A fucking Rockefeller was a U.S vice president

>A fucking Rockefeller was a U.S vice president.

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And a kenyo-indonesian mullato was twice president.

>check Wikipedia
>Political Party:
/pol/ BTFO

well, actually /pol/ is part of their system so I dunno

There is no left, or right in America. Just two different big business lobby parties who differ on a few social issues and that's it.

I know. The issues that actually matter they agree on.

Also I noticed a trend that no one seems to bring up: since H.W. Bush, who is credited as the first true neocon President, the Presidency cycle has been back-and-forth unfettered.

Umm sweetie I'd say Trump's election was a pretty big unfettering.

I read that as Keynesian-Indonesian

I don't get it. But look, does this look like a coincidence to you?

Also I want to point out that the only President here who didn't make it his top priority to invade Iraq (Bill Clinton) was impeached.

>Umm sweetie I'd say Trump's election was a pretty big unfettering.
Do you actually the drivel that comes out of your mouth? A reality tv star billionaire from Jew York, who houses Saudi princes in his tower and has appointed the CEO's of fucking Goldman Sachs and Exxonmbil in his cabinet is anti-establishment? Are you mental?


Yes, he's pretty obviously anti-establishment.The Bushes voted for Hillary. His personal fortune has nothing to do with it, it's his stance on certain key issues which go contrary to the globalist plan.

Not the other guy but really? Seriously? You are really that retarded? Or just another controlled opposition Zionist yuppie from /pol/?

If any of that were true, Donald Trump wouldn't be the President of the United States right now.

You are so dumbfoundingly stupid.

What difference does it make? A billionaire taking public office in all practical terms experiences a downgrade in overall power and personal freedom imho.

Looks like someone is triggered.

>Yes, he's pretty obviously anti-establishment.
Then you are legitimately a gullible moron.

Not an argument. See, this is all you people can say when you know you're dealing with someone like me. You say things like that. No, friendo, you are the one that's triggered. I can just see you now writhing in your little Eames lounge chair with anger that you know if you show on the internet can get you docked a figure.

Trump goes against the grain of the established order by cracking down on illegal immigration in a meaningful way. He could agree with Jen! and Hillary 100% on everything else but he's a meaningful disruption to the established order on that alone. Trump made a fool of policy wonks who always watch their words of both parties and that is why he is hated so much.

Give it up already. You know you're wrong. In the future I will remember this and know it to be 100% false.

Go away

You are such a great goy.


>I'm a globalist

What did he mean by this?

>leftcucks have nothing left and are resorting to anti semitism memes in their desperation in current year

>you're dealing with someone like me.
With a triggered nigger cum slurping faggot?

how much longer until people give up thinking one side has their best interest in mind

>there are people out there who fell for the Trump meme
Lmao, just lmao

t. Schlomo Burgerberg

And people still don't believe in bourgeois democracy

That was still plausible until Trump chose his VP

In the interest of the 25-year rule, I wish to remind all that Nelson Rockefeller died while fucking his secretary.


Died a better death than most, it seems.

>if you agree with the establishment on everything except one isssue you're anti-establishment
Dude I get it, I voted for Trump because I wanted someone who was anti-establishment but we've been duped. He drained the swamp and filled it with CEOs. He bans immigrants from the places that don't matter, meanwhile he's all friendly with the Saudis who have a sketchy record at best regarding state sponsored terrorism. If he was actually anti establishment he wouldn't have dropped "lock her up" as soon as he entered office.

It's just 1488D chess cuck!

meh this wont effect trump supporters one bit, it takes incredible stupidity to be a trumpist and that level of stupid cannot be shaken by mere "facts"

dont get me wrong i am a trump supporter, but im Chinese and he actually is good for my country economy, many jobs come here instead of staying in murica. Trump is somewhat an anomaly, any citizen of his own country who support him must be stupid, but non citizen of his country especially country like china who doesn't support him must also be stupid, he is a president who actually is good for other country that he doesn't command, a true anomaly, and i love him for that, my wallet is getting ticker with him as murica president, the worlds most idiotic nation on earth.

You have to understand that an american president doesn't wield dictatorial powers. The entire government apparatus hates him, his own party hates him, any attempt of his are shot down by the rogue judiciary... He probably won't achieve much during his presidency, but not from lack of trying.

Shut up ping pong.

>Trump didn't execute Clinton on the white House lawn on day one therefore I was duped
You don't get it breh...

>who differ on a few social issues
They differ according to whomever they think they can use to win the vote at the time.

Reagan created no-fault divorce.

Nixon founded the EPA, and before Bucannon started writing his speeches, defended the right to abortion.

Planned Parenthood was founded by Republicans, and at one point headed up by Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater.

For nearly a century, the democrats were anti-immigration, anti-black, and pro-Baptist.

Whatever gets votes.

>"uhhh, goys, the Republican Party is the party of the poor white people!!!"
>poor white reta-errr "people" vote en masse to them


>implying there's a difference

Ayy lmao

>1946, 1946, 1946

>americans unironically believe this

I can't fucking wait until the Baby Boomers die out. They are unironically the reason for every problem today in the West.

>leftists try to prove how peaceful and anti-establishment they are
>finally given a platform by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Viacom, Time Warner, Comcast

It's true though. Trump is a fairly radical departure from establishment us politics, as pathetic as it may seem.

At the time the GOP was the party of Northeastern WASP elites, with Western middle-class conservative faction led by Goldwater and Reagan. Poor white Southerners and Northern union guys voted Democrat until the 80s, and there transition into the GOP wasn't complete until the 90s--if not 2016 in the case of the Northern union guys.

You realize that /pol/ as well as most of the new right do not identify with the old Republicans, who are called Cuckservatives by them. If anything, the new right is using the old right as a host to be able to get into power. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump both joined the Big Parties for this exact reason, as independents are very unlikely to win a Presidential election.

the republican party is the party for the working white man and woman

It's becoming that way. What's happening is another Copernican Paradigm Shift, which has happened to the Dems and Repubs before.

The Democrats are becoming the old rich people party. Their version of Hardcore Liberalism and "progressivism" will be their Fundamentalist Christianity and certain places, like Cali, will always vote blue: it'll be their hard red Deep South. Places like WI and MI and OH are always going to vote for the places offering Jobs.

This, I've hated the Republican parties asinine economic policies and Trickle down was the biggest fucking disaster in American economic thought. Just being right wing does not necessarily mean your a corporatist shill.

George Herbert didn't want to invade into Iraq and finish the job after he defended kuwait and he-
>Doesn't get re-elected for another term
Well shit.

>party for the working white man and woman
>cuts programs for the poor to give the rich tax cuts

pic related.

Did the "Republicans are gonna be the white working class party" dumbasses fall asleep after the inauguration? Did you take a look at the Republicans' domestic policy agenda? Also there's absolutely nothing to support

>The Democrats are becoming the old rich people party

Trump voters, including (nay, especially) the "white working-class" ones, are disproportionately older, and Clinton voters on aggregate had a lower average income than Trump voters.

>all those opinions

the republican party are the ones fighting for America, you anti white democratic cucks are the ones trying to destroy her

Quick, tell me who Steven Mnuchin is.

>the anti white cuck can't even agrue against ANYTHING that I said

this entire thread needs to fuck back off to /pol/ but the janitors/mods are worthless.

>are disproportionately older, and Clinton voters on aggregate had a lower average income than Trump voters.
Read: shitskins are overwhelmingly voting democrat for gib me dats while shitting out kids. Meanwhile democrats try to import even more shitskins that will vote left.

Literally what has been going on.

he was half kenyan half white growing up in indonesia. thats not the same thing as what you wrote

A majority of food stamp users are white.

they claim to be unassociated with the republic party, but it remains to be seen whether they'll end up being useful idiots for the republican party, especially if a party finds a way to control and direct their energies into the party while not changing a thing (trump though isn't playing by there rules, which is a good thing except he is retarded)

because the left has been defunding every single program made to help the white working class

Name one example of this happening.

lmao what are you smoking?

Stop being a dishonest little faggot. The majority of food stamps users are minorities while the majority of the population is white.

name one program funded by the obama administration that was designed to specifically help white people

None, but because that's not how social programs work, not because of some nefarious anti-white conspiracy.

you're moving the goalposts, scumbag. you said "defunding every single program made to help the white working class"

Plenty of programs to help the working class, no programs to help white people in particular.

If the Democrats implemented a program to help rectangles you'll bitch that there's no specific square helping program.

>nefarious anti-white conspiracy
>literal government programs funding discrimination against whites in education and employment
Merely a nefarious conspiracy.

then why do blacks and spics get billions every year while the white working class get nothing?

why do you anti white cucks want the white working class to be sucked dry and get nothing from it?

I'm not the one moving goalposts, faggots. that's exactly what I said

>that's exactly what I said
no you baldfaced cunt, you're either an unashamed liar or a brainlet. "defunding every single program" is NOT the same as Obama FUNDING programs for whites; an assertion that is already questionable and is a figleaf for your ideological agenda.

I got rejected from Northeastern with a 3.9 GPA and 2250 SAT's, tell me more about whites getting shit on by the system.

>then why do blacks and spics get billions every year while the white working class get nothing?
[citation needed]

>every year while the white working class get nothing?
white working class gets more food stamps than blacks and receives a majority of welfare checks. affirmative action is another issue and I agree it is unfair and can just as easily be solved by making space based on income brackets rather than race.

White people are eligible for every federal anti-poverty program as long as they're poor enough. By the same token, a rich black person can't be eligible for Medicaid or food stamps.

>the anti white SJWs STILL can't name a single program designedto help the white working class

how long until you cucks pat yourselves the back about how you "BTFO" the problematic drumphy?

Anti-poverty programs are designed to help poor people regardless of race. Why do you want special snowflake treatment?

>Why do you want special snowflake treatment?
Tell that to the niggers and spics who get preferential treatment along with specialized programs just for them, now fuck off you anti white rat

Good goy keep voting the chosen people into office by voting (((Republican)))!


Nothing's stopping you or any other white person from getting those same benefits from dem gibs programs.

Oh yeah, I'm sure the New York Jews in office have a lovely plan for you.

>Nothing's stopping you or any other white person from getting those same benefits from dem gibs programs.
only the anti white democratic legislation that you anti white cucks worship

> Spics
> Not white

But according to your logic, le based God emperor dealt the Democrats with the help of le based Kek, so the Democratic Party shouldn't be a problem any more.

>the leftist subhuman is still fuming that his queen lost

don't be mad at me friend, I'm just on the right side of history

Also, the fact that most welfare recipients are white shows disproves your "leftist anti-white cuck SJW" conspiracy.
>m-muh white genocide!
Well it clearly isn't happening as whites are still the majority and are therefore, as said before, the demographic that receives the most welfare benefits.

Arguing with /pol/ on a non-/pol/ board is still posting politics on a non-/pol/ board.

And that's terrible.

Not an argument, now go get your gibs and be that leech you complain about.

>most welfare recipients are white
only according to leftist propaganda an fake news

>Not an argument
why do leftist cucks have to steal memes from leftist bloggers?

>Reddit spacing
Ah I see you frequent /r/the_donald, +1 based MAGA-pede
Also if you claim that whites are the true working class, then why do you want welfare benefits?

>Ah I see you frequent /r/the_donald, +1 based MAGA-pede

spotted the anti white shill

>Also, the fact that most welfare recipients are white shows disproves your "leftist anti-white cuck SJW" conspiracy.
I like how you changed your vocabulary from "majority" to "most" (and how you didn't reply to my post)

Lets deal with facts:
-whites are underrepresented as welfare recipients
-blacks are overrepresented as welfare recipients
-the majority of welfare recipients are minorities despite whites forming the majority of the population

Tillerson was unironically one of his best cabinet picks

You're more of a Redditor than I will ever be, GTFO and leave forever

Our last several presidents have all been good. They were all successful in office and it seems like Trump is going to carry that trend. All of the supposed faults or blunders of the past several administrations haven't mattered much.

Don't ignore the other part of my post, republicuck

That's because there's more white people retard. The average black or Mexican is more likely to be on government assistance.

not your safespace, reddit

why should those who work the most have the most taken away from them, anti white cucks?

the average white is also more likely to be on welfare than the average East Asian.

So does that mean that we should purge the Whites for being parasites?