Why didn't America invade Japan after ww2 and take their land for themselves?

Why didn't America invade Japan after ww2 and take their land for themselves?

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They were afraid of the yellow warrior

Old-style colonialism was quickly going out of vogue especially amongst western nations.

We liberate and not opress

>Free shit, more land was going out of vogue

Don't understand this

Marxists and other leftists were gaining more influence in society, so anti-colonialism gained popularity.

This. Your country is a beacon of freedom and democracy.

Citizens of western nations like the US were beginning to think that the Imperialism of the 19th Century was wrong. Following World War II Britain, France and other European nations were more or less forced to give up their old colonies, due to native rebellion or outside pressure. It doesn't help that World War II was fought against a guy obsessed with conquering the land around him.

Essentially people began to think that Colonialism was morally wrong. Doesn't matter in the end, western nations, for better or worse, were still able to control countries in other ways besides the simple conquer and rule.

Marxists are imperialists.

We did. We occupied them and have military bases all over their country. The trade we do with Japan does for us what old-school colonialism used to do for Europe.

>Doesn't matter in the end, western nations, for better or worse, were still able to control countries in other ways besides the simple conquer and rule

I think this deserves more emphasis. You're acting as if public moral outrage was the driving force behind ending colonialism, after which modern corporate-style resource extraction happened to come along. In reality it was more a case of the modern, more effective type of colonialism displacing its precursor.

Turns out its really hard and really not worth the effort trying to keep huge populations hostile to you under wraps all the time.

Basically genocide is tiring and inefficient.

America goes to war to virtue signal not to take land.

Free trade actually provides more wealth than economic exploitation in the long run, just as slavery is an inefficient labor system compared with wage slavery.

There was literally nothing of value in Japan at that time. The whole reason Japan became an expansionist military state in the industrial era was because they had no natural resources.

second to the right is fucking sexy I wanna fuck her while her friends watch

America is too nice to commit genocides or conquest like certain other barbarian nations.

>was a beacon of freedom and democracy.

This. Especially if you have to run for re-election.

Land itself is difficult to maintain and control hold over. Much easier to influence and benefit from nations via carefully planned international trade agreements, plus the occasional proxy war.

Full of radiation

And no oil

Now this is the cheerleader effect

They did. Japan is still occupied and provides huge amounts of wealth to america

these girls aren't even japanese. Viet I'd say

same reason they didn't invade in ww2.

I'm actually surprised there are no autists coming on this thread specifically to rate each of them left to right. It tends to happen in most threads where pic related is a bunch of girls lined up.
I-is summer almost o-over?

From what I've read, it went like this
>Hirohito surrendered to the US
>The US excluded Hirohito from the IMTFE (War Crimes Tribunal) to maintain Japanese morale/make them less likely to resist occupation
>MacArthur was actually the temporary ruler of Japan for about a year
>America decided that doing the exact thing that the Fascists did would look bad
>They instead remade Japan's entire government that was just like theirs and then never actually removed their military occupation
If you actually read about Japan's Constitution, it's basically the equivalent of post-Versailles Treaty Germany, with the exception that America actually boosted the fuck out of Japan's economy
America still has their empire, it's just really hard to tell where it is, since they don't technically own any land outside of the US proper (or those territories, or those Caribbean countries, or...)
American Imperialism never disappeared, people just stopped noticing it

But we did tho

That's because literally everyone benefits from it except for a few oddball fucks like NK, Iran, and Cuba.

American Hegemony=Best Hegemony

We did.


>Doesn't matter in the end, western nations, for better or worse, were still able to control countries in other ways besides the simple conquer and rule.
Barring Japan, Korea and some African nations that's not remotely true.

I didn't say that neo-colonialism was ever used to the same extent as old colonialism. Just that it was new alternative in some instances like the ones you mentioned.

No it never was. America is and will always be a plutocratic empire.

Eh I wouldn't go far and suggest we were always an Empire or we were always a "plutocracy". Of course the Ameriboos and the America dindu nuffin crowd will scoff at wrong doings of the American state/government when someone brings it up. I say that regardless what happens to America, there are always going to be countries/states that will take our place as "plutocratic" empires.

Because we're nice.