Sabrina Pasterski built a single engine airplane by the time she was 14 y/o, at 16 became the youngest person ever to fly their own plane; graduated MIT in 3 years with a 5.0 GPA and is now 24 at Harvard getting a PhD in high energy physics.
Wyatt White
shit wrong board lmamo
Henry Ross
I just want to see her asshole.
Gabriel Bailey
and we should give a shit?
Daniel Roberts
> Rich Jew winds up successful.
Great story, OP.
Landon Long
will bang
Andrew Cox
Literally everything in her life was built and created by men. Try again, user.
Asher Bailey
so clone this ugly
Christopher Wood
Veeky Forums
Ethan Hill
good for her.
what have you done' op ?
made a bunch of troll posts online ?
Isaiah Fisher
I also browse reddit
Jonathan Perez
Congrats op. You found one woman out of millions that isn't a useless roastie and might actually contribute something to society besides her gash.
I have a question. Dont you think the fact that so much effort is placed on being like "hey guyz I found a woman who's not useless" kind of proves the point that most of them are useless?
Eli Murphy
Gas the cunt.
Robert Hill
why did she draw 7th Semester QED operator fields and not her own reasearch stuff on the blackboard
Brandon Butler
So yet another sheeple getting degrees after degrees. 24 already :) If she was succesful she would have already founded a billion dollar company or contributed to science with some innovation. Anybody can learn books at school, that's the exact opposite of success
Gavin Gray
((((((((((Oi Veeeeeeeeey))))))))))
Blake Jackson
>Sabrina Pasterski built a single engine airplane by the time she was 14 y/o It's a greatly exaggerated hoax with no evidence It was the idea of her parents to spread this hoax so that everyone knows about muh smart kid but she feels cringe every time her dad tells that story to strangers This
Aaron Morris
That fivehead though...
Brody Kelly
-T. high school dropout
Tyler Davis
at her age i was doing drugs and getting my dick sucked
who really won at life?
Matthew Green
t neet retard
Connor Phillips
Literally who? Men built civilization self-loath-fag.
Asher Butler
Christ I could land a single engine plane in that cleft
Jackson Diaz
Don't turn this shit into men vs women. This woman is probably some sort of genius and 99.99999% of men or women could never compete. Let's see if she can provide some actual value to the world upon graduating. I hope she does.
Cooper Ward
When I hear stories like these, I always wonder what the path of such people is like. I mean, how do you get so good at such a young age? I guess that parents with appriopriate background still play some role.
Nicholas Jones
Men invented the airplane over a hundred fucking years ago.