How did France come to support a literal monarch so soon after the revolution...

How did France come to support a literal monarch so soon after the revolution? Isn't this exactly what they fought to stop in the first place?

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Napoleon was based though

They could make an exception for him.

Better a king chosen by the people than a king chosen by nobody.

It was only the extremists in Paris who wanted to abolish the monarchy entirely, not the French as a whole.

They had enough of people like Robespierre sperging out

The revolution was a ghastly, bloody affair fraught with anarchy and wanton killing. When Napoleon declared that the revolution was finally over, most people breathed a sigh of relief. Even people who hated the monarchy were glad to see order, at last, restored.

Revolutions never works out in the end

10 years of continual warfare sucks. People are willing to give up their principle for stability.

The original intent of the revolution was to put a constitutional monarchy in place
Than radicals ruined it and it became a bloody mess until napoleon took over

t. thermidorian scum

Emperor > King

but then they ended up with years of continual warfare
and then put up Napoleon III, confirming that continual warfare was a lot of fun for them.

even though Napoleon was an autocrat he still embodied the revolutionary ideals and actively worked to improve French society by writing a new legal code. After so many years of bloody factionary conflict people were willing to sacrifice the democracy part of the revolution for the stability of an autocrat, but that doesn't mean the revolution ended. Napoleon could hardly have been farther from a restoration of the ancien regime.

Wasn't the French Revolution practically the birth of what would come to be communism? I recall some radical faction led by clergy having rhetoric and goals eerily similar to communists a hundred years later

plebs realizing that they lack the cognitive capacity to govern themselves.

only if you like border gore and ugly character portraits

>and then put up Napoleon III
He became emperor throught a coup d'état

I wonder if Nappy really looked like that. Man, if he had only lived a few more years, we could have had a photograph of him. Well, the old Saint Helena him, in any case.

Well, he did just as good of a job at bankrupting the country through endless warfare.

Napoleon had managed to end the Revolutionary Wars though
But then Brits got butthurt about having lost and started the Napoleonic Wars

>That Tartaria
Ugliest thing in the game

Revolutionaries originally didn't want a republic, they wanted either an enlightened despot or a constitutional monarch. It was just that the Bourbons were fucking retarded.

So when they got a leader that wasn't a retard and pushed the reforms they wanted in the first place (and beat the shit out of all their enemies) they wanted to have his children.

There are a lot of paintings of him that keep pretty consistent, and he looks like fucking kingraven on them so I doubt he's beautified

reminder that napoleon never once declared war
all of these were defensive wars for france