Watching this made me rethink my position on Adolf Hitler. Was he actually a good guy?

Watching this made me rethink my position on Adolf Hitler. Was he actually a good guy?

Not sure what to think. I'm conflicted on what I'm seeing vs. what I was taught.

Other urls found in this thread:

then take a look at what he did

I don't doubt Hitler wanted the best for Germans, but he just had to make life shit for the rest of Europe


Well you see user, there was this whole World War thing that happened..

Which he did not want.


>Which he did not want

in what sense?

cause he stressed the need for Lebensraum, and you weren't gonna get that (in the way he wanted) without taking Eastern Europe by force (not like it was gonna be handed to them, even though appeasement went further than he expected)

When was this stated? In his book?

Oh look you've made this thread again

Then why did he participate in brinksmanship? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Well he shouldn't have invaded Poland after two world powers said they'd back up Poland if it ever got invaded and ally himself with an aggressive Empire with a penchant for sadism and torture

It's almost like Germany had repeatedly violated the neutrality of other countries after being told not to, and had been explicitly told that invading Poland would result in war

>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-arm
>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-militarize the rhineland
>sure, we'll look the other way while you annex austria
>sure, we'll look the other way while you dismember our ally

Clearly, ((((((((((Britain)))))))))) was hell-bent on war with Germany.
I really feel so bad for Chamberlain, he worked with Hitler in good faith, all logic and good sense was with him, who could want another war just 20 years after the war? Everyone knew how horrible war is but (((Hitler))) couldn't be reasoned with and he had to destroy Europe, costing millions of lives and ruining nationalism for all future generations.

He was convinced that Germany needed a fuckload of "living space" to be successful, he mentions this in Mein Kampf, shit I think there was a whole chapter dedicated to the topic, Its been a while and I didn't read the entire book.

Wasn't German land given to Poland? It seems like that treaty was a trap to wage another war on Germany.

Britain's war leader Winston Churchill is quoted during the First World War as saying: "Perhaps the next time round the way to do it will be to kill women, children and the civilian population."

Mein Kampf was written while Hitler served time in prison in 1925. What makes you think he still held to his beliefs 14+ years later? Not to mention the book was also cowritten by somebody else as well.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the most redpilled guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Hitler thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting /pol/ack that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just past in the link to the video. Oh, and we all know the vid. The "epic" TGSNT video, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about fucking Adolf Hitler. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a stormfag. A pathetic stormfag nigger. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

The majority of the population was Polish, New York City was more German than fucking Poznan

Sad the only counter "arguments" you basement dwelling sovietboos cannprovide is stale pasta that has nothing to do with what is being discussed and infographs as if you stole /pol/'s identity. The irony.

So that puts the German minority in a tougher position, does it not?

off to your safe space then

>It's okay to invade and genocide the population of a neutral country because some of your people live there



Ah, it was only a matter of time

>muh PAUL

There was a German Minority living in areas that were lost but I hardly think the solution is to invade a Sovereign nation and then proceed to oppress and murder the Majority pop.

>what is Generalplan Ost?
>what is Blut und Boden that stormniggers like to sperg about?

>What makes you think he still held to his beliefs 14+ years later?
That he pursued an aggressive eastern expansion agenda and suppressed independence movements in places like Ukraine?
Not really, they had special rights guaranteed and could appeal to the League of Nations, they lost the right to appeal because Hitler cared so much about their welfare he left the League

>There was a German Minority living in areas that were lost but I hardly think the solution is to invade a Sovereign nation and then proceed to oppress and murder the Majority pop.

I'm sure Hitler tried to reason with the leaders of Poland before making that move.

Yeah that tends to happen when a country regains independence. Same thing happened to a dozen of other countries.They got their land back. Germany gets no sympathy points in this situation.

If by reason you mean GIBMEDATS, yes

>Give up part of your country to us for free or else we'll invade and begin the genocide and enslavement of your entire population, mkay?
Sounds reasonable

>That he pursued an aggressive eastern expansion agenda and suppressed independence movements in places like Ukraine?

What exactly did they suppress? You do realize it was the Germans who liberated the Ukrainian genocide and famine that was taking place in Holodomor right? And if they were "independent" as you say, then why was the Holodomor incident a result of Soviet intervention?

That's not what happened though. Good job misconstruing what actually happened.

What's theree to negotiate? Every country has foreign minority.
Hitler wanted Poland to be his ally for some time so that he would have a secured eastern border while he deals with France. The Polish government was also the one who first proposed that highway to East Prussia but I don't know what happened to that. But few people knew how to deal with such an autistic fucker causing mess in Europe.

The Holodmor happened almost 10 years before Barbarossa you disingenuous little shit, Ukraine originally welcomed the Germans as liberators until they started shooting them and confiscating their grain, which seems very similar to the Holodmor

Ah yes they really liberated them by starving and enslaving them

>And if they were "independent" as you say, then why was the Holodomor incident a result of Soviet intervention?
He never claimed they were independent. He said they had independence movements, which is true. They didn't want to be dominated by Nazis or Soviets.

>Every country has foreign minority.

Yep, due to treaties that were designed to be broken.

It's literally the reason Hitler lost in the east.
Germans were treated like liberators by Ukrainians but then they decided to genocied the fuck out of them like idiots.

t. didn't read it in the original German version

>They didn't want to be dominated by Nazis

"Dominated" is a loose word. You sure about that? They did not want anything to do with Nazis?

This. They completely failed to capitalize on anti-soviet sentiments in Ukraine and treated them like shit. Even going so far as to steal their food and enslave much of the population for their war machine.

Hitler wanted to genocide 100% of Latgale people in the Baltics.
What for? What was his problem? That's harsher than his stance on other nations.

Nice propaganda image. I'm sure every propaganda the Soviets pushed were 100% accurate.

You're criticizing propaganda when you supposedly just sat through a 6 hour long fellating of daddy Adolph?

Ah yes, the documentary was produced by Joseph Goebbels himself.

Oh, care to direct me when that documentary was mentioned by me in this thread?

Well maybe you didn't, you're still using a fucking Hitler speech compilation with emotional music as if it's not propaganda in your OP

Nazis and Commies have so much in common.
You can have a great discussion with them about war crimes of the opposite side all acurate and all.

Both want a kind of socialism. Hell, even Lenin said that Mussolini was the "chosen one" who could bring socialism to Italy.

Mussolini was a Marxist who rejected it until he advocated Fascism.

The term Marxist doesn't refer to the political project a politician has. Mussolini had socialist ideas, that Lenin admired; the main conflict between socialism and fascism is that Lenin used an international socialism, but Fascism was based on a national socialism model.

Mussolini was an odd case. He started out as an anti-war socialist, and he ran an anti-war newspaper dedicated to keeping Italy out of the war. But gradually he seem to be won over to the viewpoint that it wasn't acceptable for socialists to just sit back and watch while Republican France "the Birthplace of the Revolution" was being demolished by the Kaiser's Germany. At some point, he became completely turned over and became passionately pro-war, and he started a new publication dedicated to rallying support for entering the war against the Central Powers.

Eventually, he even started saying that victory over the Central Powers would bring about the global revolution and workers paradise. When this obviously failed to occur, Mussolini became jaded with democracy in general and embraced fascism as an alternative.

>He started out as an anti-war socialist
This was a common problem and why the 2nd Internationale died, all the socialist parties became incredibly jingoistic when WW1 kicked off


hitler said lots of stuff. talk is cheap.

Thank fuck i grew out of my /pol/ phase two years ago, only now i realize how cringy i was.

>contributing nothing to the thread by saying "PAUL xD"

There's nothing to contribute.

But somehow you felt the need to shitpost. Plebbit is that way >>>

why did he have to destroy (weimar) germany? it was already fixing itself.

Germany was just re-enacting the partition of Poland without Austria this time. It's almost like Germany has a history of attacking Poland for 0 reason. Hell Prussia was made out of land stolen from the Poles by the Teutonic Order.

Destroy all Prussia or Hapsburg descended states.

>"Durr Hitler said it on tape so it must be true!!!1"

it's the touching music that makes it true

Yeah, the frkn Jews made him re-arm and invade all those countries and do all those genocides. The Jews never stop!


Oh boy, another britboo Churchill dindu nuffin thread.

>if Hitler didn't invade Poland!




What if Russia invaded Poland and crept up on Germanys border? Do you imbeciles not comprehend Britain and Russia were going to attack Germany whether they invaded or not?

Oh boy, another naziboo Hitler dindu nuffin post.

>Germany was defending herself!




What about Germany creeping up and invading the rest of Czechoslovakia despite the Munich agreement? Do you imbeciles not comprehend that Hitler was an expansionist and he was going to attack Poland regardless of any hypothetical future war with a Soviet aggressor?

>Oh no Germany might have a border with Russia at some vague point in the future
>This is why we need to invade Poland alongside Russia and put our borders next to each other, without any kind of buffer in the way

What did they mean by this?

I genuinely wonder if stormfags are really this stupid or are they pretending. I know they never studied history but isn't it obvious that a public speech isn't exactly a great historical source?

For them speeches are more important than war plans, memoirs, diaries, orders, memos and even events.
Great, if Hitler wanted peace then why he annexed Austria, Sudetenland, Memel and later invaded Czechoslovakia?


>Do you imbeciles not comprehend Britain and Russia were going to attack Germany whether they invaded or not?
No they weren't. Chamberlain had absolutely no interest in war with Germany.
Churchill also planned to go to war with Russia but the Battle of France put a stop to those plans
See: Operation Pike

>President Hacha arrived and talked first with the Reich Foreign Minister. At night he came to see the Fuehrer; we greeted him coldly. First he conversed with the Fuehrer alone; then we were called in. Then I talked to him in the presence of his ambassador and urged him to meet as quickly as possible the Fuehrer's demand that troops be kept back when the Germans marched in, in order that there might be no bloodshed.
>I told him that nothing could be done about it; the Fuehrer had made his decision and considered it necessary, and there would be only unnecessary bloodshed as resistance for any length of time was quite impossible. And in that connection I made the statement that I should be sorry if I had to bomb beautiful Prague.
Truly the most peaceful country in history.

It doesn't matter what he wanted. nobody wants war you fucking imbecile. he wanted everything to just go his way, and the world fought back.

>Hitler was an expansionist for peacefully annexing neighboring providences
>meanwhile the soviets are militarily storming their rouge vassalstates, preparing to invade finland and buffering up their western border while rubbing hands with Churchill
>only matters when da ebil nazzys do it

Way to completely miss the point of that post moiche.

>Britain had intent of invading Germany
>declares war on Germany for preparing to invade the country they secretly wish to invade

Really makes one think.

Poland was going to be invaded by Russia whether Germany joined or not. Why give them room to surround your natural border? Are you that dense?


>Britain had intent of invading Germany

>Poland was going to be invaded by Russia whether Germany joined or not.
Source? Because it was Germans who first proposed to partition Poland.

I somewhat admire Hitler for his resolve but don't understand this need to whitewash him. He himself would dismiss any such attempt as a sign of weakness. He did what he felt was needed. He believed it was the right thing to do. What's the point of trying to justify it 70+ years later when Hitler himself didn't do it.

Because you can dig in on your natural border, which you know well and is significantly closer to your supply lines, rather than losing a ton of men and equipment to make sure you fight in an unfamiliar location, far from your supplies.

>Churchill also planned to go to war with Russia

Churchill planned for everyone to go to war.

Wait, you think Churchill was in charge before the war?
Listen closely to Hitlers voice.

The guy was charismatic as fuck and was a nice dude to the people closes to him.
This does not excuse his completly crazy plans nor the monstrous things he ordered.

He was so full of delousions yet he always knew the facts that were presented to him throughout the war.

I'm actually terryfied that I might know a chill guy that just secretly wants to exterminate Jews and slavs.

Too many people mention Hitler's outbursts. He wasn't always that calm and nice.

Honestly Stalin needed Hitler more than Hitler needed Stalin. Of course Stalin wanted to spread the revolution but when he was ready. In 1939 he wasn't.

>unfamiliar location
>apart of which was of former Germany

Digging in on your natural border doesn't sound like a good idea when the Russians are expanding around it north and have x10 the amount of troops you do.

>the russians didn't want poland
Okay then

Churchill was pulling the strings.

>former Germany
>decades ago

All Hitler had to do was listen to his generals.

Of course when 20+ assassination attempts are done you lose trust of those around you.

I'm sure you have fantastic evidence that shows Churchill was secretly controlling the government. Ignoring that he seems to have done a poor job of it given how long it took for Britain to declare war.

Can't we just agree that nothing excuses Germany and USSR conspiring together to attack another country and have plans for actual conquest of Europe?

>the russians didn't want poland
What does this mean? I'm asking you for sources. I don't care about your dumb opinion.

>thought provoking question about a 1200's dynasty in hungary amidst the rising tensions of mongols
>3 replies

>shitpost about nazis and/or muslims
>bump limit reached

fuck you /pol/ for turning something once beautiful into a pile of shit.

He had a custom of going into long boring monologues even when meeting with foreign dignitaries.

>Churchill was pulling the strings.


It's almost like the most destructive event in human history is more interesting than the politics of a minor Kingdom

Ah yes, the 20 year difference in farmland would confuse and be the defeat of the Germans. ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯ then again you people believe the Germans somehow snuck thousands of soldiers past heavily patrolled borders and military lines in western Poland and killed 56,000 Germans living in Poland without a peep as a falseflag, crept back across the border without being caught and went home. Totally believable and not propaganda.

>Russia didn't want Poland
>invades Poland
>s-show me a paper that says Russia wanted to invade Poland

In truth neither Germany or Russia wanted Poland for Poland, they wanted it as an advantage over the other empire.

Perhaps it has something to do with churchill rolling in Focus bankers money who conviently had a large influence in Russia.

Plan a car journey with a 20 year old map and see how well you do. It's not like militaries gave entire branches dedicated to providing them with the most up to date information on the ground or anything.

>Germans somehow snuck thousands of soldiers past heavily patrolled borders and military lines in western Poland and killed 56,000 Germans living in Poland without a peep as a falseflag, crept back across the border without being caught and went home


What I've been trying to get these guys to admit is if attacking Poland was the final line of aggression and if Britain REALLY wanted to go after Russia why didn't they side with the Germans to avoid any poles, Frenchman and millions of Jews and slavs from dying?

I don't care for Hitlers idiocy but to insist the Germans caused ww2 is supreme mental gymnastics. Britain wanted war in hopes both threats would destroy themselves because their own empire was crumbling.

And what does having bankers money have to do with him secretly controlling the rest of the government?

It's 58,000 and this number is literally made up.

>Russia didn't want Poland
>invades Poland
17 days after Germany and in accordance with their pact with Germany.

>but to insist the Germans caused ww2 is supreme mental gymnastics.
Yes, they fucking did you absolute retard.

You don't understand anything. You don't even know history. Why Britain did not attack Germany in 1935 or 1936? You know, before they annexed Austria and Sudetenland and became too powerful to easily defeat them.