false alarm idiot, it's not crashing some (((whale))) just hit market order.

w-what does that mean?

You don't know what a market order is? lmao

Why would that affect the price so catastrophically?

Jesus I fucked up so spectacularly here but I refuse to believe it can go lower.


>buying at the top of an obvious pump and dump

I tried to warn you from the beginning that this was going to be another signatum. It's NEVER getting added to bittrex.

why is it crashing and not reaching ATH?
i want to kms now


except it wasn't "the top" that ATH had already been tested twice and we had a major direction reversal from last week.

fuck off already annoying cunt

I really like how no one's mentioned what coin this is

i'm sorry i hurt your feelings, user.


Just buy the dip bro

I'm seriously considering this even after losing half my portfolio to this shitcoin

this is why I'm poor kek

I like DNT and not just because I sold high, so go for it.

Bros, you don't need to put your entire life savings into this. Just keep a small to moderate amount in it, relax and wait a couple months.

I told you this was going nowhere
if you didnt throw your bags at the suckers for 5000 i don't know what yo tell you

I bought in early but I forgot to take profits. The coin is neat though. I think it could go somewhere.

Because of thisj

So chill, user !