ETH is going wayyyy way up on a Monday baby. Only a few dollars away from breaking all time high...

ETH is going wayyyy way up on a Monday baby. Only a few dollars away from breaking all time high, I'm putting my bets on by the end of the day will have a new record boys.

NO ETH holders on suicide watch.

Isn't ath around $400?

$420 blaze it

I wish, but that wish may come true by Wednesday honestly. We're sitting at $339

Yesterday they were laughing at me.
I bought 4 ETH anyways at $290.
Today is a good day.

I only have 3, but I bought them at around $30.

>mfw I bought 160 ether at $30, but quickly sold all but 3 when it started crashing immediately after

No need to brag, I'm here for a few years now user.
It kinda hurts a bit to pay so much now, I admit that

Better call suicide watch on me because I traded 100 ethers at 302 for NEO at ATH

I'm not trying to brag. I actually bought those 160 ether to prove a point: that shit WILL crash as soon as I buy into it.
And it did.

Even made a thread on here predicting an ether drop as soon as I bought, but it's going to be a bitch to find after all these months.

I only kept the 3 ether because of my autism; I must keep at least a small portion of whatever I buy and sell so I never have to regret selling all of it.

Holy shit dude what made you do that?
NEO is literally a hyped 1-man band with no working product

ATH soon?
What utter bullshit.
It's 0.08 btc, that's a long way back to 0.14 btc. ATH? LoL?

I don't give a fuck about $ values.
I'm not cashing out, I need more BTC through trading, faggots.

ETH has been patient but not for long

buying neo is definitely not a bad idea, especially now

buying it at ath is another thing though

You win some you lose some. Just gotta HODL until NEO gets something up and running. I have a friend who got me into ETH originally and stands by both technologies. I'm sure NEO will make a come back sometime before next year. Also need OMG to break a new ATH by the end of the year.

Yeah first emotional buy. I was freaking out because my friend told me to buy antshares and reminded me everyday to buy when it became NEO. so when he made 10x his initial investment I panicked. Lesson learned for fucking sure

I would buy ETH but I'm all in on OMG which is skeletal supported anyway.

>before next year
you're talking crypto here
can happen within a month easily

True that man. Lets keep our fingers crossed

>tfw converted half of my OMG holdings to ETH last night

I need it to get back to 0.09 at least.

trick is for europe and america to hold the price up until the asians wake up in 7 hours

so they can cash out? how nice of them

Neo cum drinkers must be looking for rope right now