Respect all animals

>respect all animals
>except dogs lmao

What the fuck was this guy's problem?

Did he say that?

>except dogs

Although dogs are recognized as the filthy creatures that they, are where does it point out not to respect them?

Dogs are more loyal than Allah.

Muslims hate dogs

more of a cat person

>Abu Hurairah reported: Messenger of Allah said, "While a man was walking on his way he became extremely thirsty. He found a well, he went down into it to drink water. Upon leaving it, he saw a dog which was panting out of thirst. His tongue was lolling out and he was eating moist earth from extreme thirst. The man thought to himself: `This dog is extremely thirsty as I was.' So he descended into the well, filled up his leather sock with water, and holding it in his teeth, climbed up and quenched the thirst of the dog. Allah appreciated his action and forgave his sins". The Companions asked: "Shall we be rewarded for showing kindness to the animals also?'' He said, "A reward is given in connection with every living creature".
Isn't your pic related supposed to be Ali tho?

Why'd he climb down into the well instead of lowering his vessel into it to fill it tho?

Because spider.

According to Quran dogs are considered as the most loyal animal, but they are just dirty
And that's Ali btw

>dogs are so dirty and sinful lol
back then no one though of giving pupper a bath

He's the Shia guy right? My mistake

Dogs are fascist bootlickers, cats are better anyway.

He wasn't, there was no shia/sunni back then, his followers became shia, and the descendants of his political power became sunni

Because dogs were considered holy animals to Zoroastrians and it legitimized a way to harass them and force them to convert

Right, well retroactively then

>cats are better anyway
objectively wrong

he was a cat person. not even joking.
he seriously loved cats. I have a theory that he was secretly a bunch of cats under a robe hence the intense hatred of dogs .

in all seriousness though, dogs are unclean because they slobber all over the place and get saliva on you but honestly idk

Dogs were a serious concern in regards to diseases, mainly because there was no way to vaccinate dogs or give antibiotics because neither existed. Persians also loved dogs so knowing Arabs they did it to fuck with them

He needed the exercise.

Islam seems it was made to be a religion that would be the least attractive to join yet it is the second largest religion on the planet.

People made it up later, it comes from Hadith, Quran speaks highly of Dogs.

People don't really choose to join it. They're born into it.

All this mad shit you hear is basically ignored 90% of the time, and historically people really didnt give a shit, only in the 21st century with radical islamism have they gone all badshit.

You think some Ottoman goat farmer gave a fuck about all the dumb rules?

t. closeted homosexual

this. Wine was really popular to the point where the Ottoman Caliph invaded Cyprus to get ahold of nice vineyards. Also, dogs seem to have popular enough with Tatars to teh point where an entire horde (the Nogais) was literally the dog horde.

No, it's in the same weird shia style that turks and iranians have but he's probably not Ali. Ali is easy to recognize and I don't know OP's guy. It could very well be Muhammad, shias draw him from time to time.

t. Christian who used to spend a lot of time with shias

objectively yes. Dogs are disgusting.

My guess is that there was a lot of stray dogs eating trash and shitting in allyways around when the anti-dog tracts in Islam were written, and dogs actually were unclean and spread disease. India still has stray dogs that go around and eat the charred bodies of people being cremated poorly. Dogs are only nice, clean, friendly animals if they are raised well and washed.

Did Muhammad really have a problem with dogs?

How come it seems like Islam tells its practicers that everything pleasurable is bad?

How the fuck are dogs bad?

I can excuse the swine bits since pigs are pretty filthy, would eat anything including pig, and bacon causing some cancers.

But god damn.

Basically this
Country where I'm from has a stray dog problem, though we don't outright hate them as Arabs do

The middle east is full of stray dogs even today. They often have the rabies and are pretty dangerous for a lone person, specially kids and elders.

Wait, why are you operating under the assumption that pigs are cleaner than dogs by default.

Because half of what you read about islam is made up propaganda.

They actually hates lizards a lot too. Like muslims believe that if you kill a lizard some of your sins will be forgiven or something. There is no such thing for dogs, they are just considered filthy animal like pigs. It's possible for a muslim to have a dog as a pet as long as you don't let him enter your house

They don't hate them they are scared of them which is different

It's not about religion, they just hate dogs because they bite their ass when they rob your house