Dubs decide if i invest my 500€ on dentist or cryptos

Dubs decide if i invest my 500€ on dentist or cryptos.

Additional info: my teeth hurt ocassionally

don't you have health insurance?

invest on crypto, make 100% ROI, spend initial investment on dentist

dentist nigger, do not fuck your teeth up. you're going to be worth a lot in the future either way and regret immeasurably it if you don't take care of them. mess your teeth up and you can never undo it. no matter how much money you make.


dubs. dentist

I almost died from an infected tooth once, so I'd say denty

this. I waited like 5 years before removing my wisdom teeth (they were hurting ocasionally too). the dentist was a shady eastern european guy, removed my 4 teeth at the same time, I thought I was dying. Ate soup for a month after this. Dont believe anyone that tells you its painless. But Im glad I did it. sorry for poor englisherino Im a mountain jew.

Invest it in alts. Enjoy your pain OP

eh? My wisdom teeth are basically half out ATM, I dont see an issue with my teeth (I can see them)
any reason for you removing your teeth? was it just the pain? I don't feel anything

Please take care of your teeth user. Doing it now saves you from pain and embarrassment later.

Implants won't feel the same and you'll feel like a freak even if you can afford them.

If you don't take care of your gums now you'll have permanent bad breath forever as your tooth roots decay with plaque sealing bacteria in.

I am not murican. We have free dentist here but the line is like half a year. I am talking about going to a private dentist.

you can buy fake teeth once you're rich

With crypto i can get golden teeth. How long does it take to grow 500€ to full golden teeth?

oh gee universal healthcare is so great! I get to wait for treatment!!

i got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out at the same time too, they put me out and i woke up and didn't feel shit.

recovery was minimal pain, was good in like a week. guess i got lucky

oh boy

rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide.

if that doesn't get rid of the pain then go to the next level: rinse with colloidal silver.

fire up your favorite crypto exchange account and get to trading.

thank me later once the tooth pain goes away and you've turned the $500 to $5.5 million.


Best investment is in yourself first. You'll be paying a lot more down the road if you don't fix them now.

Kill two birds with one stone and invest in Dentacoin (DCN)

This is what Americans think.

dude, do you know how implants work? they fucking drill a screw into your jawbone and put a tooth crown on top. this can cause complications to the surrounding tissue, like recession on the surrounding teeth. you can end up with your jawbone fucked up because the dentist screwed up your surgery. all sorts of shit. implants (and dental surgery in general) are considered the wrong way. they are for when shit is severely fucked up and drastic measures are required to keep use of your mouth. they are NOT there for fun games or because you think taking care of your mouth is retarded. you want to avoid as much of this shit as possible. you can fuck your mouth up so badly that you can't even get implants, they have to slice your gums open and graft cadaver bone to your jaw bone so you even have enough bone to support the shit.

this shit is all barbaric and horrific. the ONLY reason it's there is so that people who got REALLY fucked up can keep eating. prevention is the only thing that works 100% and part of that is seeing your dentist regularly

mine were basically growing horizontally, the dentist had to open with a scaplel, and break them into several pieces with a fucking hammer and pliers. It was years ago but I still remember the sound of it. The point is, just go to the dentist and remove them, even if they hurt "a few days every year". You will be glad you did it. Also buy monero


there'll be other opportunities to get rich

Seriously this. Yeah you can get implants done, but your bite will always be fucked up and your jaw will always feel fucked up, and you spend 100% of your time awake feeling the inside of your mouth. Don't fuck that up.

that said don't get fucking weird and overdo it on the hygiene, if you brush too hard or for too long (2 minutes is recommended, twice daily) you will wear away your teeth and gums leading to bad problems as well. same if you overdo it with floss and use too much force or do it excessively.

Fuck you bitch, reading your post actually made my jaw hurt.

pull them out. sell to china man.
invest all in crypto

Those dumb Americans not having "free" health care.

Btw if you get dentures your jawbone actually disintegrates because it doesn't have to support your teeth anymore. This is why old people stereotypically have short, shrunken faces

Pic related

shit you were awake for that shit? I got knocked the fuck out so that's probably why

t. yourfriendlydentist

yep in switzerland it depends on your age. Under 18 years old they can give you full anesthesia. Over 18 you have to watch the dentist/surgeon break your bones with partial anesthesia only. Not sure why. Had the same thing with my knees, I had a tumoral growth on my knee. First time I was a minor, so I was asleep. Second time I was awake to watch the full operation. Not sure how it is in other countries.

what the fuck is the origin of this "t." shit anyway