9/11 is absolutely fascinating to me...

9/11 is absolutely fascinating to me, because it seems like it has left the entire world in a depression that exists into this very day. And i don't mean just, "oh its the 10th anniversary of 9/11 so sad" or even on the scale of 'horrifying tragedy that made people sad'. It seems to have had a profound and permanent effect on the mood of the entire world, i don't know if i'm mis-attributing this global bleakness and depression to the wrong thing but it seems like 2000-2001 was the turning point in the world's emotion.

TL;DR: is 9/11 why the present day is so depressing? Why? If not, why IS the present day so depressing? (for reference, present day = 2000 onwards.

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i remember a certain "shift" in everyone's mood after 9/11. i was a third grader so i was too young to really understand the gravity of the situation, but things just didn't feel the same after that day.

People outside of America didn't give much of a shit about 11-9 mate.

The thing was that we began waging unjustifiable wars on the middle east and decided it was ok to torture, this, mixed with the constant banging on about terrorism is kind of disillusioning.

The reality is that there is a listlessness in the world at the moment. Technology seems to have stalled. Making smaller and better phones rather than curing cancer.

Like Karl Pilkington says "its the age of pissing about". We spend our time shitposting or working pointless jobs in an urban nightmare rather than exploring the world or the universe.

You are correct user and if you're ready for a serious redpill you should know that 9/11 was an elaborate human sacrifice ritual orchestrated by (((tptb))) to usher in the "New Age" of the new millennium.

I never watched cable news so honestly this never seemed that big to me because I never watched the same footage 500 times in a row.

It was used as an excuse to push all sorts of bullshit such as bigger government and more invasions.

if you're willing to deal with Baudrillard's style, this is a great piece on 9/11 written not long after it


symbolically, it was a staggering event
the U.S. - a country at the height of global power - was hit right in the heart
by a foreign power? via invasion? no. a bunch of guys hijacked a plane (itself a symbol of global connectivity and technological advances) and flew into the tallest buildings in the most important city in the country, taking them down
AND another plane into the nation's capital, into the HQ of the Department of DEFENSE

the illusion of American safety from overseas attacks was gone. the government responded by establishing a surveillance state and invaded two bumfuck countries halfway around the world.

but to connect 9/11 to a GLOBAL bleakness is silly. this was an American tragedy. try telling someone in Eastern Europe or China or hell the majority of the planet how great the '90s were and how everything went downhill from there

>and that's ignoring the fact the US had its fair share of domestic issues in the 90s: Waco, Ruby Ridge, the OKC bombings, the '96 Olympics bombings, the original WTC bombings in '93, the LA race riots, the President committing adultery in the White House.
the difference this time was that it was someone else crashing the house-party, in the most spectacular way imaginable.

That's because it's one of the first high casulties that was reported on in the moment and was caught on camera and broadcast on national television that only happened on american soil.

and I mean High casualty, not 11 to 20 people, in like a bombing or a shooting, but we're talking 2000 + people, being actively broadcast on national TV that actively happened on U.S soil.

>the 90's was a good time

>destruction of the WORLD TRADE center
>not of global significance

blue pulled goy detected

Its when the 1st world realized that they were not insulated from the rest of the worlds problem, and that shit like this wasn't just something that happened to yam farmers in Africa.

In other words, the Soviet Union was a decade old memory, and those who remembered WW2 were largely confined to old folks homes or dead. We no longer had a sense that we could be threatened until 9/11 shook us awake. Before that some clusterfuck in the Mideast just meant higher gas prices.

it's significant to globalization and world trade, but it's not like the WTO was shaking at the idea of al-Qaeda going around disrupting the global economic system. that was not their goal.
there was no reaction to the attacks on par with America's. not to say nobody gave a fuck outside of the US, it definitely caused alarm that such a thing could happen, but it will go down as an American (not a global) happening.

That's the Fucking point you dolt

obviously the reaction was more acute in the US but it will go down in history as an event of global significance because of the US response in Iraq whose ramifications are still playing out in Syria and Europe (via refugees) and yes the ME has always been a shitshow but the Iraq invasion kicked things into overdrive

Fuck off, Burger. Nobody outside of fryland gives a damn about your breach in security.

do you have an alternate explanation for how depressing the world has gotten in the 21st century or did you just come to be a twat for no reason

I live in an Eastern European country that's part of NATO, before 9/11 nobody gave a flying fuck about American military actions around the world, but after it happened our government turned full neocon, mainstream media were spewing anti-Arab propaganda nonstop and we offered our bases and troops to Americans almost instantly.

whether they care about it or not is irrelevant because it changed the world regardless. international travel will never be like it was pre 9/11 and that's just an obvious example, there are countless other subtle ways the attack had a global impact

It is more America's reaction than 9/11.

They rightly reasoned they shouldn't give in to terrorists, however the way they reasoned was irreparably changed.

people outside of the US don't / didn't give a shit about 9/11

shit went down when the US went on their rampage in the middle east, thinking they would fight terrorism but igniting the little fire that later burned the whole middle east and the western world. Europe suffers because all those refugees and terrorists can simply walk there without getting controlled or detected.

wow a building named WORLD trade center just for fun (and to make it look more important) and just by the name you speak of global significance? Well played "red pilled whateverthefuckyouare"

It hasn't, you're just a whiny teenager.
No it didn't, international travel was a pain before your burgerocolypse.

the shills have arrived



Was a second grader, didn't even know what the WTC was. Was having a hard time figuring out why they hated pentagons so much. I also asked my dad why people were still talking about it two days after it happened.

I always wonder what it would've been like to witness it unfold when I was older. Just the shock of seeing two commercial jetliners crash into two giant skyscrapers that would subsequently collapse.

Ok, the 1990's were one of the highest times of civilization, at least Western civilization. America had "won" the Cold War, capitalism triumphed over communism, a new world order had sprung up overnight. Historians called it the end of history. Everybody felt we were finally going to be at peace with one another, but the rest of the world didn't see eye to eye. The Middle East was still a mess, we just didn't hear about it much because frankly we didn't care.

Then 9/11 happens, the West is pulled into the Middle East and that has been a disaster. Then in 2008, when people were sick of war and the negative attitudes toward America, a recession hits. The recovery doesn't help the middle or lower classes at all, it's just a bandaid. 9/11 kind of kickstarted the gloomy mindset you describe, but it isn't the sole reason for our general attitude.

Are you ready to think Veeky Forums?





you overestimate your importance
nobody cares actually outside of america



that´s not true. For people outside US (western world) it was nearly the same sad feeling and fear like it was or still is in America.

NY is the capital of the world and after 911 the terror came to nearly any country and on the other hand no one wants to be at a war where you don´t know the enemy ... in all it was the insight of the first world that there are two others existing

You people have to ruin every 9/11 thread, don't you?

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Curing diseases is not always a good thing friend. As it is the amount we spend on health is unsustainable. If there was some expensive cancer treatment that worked 100% of the time we'd spend all that money on people who would then get heart disease and so on until we're bankrupt. Preventing sickness in the first place and making current cures and treatments less expensive is far more reasonable and productive than adding an average of a year to people's lifespan. Curing cancer isn't even high o n the list of things that would greatly improve humanity's condition.

Sorry for the autistic rant I just see this all the time and it's shortsighted.

Someone with a brain.

I wonder what (((kind))) of brain.

A fully functioning brain.

What is its function I wonder.

Care to explain what exactly is wrong with what's written here?

That it is true.

dont worry useless feeder, you got cancer and the oligarchs would be more than happy to rid of you and your ilk

it is 1 in 2 people. meaning 50% of the population

Cancer now more common than getting married or having a first baby or the flu


Corporations nor governments like cures, they like prolonged "treatments" because curing isn't profitable whereas treatment is.

We've already seen massive coverups in the past: massive corporations bribing scientists to claim "fats" were harmful to health and not sugars, in fact there was a time (in the 50s or 60s I believe) where corporations and governments were trying to say that every healthy child should eat one chocolate bar per day. What a meme.

Then a more topical issue, global warming: oil companies basically hired/bribed scientists to skew results and coverup global warming/climate change. This coverup made it all the way to the highest levels of government. Why? because people are greedy. Cash is king.

Do I think there's a cure for cancer (or at least some forms of it) that's being hidden, kept secret? Yes with one hundred percent certainty. Not only would it hurt the cash flow but governments want their people to die off - human culling is seen as a benefit in modern times for obvious reasons.
enjoy getting culled

Did you know that before 1973 it was illegal in the US to profit off of health care. The Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 passed by Nixon changed everything

>the law Nixon mandated also included clauses that encouraged medical providers to not CURE afflictions, but to PROLONG them by only treating the symptoms. There’s no money to be made in CURING sickness.

Is the health insurance business a racket? Yes, literally. And this is why the shameless pandering to robber baron corporations posing as “health providers” is such an egregious … and obvious … tactic to do nothing more than plump up insurance company profits.

the downfall of the American health insurance system falls squarely on the shoulders of former President Richard M. Nixon.

In 1973, Nixon did a personal favor for his friend and campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser, then president and chairman of Kaiser-Permanente. Nixon signed into law, the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, in which medical insurance agencies, hospitals, clinics and even doctors, could begin functioning as for-profit business entities instead of the service organizations they were intended to be

Ehrlichman: “This … this is a …”

Ehrlichman: “… private enterprise one.”

President Nixon: “Well, that appeals to me.”

Ehrlichman: “Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit. And the reason that he can … the reason he can do it … I had Edgar Kaiser come in … talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because …”

Ehrlichman: “… the less care they give them, the more money they make.”

President Nixon: “Fine.”

Ehrlichman: [Unclear] “… and the incentives run the right way.”

President Nixon: “Not bad.”

It's only depressing for our generation. Turns out watching 3000 people die horrifically in the worst act of terrorism ever at a young age isn't really "good for you". But we get to experience Siri and Donald Trump so it evens out.

It was hardly a tragedy that some globalist yuppies died

I think this kind of naive conspiracy ideation stems mostly from people vastly underestimating the amount of people involved in such processes. Innumeracy is the biggest bane to rationality.

because it was a gigantic act of terrorism in a 1st world country, in what many would consider to be the "center" of modern society, NYC. Thousands of people died. two airbuses flew at over five hundred miles per hour into sky scrapers with people in them right over peoples heads, and we have it all recorded on video.

It's an insane scenario, like you're on drugs or something. Even watching video of it happening and hearing the explosion as the second plane hits, it's extremely disturbing and violent. You don't think about it because it's 1/4th of a mile in the air/100 stories high, but this was an airbus flying into a sky scraper and exploding, twice.


You just ignored every fact about this.

I don't care about your anecdotes. Give me systematic data for the whole world and for several generations.

>nixon legalizing for-profit healthcare

you are a special type of retard, user. cull yourself for the betterment of humanity


You have basic scientific illiteracy. You don't even know what would be required to prove your claim, let alone how to acquire the proof then.

>curing cancer

>Rockefeller 102 yrs old
>Jimmy Carter 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancer in 2015
>Gerald Ford 93 yrs old
>Reagan 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancers (colon, prostate, skin) in 1985
>George Bush 93 yrs old
>Henry Kissinger 93 yrs old
>Charles W. Robinson 95 yrs old
>Robert S. Ingersoll 96 yrs old
>Andrew Marshall 95 yrs old
>Prince Philip 95 yrs old
>Zbigniew Brzezinski 90 yrs old

they got the cures alright

the bright and shiny cancer-free future that was sold to you in exchange for your docility was just a scam to keep you from fighting the inevitable collapse of society

stagnant and regressive technology is just a manifestation of this

goal shifting aint gonna help you on this one, user. you lost long before you even started to shitpost.

Nah mate, no one is remotely sad about it apart from Americans.

Literally just cherry picking. How many other powerful men are dead that would be similar ages? Countless.

Nobody cared much about 9/11 outside of the USA and maybe those countries closest (culturally) to it. For the rest of the western world it was kinda like the attacks on Paris, very sad and apparently important in media for a while but soon kind of forgotten. The War of Iraq was way more important for everyone.


>Harmful to health
Only if you're diabetic or a fatass with no self control.

>tfw its going to be post-9/11 forever

How many years of med school do you have? Do you have any idea what this "secret cure" might be?

Obviously it is more like they have constant checkups to spot problems early and the very best healthcare when something does go wrong.

I love how americans love to make such a deal about it. Nobody else really gives a fuck.

What formedthe nowadays mood is the whole muslim-terrorism thing and constant middle eastern crisis. 9-11 is just a byproduct of it, that became symbolic in america.

I had to screencap this

>Cell towers and contrails
Your picture is implying some mighty strange implications, user.

NY residents are delusional, please don't judge the rest of America based on those shitters.

Too late mate, everybody knows all americans are fat, irrational, emotional, self-centered, arrogant cucks.

Feels good man.

It's almost a certainty.

It's basically an open secret among those who work in computer assisted biomedicine.

Hell, even the public research suggests there are highly efficacious treatments that aren't used on anyone who isn't special.

The simplest thing I can think of off the top of my head is glucose preference among cancer cells. Sugars are prefered 10:1 as a fuel source among cancer cells compared to normal cells. A sugar molecule ionically bound to iron that has magnetic properties has been shown to tear cancer cells apart when they are exposed to magnetic forces.

Basically, since the cancer cells are 10x more likely to interact with sugar compared to normal cells, this treatment will kill 10 cancer cells to every one normal cell. This is much, much more effective than chemotherapy or radiation. Both of which, actually cause cancer.

There are even magnetic sugars that don't pass the blood brain barrier, and ones that can be almost completely localized to one part of the body. Say you have kidney cancer. To treat it with this method, you only need to find a magnetically active sugar that greatly interacts with the kidneys. So, one that is forced to be renally metabolized. Then you just calculate the half life and break out the electromagnet when the largesr amount is being metabolized to localize the treatment and damage.

its no coincidence that after Nixon no president has died before 93

its no coincidence that after Nixon no president has died of their metastatic cancer, but instead were cured (ie Reagan (colon, prostate, skin), Carter)

it is no coincidence that there is a cancer epidemic in the US and youngins are dying from the same shit that the rockefeller elites get cured from

Radiooncologist here

we are not utilizing technology that has existed for decades like cryoimmunoablation (ablation plus immunotherapy) or even personalized medicine based on molecular pathways


our good nazi goys incorrectly calibrate the equipment (e.g.,- beam geometry is too large/wide) , use far too high of an MeV, and have quick, successive treatments often 24 hours apart. All of these will lead to adverse outcomes and prove to be detrimental to the patient.

they DO NOT provide treatment to patients

If low dose radiation is used and treatments are spaced, at minimum, three days apart (ideally longer) with excellent equipment, it is extremely beneficial even if the patient seems like a lost cause. I also induce ultra-low dose radiation in a slightly larger radius in the surrounding area 2 weeks prior to treatment. This minimizes damage by provoking a 'paradoxical', 'hormetic' response. The repair mechanisms to radiation damage treatment are thought to be upregulated by these lower-doses which from my experience drastically minimizes localized toxicity from later treatment.

Yeah same. I was 10 years old. Things just seem different and it's difficult to articulate why.

I think it's a general understanding that enormously bad things can happen at any time. I, and I think the American public as a whole, believe that such an attack could happen again at any unexpected moment. I fully expect another incident on the scale of 9/11, if not bigger, within my lifetime, absolutely

>9/11 is absolutely fascinating to me, because it seems like it has left the entire world in a depression that exists into this very day. And i don't mean just, "oh its the 10th anniversary of 9/11 so sad" or even on the scale of 'horrifying tragedy that made people sad'. It seems to have had a profound and permanent effect on the mood of the entire world,

>the entire world is America

Literally nobody gave a flying fuck about it, if anything it was hilarious to see Americans blubbering about something that happens everywhere else since forever.
There was a change though, Americans became totally retarded and unlikable chauvinists afterwards. Any slight sympathy the world might have had is long gone now.

What is it with 9/11 threads that attract autistic/edgy yuropoors?


desperate euros itt insisting that "literally nobody" cared about 911 while we use their whole shitty continent as a staging ground to fight 10 different wars

I remember when it happened thinking it was pretty cool, like an action movie or something. Sorry to hear it has ravaged your asshole.
The Paris attacks and all that stuff which happens here everyday is just a big "meh" so why would anybody care about 11-9?

Oh you mean all the shitty attacks where nobody dies that were all inspired by 9/11? yeah gee what a mystery


It's the boomers going out with a bang, I think it had a massive impact on the western world. Clinton really was a hunk of shit.
>Cold wars over
>Beat experienced war hero in election because you're an arrogant boomer blowing smoke
>Cold war is definitely over, no real enemies
>Bomb serbs anyway to protect islamist nazis from a genocide that it turns out wasn't even happening
>In doing so protect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and at-least 2 hijackers
>Drop spaghetti in Somalia showing the Islamic world how frail the world's lone superpower really is
>Might as well bomb the largest pharmaceutical factory in sudan while i'm at it.
>Operation infinite reach - drop bombs worth tens of millions of dollars into land controlled by the Taliban which they sell to china revitalizing the finances of a nigh bankrupt institution and propelling a major rival decades ahead in terms of it's ballistics RnD.
>Serve your two terms blundering through the best years the US will ever have, an incompetent fat rapacious perjurer
>new guy (son of the guy you beat - real testament to the flaws of democracy)
>what you started catches up with america

People uninronically love Bill and hate the bushes.

I don't think that's unreasonable. America was the biggest superpower the world's ever seen. We're supposed to be safe from terrorists. Either they're ultimately minor like the WTC bombing, small domestic terrorism that doesn't do anything or it happens on targets outside the US (Kenya embassy and USS Cole). I think the only terrorist attack I've seen that's comparable is the 11/2015 attack in Paris but even that pales because you only saw the aftermath.

9/11 was so well documented and you're able to see the entire attack play out from the first plane crashing into the towers to the final collapse. Not to mention the pure psychological effect; seeing gruesome aftermath might be bad but seeing jumbo jets fly into a building and explode and people jumping to their deaths from skyscrapers as its happening is another matter entirely.

no bro America is fucking gay and irrelevant to the world and 9/11 had absolutely no political influence at all btw did I mention America suxx LOL

>Mujahideen, what is that??
>Gulf war, what is that??
>Bitter Lake agreement, what is that?


Butthurt Serb detected.

The wtc attacks were much larger in scale and involved a much bigger breach in security. A bunch of refugee welcomers getting turned into roadkill by their little pet apes isn't as significant by itself.

>Nobody cared about 9-11 outside of America
Do you faggots actually believe this? Britain and France sent massive condolences and worked alongside US intelligence to try and track down terrorist organizations immediately in the wake of 9/11. Airport security was bolstered and air traffic fell due to passengers fearing another hijacking around the entire world, not just in the United States. The US led a coalition of willing allies into Afghanistan, and then two years later into Iraq, under a pretense of war largely gained from public fear of terrorism. 9/11 marked the beginning of a worldwide shift in how intelligence and security agencies operated, and marked the beginning of large-scale Islamic terrorist attacks in the West. Even outside of that, there are plenty of people you can talk with who remember it shattering their own sense of security outside of the US, because the single largest power on Earth that led the entire global order at the time just got attacked in its most important city. Not to mention the stock market crash that immediately followed in its wake impacting global markets. It had massive fucking global repercussions and the lives of millions of people and allocation of trillions of dollars were changed overnight around the entire planet, the fuck are you edgelords even saying.


Literally just us, Australia, UK and Poland.

The entire world? Heck no. I can tell you that as a european i felt like it was about time someone gave the snobbish upper class kid a well deserved beating. We were fascinated by the promise of the coming wars, smoked pot like we did every day and went on with our lives. It were my edgy teenage days so i didnt understand the sozio-politival changes it would bring but it also didnt trigger any kind of depression. That came later with growing up and the absolute emberassing wars based on made up accusations that followed. Seeing out politicians boot licking and defending a clearly unrightious war eas depressing. They had their heads so far in bushs ass and all anyone heard questioning was "but 9/11". That shit let me loose hope in out parties and politicians.

Operation Cyclone is justifiable, localized to Afghanistan and engineered to contend with the Soviet Union and it's proxies (an actual existential threat to the USA)
The Gulf war actually convinced a lot of Islamists that the USA was a friend to America, willing to shed blood to protect the Saudi regime and the holiest sites in Islam from a psychotic irreligious Baathist. It was only Osama and a few devotees that clung to the notion that the US was an enemy, Somalia, Khartoum, infinite reach and more were more persuasive than his rhetoric in rallying Islamist and recouping funds.
>Bitter lake agreement
If you're talking about The Quincy agreement, yes FDR must be held to account for his inexcusable naive role in the ascent of the Saudi regime. Stop watching Adam Curtis docs.

I'm English

Oh and the aftermath was the first time i came in contact with "conspiracy theories" live.

>Cyclone is justifiable
Sure, not interested in your moral perspective though. Still contributed to the formation of the stateless jihadi movement
>Soviet Union and it's proxies (an actual existential threat to the USA)
This is wrong. At no time did the USSR have the technological capacity to destroy the US, they never even had the missile tech to create a real "MAD"-scenario

Wow damn that sure invalidates the concept of a coalition, and even then that's only the coalition that was led into Iraq. Afghanistan was an even wider international effort.

>9/11 did nothing
>notes changing political tones and wars
Really makes you think

"Fig leaf" would probably be a more accurate term.

>Do you faggots actually believe this?

This is what everybody is saying over and over again in the thread.
Official condolences? Those are politicans bro, thats what they do.
Coalition of willing allies? It was just your establishment buttbuddies looking for sloppy seconds on oil deals and privatised companies in the illegally invaded countries.
The beginning of large-scale Islamic terrorist attacks? Terrorism was not invented in 2001 you ignorant fool.
Shattering their own sense of security outside of the US? No! No one cares, no one was terrorised. Nothing.
the stock market crash that immediately followed in its wake impacting global markets? Had zero effect on any real persons life, that happens all the time like rain and sunshine.
The fuck are you edgelords even saying? In my country there was "a national day of mourning" that week on Friday. Did you see American flags at half mast and everybody wearing black? No! They enjoyed this unexpected free holiday and paid day off from work.

So yeah, nobody actually cared to see some pompous fags get their comeuppance since thats a natural human thing.

That's some fucking extraordinary mental gymnastics you're pulling right there. You're honestly either one of the stupidest or most deluded people I've ever seen if you really don't believe that any of that shit you just mentioned had an impact on the average person.