Not accumulating ethereum right now

mfw title

Way ahead of ya user. It's already breaking bollinger again.

sshhh I gotta sell some others first stop shilling

Ill buy once it starts moving too busy making real money

bollinger ?

where can i buy that tshirt

I took a class back in november last year where the instructor told us all to buy etherium. That shit was worth like $0.5 at the time

why didn't we listen

lmao that's like the reverse of how it usually goes.


Thank you money skel, you have the best bones

damn i cringed hard reading that story , we'll still make it bro

he looks normal in this picture wtf

He's been working out.

>back in 2012 a friend of mine told me to buy BTC

ethereum ded


damn the neckpill is real

Wtf is "etherium"?


vitalik has the same shitty low test genes as me, except obviously he's a hundred times smarter and infinitely more wealthy....he just needs to start lifting and get bigger, he could be a chad.

yeah man i also got shit genes , small shoulders but tall , i always get jealous of wide shouldered guys

I have 3 that I bought around $40, am I gonna make it?

ETH's market cap is 30B. BTC's market cap is 60B

to put it in perspective Target - the store - their market cap is 30Billion. These "coins" are way overvalued and there is no reason for them to go higher, or even close to 600B (range for top ten market caps)

this entire bubble is crazy and will not last

I can't wait for the McAfee sponsored No Coiner Genocide.

I've got wide shoulders AND more bitcoins than you, now what, faggot?

Just like the internet bubble and the e-commerce bubble.

Buy Iota. Now

nice larp

wait, so we should be accumulating, or we shouldn't?

Bollinger=champagne , breaking Bollinger =opening champagne, opening champagne =moon

those bubbles we're based on businesses , not currencies or stores of value. Therefore crypto marketcap is untethered by these laws imo.

oh wow

did your friend get some?

lmao this board is so dumb, everyone is going to be wrecked by the next crash I can't fucking wait

yeah, he sold at

>comparing a business market cap to a crypto's market cap

They aren't the same thing retard.


My scam sense is tingling, so i'll stay out of this one.