Barack Obama

How will he be remembered?

As a corrupt globalist.

A mistake. Even from a Democrat standpoint he was a massive failure.

Stymied by obstructionists.

idk, wait 25 years and come back


ot bad

As a decent president. Not great, not terrible, just decent. His most memorable achievement will be his election since his healthcare reform was fucked over.

didn't tweet enough

Obamacare aka disastercare is cancerous, thank fuck Trump is geting rid of that shit.


yeah fuck being healthy and living

For spending a significant amount of time and millions of dollars on training a mighty army of four Syrian rebels to take down the whole of ISIS

Trump's gonna make him look like the greatest president ever

You are the reason American political discourse is intellectually flatlining.

His most memorable achievement will be killing Osama

O-haters, please explain what the guy's done wrong. He never crashed the ship of state, he ran policy smoothly and never suffered a public crisis of confidence. What more could you ask for?

>Bailing out the banks? Unpopular, but saving the system he represented
>Arab Spring? You can't make him responsible for the ME being such an unstable shithole. To his credit, it never escalated
>health care? Yeah, well his bills passed-

The most you can expect out of a politician I think

He's right, Obamacare is a disaster.

>it never escalated
Are you trolling?

*to a point which required US direct involvement. Gadaffi, IS, all that shit. That's standard overseas shitfest type stuff

>It never escalated

>it never escalated

>US direct involvement
Libya got bombed to the stone age by American air force you dense nigger.

>fixates on one phrase via samefagging
>can't refute a single word

epic!!! fuckin uppol dis shite my red pill'd dude :)))

0 troops on the ground.

What does that matter?

as the first WE president.

I can guarantee that'll be his highlight in our kids' shitty history books

bombings are the modern equivalent of gunboat diplomacy. It matters in the sense that he suffered no domestic kickback for it, and the policy object of destabilizing Libya was successful.

Actually, the one thing I can fault him is for his later domestic policies to inflame racial tensions by cheerleading for BLM. But that's it

>your only claim to fame is being a nigger
Embarrassing. What's it with Americans and their "first [insert minority] to do X" bullshit? It's so comical especially in their sports and politics.

Who gives a fuck whether there were troops in the ground, the country still got destroyed and left in chaos you troglodyte. No different than Iraq.

Is this board seriously becoming a second /pol/?
This is undeniabily a political thread, where the fuck are the mods??


lol, you are actually pathetic. Go home fag

Everyone here is obsessed with being the first of something. It's mostly blacks anyway. 90% of negroes here think today's whites owe them something for what their ancestors did to their ancestors. Thus, EVERYTHING is an accomplishment for them.

>no argument

>only claim to fame

Don't know about that, Obamacare is turning out to be more resilient than I would have thought.

Yesterday's politics are today's history. Veeky Forums is literally /oldpol/

I want to know how people think he will go down in history. Obama is a part of history now.

If I posted this on /pol/, I wouldn't get a single decent response.

>before Obamacare: you need to pay an arm and leg to get healthcare
>with Obamacare:you need to pay an arm and leg to get healthcare and we'll fine you if you don't

being a heel for Qaddafi while simultaneously having no job as a full time conspiracy theorist must really suck bro

What are you even talking about you terrorist faggot.

Read the rules, though.

Veeky Forums is for discussion of things that happened at least 25 years ago, and is specifically not supposed to be "/pol/ with dates.

In what way? Because it didn't go far enough to guarantee coverage for everyone? Or because it infringed on some retarded definition of freedom? Or because it was intentionally sabotaged in order to cause prices to steadily rise past a sustainable point?

recommended subs: /r/thedonald

>actually supporting the bombing of Libya

Kinda like Carter

a guy who tried
didn't actually succeed but he tried
at least he's the first black president (like the first plebeian consul of Rome that won't mean too much though).

No one was samefagging those replies you moron, that's just the reaction you get when you say something so fucking retarded. The reason I didn't take the time to refute it properly was because it should be obvious to anyone that 'it never escalated' is completely fucking wrong. But seeing as you're too dense to understand that let me spell it out for you. Obama had the opportunity in late 2012 to send aid/military assistance to anti-Assad rebels BEFORE the Islamists gained a significant foothold in the region. He failed. Recognizing the chaos of Syria and the lack of US intervention, Islamic groups seized the opportunity to exert their control in Syria. In desperation the rebels aligned themselves with IS and al-Nusra, escalating the shitshow. At this point the fucking US ambassador to Syria resigned and said himself that he couldn't justify Obama's policy. Assad even uses chemical weapons (which was Obama's 'red line') and no action is taken. All the while Russia sees US weakness in the region as a chance to intervene on behalf of Assad, saving him from defeat and lengthening the war by several years. So yes, I would say that it fucking escalated


I was not talking about its merits, which is a /pol/ topic. I was taking about the fact that it is taking much more time and effort to repeal than I would have thought. I'm starting to think we'll still have it in place by 2018.

>anti-Assad rebels
>the islamists
Those are the same people.

I don't have a strong opinion, but it clearly did not hurt American international interests. As crisis management, the US effort of the Arab Spring never completely dropped the ball. I don't know what else you expect, IS is in the process of being curbed as we speak

>politician doesn't take one historical window we know in retrospect with hindsight 20/20
>that means he's the worst of all time, ever

Yeah, I don't see this as a major smear on the man's policy

>it clearly did not hurt American international interests
Obviously, since American interests are Israeli interests. Your entire country serves as a puppet to them.

My point is they didn't start off as the same, yet through desperation that's what happened. In the end the vast majority of moderates either went home or became buddy buddy with IS and al-Nusra

Why provide an assistance to anti-Assad rebels to begin with instead of arming Assad himself?

for a N

They were islamists from the get go. The fact they weren't a part of al-Nusra from the get go is irrelevant, they were always islamists and the "democratic opposition" was a literal hoax spread by the like of McCain.

>before Obamacare: millions uninsured
>with Obamacare: millions insured

>and now bankrupt but that's okay

>people having to take out loans so they can get healthcare
>this is a good thing in Obamistan

Historians will play up the first black angle because there's nothing else to play up and the narrative can't afford to call the first black president among the least effectual. People outside of the neoliberal bubble will regard him as the Democratic party's Gerald Ford; A complete non-factor that was only there because the previous guy really screwed up, and was replaced by an extremist(Carter being an extreme pussy to Trump's extreme dick).

>medical bankruptcies were already at an all-time high before Obamacare
It's like you're both purposefully stupid.

>Veeky Forums
>following rules

Since Obamacare was signed into law, medical bankruptcies have been cut in half.

And Obamacare does precisely nothing to fix that.

You can always tell the redditors by the fact they're rulecucks.

Because it was believed, perhaps naively, that an overthrow of Assad and the set up of a pro-US democratic government might just happen.

The FSA didn't begin with a clearly defined Islamist goal. It was a loose conglomeration of factions all opposed to Assad for various reasons. To say that they were all Islamists would be wrong. The idea of a 'democratic' opposition is slightly more questionable, but not everyone who took arms against Assad in 2012 was an Islamist

I consider him one of the worst presidents.

During his presidency:

>Our laws have not been enforced.
>Our boarders became wide open.
>Mass illegal immigrations without any regulation.
>He was a very weak leader in regards to global stances and social turmoil within the United States.
>The situation In the Middle East became the worst its ever been during his presidency.
>Basically created isis.
>The United States global image has suffered under his presidency.

He was a terrible leader.

The only thing he was good at is public speaking, man he was good at that!


Worst foreign policy debacle in decades. Being utterly out played by Russia and Iran.

>Our boarders became wide open.
No, that was a problem since Reagan. Reagan didn't secure the border and even slapped an amnesty on a few million illegal spics, Bush Sr. left like it was, Clinton did nothing to secure the border, neither did Bush Jr. Obama's biggest crime when it comes to border security was doing the same shit those cuckold before him did, which is nothing.

Are you a moron? GWB was right before him and he started the Iraq War over phony intelligence.

1) 25 year rule.
2) No idea what will happen decades after but being the First Black President will always make him notable.

Prices only started to rapidly rise after chucklefucks like Rubio gutted the subsidy program used to help insurance companies offset their losses in covering people with pre-existing. The simple fact is that crybaby republicans spent their time trying to sabotage the law rather than trying to come up with viable alternatives (easy to see why considering how shitty their proposals have been up to this point). The funny thing is Obama went with the ACA because he thought it would get bi-partisan support, because after all it was almost word-for-word what the Heritage foundation pushed in the early 90's to oppose Dem healthcare proposals back then. Obama's biggest failure with the ACA was that he should have just pushed through UHC and have been done with it for good.

>Pitying Gaddafi.
You're so cool.

Anyway, he was still overthrown by his own people. You can run all the air campaigns you like, but if you truly have the complete "love of da bibol" your government wouldn't be toppled by a bunch of airstrikes.

Obama basically took the worst aspects of both and combined them into ACA.

>(((his own people)))
You mean foreign Al-Qaida combatants.

First Black president; created a climate for Trump to take over.
May or may not be remembered for Obamacare

>Le foreign fighter argument
His own people still. They wouldve resisted the foreigners then instead of snowballing the rebellion against him.

>Implying Gaddaffi isn't a terror sponsor himself.

>Algerians, Syrians, Egyptians, Moroccans, Saudis and Mauretanians are Gaddafi's own people

Obama's biggest failure is that he didn't make it universal

all of his polities seem half-assed now. GOP was going to hate anything that wasn't giving insurance companies free-reign over everything so he should've disregarded them.

And left Iraq in a relatively stable state which Obama then trashed completely and Iraq now ends up allying closely with Iran. Someone with Down syndrome could've done a better job.

>relatively stable state
Oh my god where are you fucking retards coming from? Are people in America really this delusional?

My point was many Libyans willingly fought alongside these people to fuck him up instead of fighting them. So he was STILL toppled by his own people.

>May or may not be remembered for Obamacare
I think he'll be remembered for the ACA in the same way Wilson is remembered for the League of Nations. If the US eventually moves on to a single-payer system, which I think is looking increasingly likely, he'll be remembered much better.

>relatively stable state
>this is what retards actually believe

Friendly face on a slowly dying capitalistic empire.

The USA in general will not be remembered too fondly by future generations, except for its movies and music.

Yeah, a handful of Libyan islamists. Which wouldn't have happened if not for the air strikes.

To be fair it may not have been 'relatively stable' as his post says, but there's no denying that it got a lot, lot worse during Obama's presidency

Do you not u detest and what relatively means? The Iraq war was over, Bush left Iraq stabilised after the surge Obama behaved like a moron leading to ISIS running rampage, it's literally all his fault.

The Iran deal and just generally unsuccessful.
Honestly, if the State Department did create ISIS, it was a brilliant move. The main thin ISIS did was shoot up people we didn't like, instigate an expensive Russian intervention in Syria while they were under serious financial strain, get the Saudis to waste money while they were already losing money from the oil slump, and get a bunch of ragheads in one place to get skullfucked by the USAF. But that's not all. Nobody even fucking noticed they were being manipulated, because they all think the Americans are too incompetent to come up with such a scheme

>And left Iraq in a relatively stable state
During the occupation. You want occupation to be forever?

It was already a screw up long before Obonggo sat his ass in the White House.

Worst president in a long long time.

Bush didn't leave Iraq stabilized, it was a total shithole with a Detroit tier murder rate and terrorist attacks going off every few minutes. Investors outright refused to invest in Iraq because it was so unstable.

He was actively topped by the U.S. and NATO.

And that stability was untenable during the 08 crisis which Bush let it happen

and porn

don't forget our porn

The main thing ISIS did was completely and utterly destroy the American's already fragile reputation in the Middle East

Objectively, pretty bad.

Only good thing he did was Obamacare and he half assed it as well.

We still have troops all over Europe. We still have troops all over S Korea.
