possible for modern war? You never really hear of armies conquering territory any more, and definitely not stealing women. It seems like in the modern day, countries would be able to evacuate their citizens before an army could take them.

P.S. Historical fun fact: George Washington was a cuck. I'm not even joking. Look it up. He raised another man's child. Why did they never teach us this in school?


having sex with children has this desired affect

What do you mean?

Soldiers are criminals that didn't have the balls to be criminals in their own country.

Not all soldiers are arabs, user.
Sterilizing your enemy's women is kind of useless when you consider that, on the off chance that they would actually produce offspring capable of military service, it still wouldn't happen for about two decades. You'd be better off just raping and murdering them like normal.

assimilating the other tribe's roasties is basic psychological warfare and humiliation of the adversary. Cologne is modern case study.

pretty edgy

>You'd be better off just raping and murdering them like normal.

Is that what actually happens? I know in ww2, which wasn't that long ago, the japs took some of the women as prostitutes, rather than murdering them.

>on the off chance that they would actually produce offspring capable of military service, it still wouldn't happen for about two decades.

Good point.

But about murdering them. Why murder them when you could send them back to the enemy? The enemy would be forced to expend resources on the women. They're not going to kill their own women, and they're not going to let them die. They're going to have to feed, house, and clothe, women that are really pretty useless in a wartime scenario.
I'd imagine it would put a real dent in their morale too.

who would fight when there is no waifu to return to?

good point. But then again, if you kill the waifu then they will fight to avenge her.
I'd imagine that making her into a useless draining hole is more demoralizing than killing her.

>people who adopt children are cucks

based on what cuckoo birds the term is coined for, yes.

there are a couple of problems:
-in societies where women work, they wont become a "net drain"
-it will take too long to have any effect on the enemy
-as far as i know, sterilization can only be done through surgical operations. there are no pills or gasses to do it

They're also welfare babbies.

>Then the women would be pretty useless and a net drain on the enemy
thats pretty fucking hilarious, you know they can also suck dick and cook?

>is that what actually happens
Only if your army is composed of literal subhumans like the japs or the nazis


I want summer to end

Sucking dick doesn't win wars. Cooking isn't worth much either, when weighed against the cost it takes to house, feed, and clothe them.

>-in societies where women work, they wont become a "net drain"

What about during war time? I know that Nazi Germany(just an example) took steps to close down businesses that weren't essential to the war effort(total war). I don't know if that's a common procedure or if it's effective, but it suggests that during war time it is necessary to have people making themselves useful to the war effort. It's my guess that women would be a net drain in that scenario.

>-as far as i know, sterilization can only be done through surgical operations. there are no pills or gasses to do it

There's got to be something. I know that it's possible to sterilize without surgery.

is something making you upset?


They would come after your waifu



Its odd you mention Germany, because every major power during WWII inducted women into the workforce to increase production - except Nazi Germany, because they believed women belonged in the home. This, combined with the fact they didn't enter total war footing until 1943, put them at a severe disadvantage. In that case, women were a net gain to war effort.

Women in antiquity would probabyl be taken as wives or enslaved, and yes, they'd literally all be raped, save a few peculiar practices of more obscure peoples than the great empires of antiquity.

Women were considered a prize to be won in war, and assimilated into whoever conquored them, unlike men, who would actively inject themselves into the genepool, women were more considered purely passive actors in reproduction.

ie: Persian man takes Greek woman in war, woman is now Persian and child is Persian. Greek slave impregnates Persian woman, child is Greek.

So it had little to do with social status, as opposed to the idea of the man as the conqueror by sex, and the woman as the conquered, with no regard to the political, financial or social relation between man and woman whatsoever.

To be honest, fear of what today is considered "cuckolding" is probably one of the biggest political shapers and motivators throughout history.

> you will never be in a close-quarters firefight with a badly-trained female machine gunner, watching her desperate expression as she struggles to keep the heavy gun level with her slender feminine arms, brass casings occasionally glancing off of her and singing her, on the verge of tears as she realizes what a mistake it was to be a soldier, and how hopelessly outclassed she is by you, now that you have her cut off from the rest of her squad, you quick-reload your AK as she is fumbling with a new belt you put two bullets into her thick tender thigh, causing her to drop with a yelp, as you approach her ready to finish her off you shoot several more times, disabling her machine gun, and shooting a gaping hole in her hand as she reaches for her sidearm, then watching as she writhes helplessly in pain, sobbing as she realizes she is about to die, the fear pounding in her chest and ears and completely drowning out all sense of reason, she becomes hysterical from the pain and terror, and you realize that shooting her now would be too easy, so you watch her for a few moments, shooting her other hand when she tries to reach for her gun, then putting a few more rounds into her calves as "punishment," and looking at her face covered in tears, her round blue eyes shining, begging you for mercy, but instead you raise your AK and put a single bullet through her chest, watching her twitch as it shreds her spine and paralyzes her, looking into her still-living eyes as her lungs stop and she is unable to move or breathe or even scream, only to die, utterly at your mercy, as you stare deep into her eyes

Now, to go back to your "sterilization" point, that could be done, as one ruler did it, by thumbs from, or taking the eyes out, of the captured enemy men, and then releasing them back into the population, thus burdening the country for an entire generation. An entire family is occupied with supporting the invalid patriarch or male heir, knee-capping them as an economic unit to the nation, and depriving them of simply replacing a dead man by making more children, as would happen if you simply killed every captured man.