How do you decide which coins are worth buying? Where to get information on which coins are going to moon?

How do you decide which coins are worth buying? Where to get information on which coins are going to moon?

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I guess

Whatever has a slick website and a cool logo

from /biz ofc

I buy whichever has the spiciest memes, has worked really well so far.

1-2 hours of podcast, 1-2 hours of browsing subreddits and 0.5hours of youtube every day

Lurk Veeky Forums and watch youtube

Gut feeling



Which podcasts?

I'm also wondering what podcast. Are there any good crypto podcasts? I never even thought about it

Would you mind telling what podcasts?

neocash radio

Not trading podcasts but I like their interviews.

World crypto network is the best youtube channel for btc any shit coin research i do i use reddit

Ripple technology is currently being adopted in china and south korea as we speak and will be mooning soon. You can thank me for the heads up later

whoever gets dubs, i buy

most pumps are done by whales, the rest is big news which you can read on social networks and stuff

>up 40% today
>"will soon be mooning"

This is nothing more than hype pushing the price at the moment, Ripple hasnt even released their big announcement about Asia yet. Just wait ath will be broken

What podcast

So invest in ripple or nah?
t. newfag to Veeky Forums

if you think about it too much you'll lose

The truth is Ripple doesn't have that much more room to moon, unless you believe it will overtake BTC or ETH in market cap.

Its currently at 0.22940100¢ i'd get in while its still under 0.30 because it'll be at 0.50 before you know it.
Remember ripple is already being used by large banks and as soon as other banks see all the money these banks are saving each year it'll catch on quick

It has a very good chance of overtaking BTC's market cap considering the fact that its already been implemented into real world use and big banks are adopting it quickly

Put a hundred USD in each of these coins.


check back in a year from now.

10-12 hours of Veeky Forums everyday

Name 5 big banks that actually use Ripple

Banks that use ripple technology
Accenture[51]•Akbank[52]•ATB Financial[53]•Axis Bank[52]•Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)[52]•BMO Financial Group[54]• Cambridge Global Payments[52]•Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)[53]• CBW Bank[3]•CGI Group[55]•Cross River Bank[3]• Davis + Henderson (D+H)[56]•Deloitte[57]• Earthport[40]• Expertus[58]• eZforex[52]•Fidor Bank[39]•Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)[52]•Mizuho Financial Group (MHFG)[54]•National Australia Bank (NAB)[54]•National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD)[53]• ReiseBank[53]•Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)[54]•Santander[59]•SBI Holdings[60]• SBI Remit[52]• Shanghai Huarui Bank (SHRB)[54]•Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)[54]•Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB)[52]•Standard Chartered[54]• Star One Credit Union[52]• Tas Group[61]•Temenos Group[57]•UBS[53]•UniCredit Group[53]• Volante Technologies[62]•Westpac Banking Corp[54]• Yantra Financial Technologies[63]•Yes Bank[52]

Veeky Forums works as a small sample size for how crypto traders are feeling as a whole

if most of Veeky Forums wants to buy something or make it moon, most likely so does everyone else

dont take too big of risks and dont panic sell any coin with a good engine behind it

List of banks that are publicly experimenting with ripple technology

Aeon Bank[64]•Aomori Bank[64]• Ashikaga Bank[64]•Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)[65]• Awa Bank[64]•Bank of England[66]•Bank of the Ryukyus[64]•Bank of Yokohama[64]•Chiba Bank[64]• Chugoku Bank[64]•Commonwealth Bank of Australia[43]• Daiwa Next Bank[64]•DBS Group Holdings[67]• Fukui Bank[64]• Gunma Bank[64]• Hachijuni Bank[64]• Hiroshima Bank[64]•Hokuriku Bank[64]• Hyakugo Bank[64]• Iyo Bank[64]• Juroku Bank[64]• Keiyo Bank[64]•Michinoku Bank[64]•Mizuho Financial Group[64]• Musashino Bank[64]• Nishi-Nippon City Bank[64]• North Pacific Bank[64]• Oita Bank[64]• Orix Bank Corporation[64]• Resona Bank[64]•Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)[68]• San-in Godo Bank[64]•SAP[69]• SBI Sumishin Net Bank[64]• Senshu Ikeda Bank[64]•Seven Bank[64]• Shimizu Bank[64]• Shinkin Central Bank[64]•Shinsei Bank[64]• Sikoku Bank[64]•Sony Bank[64]• Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank[64]• Suruga Bank[64]•The 77 Bank[64]•The Daishi Bank[64]•The Nomura Trust & Banking Co.[64]• Tochigi Bank[64]•Toho Bank[64]•Tokyo Star Bank[64]• Tsukuba Bank[64]•Western Union[32]• Yachiyo Bank[64]•Yamagata Bank[64]•Yamaguchi Bank[64]

Those are members. Not banks that actually use it for their b2b transactions, because those don't exist.
"publicly experimenting" means literally nothing.

Both of these lists are from 2016 and have grown since then

Fuck your mother if you want fuck

Hate all you want but screenshot this convo so ypu can read it and cry later on while smaet investors laugh from atop their money bags

Veeky Forums told me to buy trumpcoin and ETH when they were mooning and I made huge gains.

Now I hope the streak continues with Bitcoin Cash.

I try to catch when a coin first gets mentioned on Veeky Forums and then use the euphoria levels/number of threads as a litmus test on when to sell

Mate you copied those lists from Wikipedia and didn't even bother to check.
Accenture isn't a fucking bank and has 'agreed to integrate it in their advisory services'. Accenture does not 'use ripple'
Akbank 'signed on to the ripple global network'. Nowhere does the article mention Akbank uses ripple for anything.
For ATB Financial the 'source' is fucking (lol) and again it doesn't mention the bank using them for anything.
Axis' case is identical to Akbank and actually taken from the same article.

Those are just the first 4 but I could go on. Banks watch Ripple with interest? Sure. Banks use ripple for interbank payments? Fucking bullshit.

Ripple is being experimented with just like every other coin. To say it is integrated in real-world use and used by big banks is a categorical lie and a lazy shilling attempt.

This is coming from a Ripple holder btw but for fuck's sake tone it down with the bullshit.

Ripples been around way longer than all the spam coins flooding the market js

99% of coins arent being experimented with just speculated

Buy Bitcoin low
Sell Bitcoin high

Rabbi mordecai

>called EQT
>called BCH
>cousin Moishe called NEO
>called DNT
>called XMR

Best guy to listen to

Are you me? It works by the way.

What wallet and exchange should i use if i live in Poland? pls tell