What did Jesus truly sacrifice? His humanity...

What did Jesus truly sacrifice? His humanity? Why is it a big deal that a God who can revive himself and is all powerful "died"?

Also while I'm at it, didn't Judas sacrifice more as human than Jesus did? God created this man just to betray Jesus and then God punished Judas not only by taking his life but also his eternal soul? If anything shouldn't Judas be pitied by the Christian churches?

Pic related: It's where I got the idea that Judas was actually the person who died for our sins since Judas actually did die, didn't come back and is probably burning in Hell.

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Do you think judas ever went to heaven? Maybe he found redemption

You're essentially correct; if we could come up with a coherent account of Jesus as a god, then he didn't sacrifice anything.

Therefore, you should reject Christianity and review other religions. Hint: 4th C. Hellenes represent a theological high-point in human history, bar none.

just some we wuz human sacrifice tier shit

It was out of Judas's free will that he betrayed Jesus. He didn't accept the savior, so therefore, he refused God's offer of mercy

If you achieved godhead, and you were God, and you were in heaven, enjoying life as only God could.....

Would you come down from heaven and be born poor, in a backwater nation, in a garrison town, the laughingstock of your own people?

Would you let go of being God and become a mortal man doomed to die?

Would you let go of your perfection and seek to be tortured to death, so that some of your creation might be redeemed?

No, one of the things about the suffering of Jesus is to know, without doubt, that He took all of our suffering on Him, and with His infinite capacity for suffering, suffered more than mankind did, collectively, throughout history.

The physical was bad enough; a new word had to be coined to show how painful crucifixion is: excruciating.

But the spiritual suffering, becoming sin, made the physical pain nothing.

And the splitting of the godhead, being alone for the first time in eternity, is something we will never understand. And worse than we can possibly imagine.

Judas was possessed by the devil, and was a liar, a thief, and a murderer, just like the devil. Killing himself was euthanasia.

The muslims think Judas dies on the cross in Jesus' place; maybe in hell you'll bump into Judas and you'll both have a laugh.

>no being should die for other's sins, that's prohibited - torah

fucking joke of a religion

I've already rejected Christianity or at least have extreme doubts about it.
Give me some info on 4th C. Hellenes theology friend, I love studying ancient and modern mythology and religion.

>Out of free will
Except for Jesus predicted it making it the unchangeable future and when God made Judas and knew what his life would be like.
This "Judas had free will" explanation doesn't work just like how "the pharaoh had free will" explanation doesn't work because God hardened his heart so he wouldn't change his mind.
Also on that subject, doesn't that imply the Pharaoh would of let Moses' people go if God hadn't hardened his heart? So all God did was kill people to be a dick? How is that all Loving?

Jesus was above being, tard

He became man, and did actually die.

The reason it couldn't be Judas is because the sacrifice must be the correct sacrifice. A pure sacrifice is needed to obviate the condition of sin. Moreover, there was a need for the actual fulfilment of the righteousness required by the law. Judas, as a sinner, couldn't do that. Only a sinless man can.

>shouldn't Judas be pitied by the Christian churches?
He kind of is.

>He became a man, and did actually die
But then he became a God so why does it matter? It's very odd that this is seen as some big tribute to us. I don't think it would be very hard to find a man who's willing to die and then become a God.
>The reason it couldn't be Judas
I'm not saying Judas was the son of God, I'm saying he was sacrificed for our sins. This really isn't that debatable. Did God not use him as a sacrifice/catalyst to sacrifice Jesus? Did Judas not lose more than Jesus himself? Jesus simply "lost" his "humanity" to become God, while Judas lost his one and only life, his soul, and his reputation on Earth. The more I think about it the more Jesus starts to resemble Griffith with Judas being his sacrifice to ascend to godhood.
>He kind of is
Not by the mainstream. He is hated more so than anything. Being a Judas is literally an insult.

>What did Jesus truly sacrifice? His humanity? Why is it a big deal that a God who can revive himself and is all powerful "died"?

How do you know Jesus came back to life?


> Also while I'm at it, didn't Judas sacrifice more as human than Jesus did? God created this man just to betray Jesus and then God punished Judas not only by taking his life but also his eternal soul?

Jews are all collectively guilty for the crime of following Moses.

>just some we wuz human sacrifice tier shit



> Would you come down from heaven and be born poor, in a backwater nation, in a garrison town, the laughingstock of your own people?
>Would you let go of being God and become a mortal man doomed to die?

Jesus is God in flesh, God is not Jesus in spirit.

I'm not sure what else makes sense. Jesus had to die. He had to be betrayed. Someone had to do it. How can you punish them for it?

>But then he became a God so why does it matter?
Okay, so you're retarded or trolling. Got it.

Judas is a saint, A SAINT

Judas is being punished for killing himself not for his betrayl of Jesus.

Coming down from Heaven and taking the form of Man, a being infinitely lower in every way than God, is a bigger deal than most realize.

Judas acted in his own free will against Christ. The fact that God knows what will happen does not imply influence, only perception of events. If Judas confessed his sins and begged forgiveness rather than hanging himself he may have been saved. We can never know what became of him until we see it ourselves.

Glad to hear you have rejected Hebrew mythology.

If we're focusing purely on theology, then Plato & Aristotle represent the highest achievements of mankind.

Here is a recent Veeky Forums thread where their teachings were used to show that we have eternal life:

5th to 3rd century Hellas and China represent a high point in many fields of study.

To create humanity, God had to allow for evil. The creation of evil makes God responsible for evil and thus wicked. This corruption of the divine will is rectified through divine retribution against God Himself, to restore his original purity. However, this act of justice is taken upon the Divine Logos, whom being one with God, is an apt substitute.

"I have glorified You on earth by accomplishing the work You gave Me to do. And now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory I had with You before the world existed."

This is not only the exact opposite of Christianity; it's a denial of monotheism entirely. OP asked about what Christian churches teach.

Am Christian. Solved the problem of evil.
Churches are a buffet of lies.
"If you were blind, you wouldn't be guilty," Jesus replied. "But you remain guilty because you claim you can see."

>Hint: 4th C. Hellenes represent a theological high-point in human history, bar none.
If that's true why'd they get btfo by Christians?

They didn't. Christianity literally didn't exist in the 4th century. Classical Hellenes and Chinese lived and died, generation after generation, without faith in Hebrew mythology.

Because if you get to know God, He isn't a very rational thinker.

>God created this man just to betray Jesus and then God punished Judas not only by taking his life but also his eternal soul? If anything shouldn't Judas be pitied by the Christian churches?
that's why the recently discovered gospel of Judas is so interesting because it raises this point. It turns the other gospels on their heads and has Judas working with Jesus to fulfill the prophecy of his crucifixion.