You were too good for this wretched world

You were too good for this wretched world.

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>communist multiethnic empire isolated from other commies and made up of fucking slavs

Should've gotten bombed harder.
Greater Albania when?

What flag is that over Mexico?

Russian Colonial flag.

yugonostalgics need to be gassed

>fuel, coffee, chocolate, washing powder, electricity and tap water limitations
>have to pay a fee to leave the country on vacation
>constantly on the brink of civil war
>have even less foreign policy than the modern microstates
>"but man it was great i love it i wish i was born to experience it but i still love it anyway :D"

Someone tell me what life was like in Yugoslavia, and then someone else tell me good, sourced, reasonably-researched data about why it fell to shit.

If Tito had been immortal Yugoslavia would have the same living standards as France or Germany.

this is actually correct
but leaders arent immortal

>Greater Albania
>Giving more land to cockroaches

I know, I just wanted to point it out that it had potential. Lots of nations have returned to shit once its one good leader died.


There are hundreds of points in history where if X warlord were immortal, the empire would be great.
Mongols, Huns, and even in the Balkans the Serbs and Bulgars had these glorious bastards that seemed divine, and when they died it all went to shit instantly.

Doubt. Warlords doesn't keep a nation afloat, rulers do, and the two occupations generally don't mingle as much as some people think they do. I don't doubt that Stefan Dusan or Basil the Bulgarslayer woulda kept their empires afloat, but I also don't think they'd be as great rulers as everyone says in a modern state where warfare is a very small part of their work.

Rural and suburban retards voted nationalists into power. Super high iq city people liked Tito.


Most of his early partisan support came from the rural regions, caveman communism as Stalin called it. When Tito was dead, there was no fitting leader whatsoever, only some ideologues and the vast majority of Serbs in the government.


No such thing exists there. You need a very expensive and big business intensive city center to create suburbs. In all of the Balkans, you can afford to live where you work, there is no need to drive 2 hours to work in the morning.
I think you mean to say something else.

Well that's a big fucking if there, friend.

It was too wretched for this good world
Now, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was pure in it's angelic innocence.

Pan-Slavism is a cancer, especially if it goes over religious lines.

It's a meme you retards

The original is a quote of some tweet or shitpost I reckon, quoted as "Rural and suburban retards all voted for Drumpf. City people voted for Hillary"

City folks ain't the wisest, even if they might be the brightest.

Its almost as if urban and rural populations have different interests.
Just because your interests align with the rural people, don't ignore facts and statistics about IQ and education.

There's nothing wrong with his statement. Educated people are more in favour for opening the floodgates from third world countries, for example.

>educated people disagree with me, thus they are wrong

This is your statement rephrased. I urge you to use it next time you go to the dentist and argue about how you should be treated.

The bunkers must be so /cozy/.

tito died, everybody hated each other, civil war

>appeal to the authority of credentials
>false analogy

How does it feel to be literally retarded?

>Someone tell me what life was like in Yugoslavia
Same as in Spain in the 80's, only swap africans for albos.

I'm really curious what's gonna happen to Rwanda when Kagame steps down.

It was much better than the rest of the socialist countries since Yugoslavia was positioned politically neither on the side of the West nor the East; with the formation of the Non-Aligned movement, it cemented its position, playing both sides and gaining access to loans from the West.
While there was a lot of political repression in the first decades (especially right after the war when much of the political opposition was eliminated together with the remnants of the anti-communist forces), Yugoslavia went through reforms, turning to market socialism and even achieving some liberalisation (although brought on by the conservative faction of the Communist party; the more liberal wing had its wings cut and it would take until the mid-80s when they started gaining in strength once again). This liberalisation continued until finally, Slovenia and Croatia, the two most developed republics could force through reforms that allowed for greater freedom of speech as well as the first democratic elections.

>tell me good, sourced, reasonably-researched data about why it fell to shit
I can't provide you with any books right now because I'd have to go dig for them around the house (and they're in Slovene, anyway), but here's probably the best documentary on the topic:

>all socialist states are completely shit
>mass murder and state controlled everything
>one state is slightly less socialist

redditors: this is a prime example of socialism!

>they build churches
>very devout Christians
>remove heretics
>big bros with Bosnia
>one of kings was a pedo (((propaganda)))
>one of kings was married to a woman who is related to the guy who cucked Byzantine
>kings had to be married either with Byzantine, Hungarian or Bulgatian princesses in order Serbia to survive
>Stevan Uros IV Silni cucked Byzantine during it's civil war
>Serbian Empire
>Emperor dies
>empire shatters into pieces
>roaches come
>Marica battle
>most Serbs were drunk, so we get TURK'd
>round 2, KOSOVO
>some Serb kills sultan, Turkish civil war in just one minute
>TURK'd the second time
>some Turk gets pilled by nostalgia so he finances in renovation of Pec pariarchate
>hajduci and uskoci
>brother killing
>big Soach migartion
>500 years later, during slavery, harems
>roaches behead Soach folk
>start uprising
>chase the dahijas and kill them
>Soaches are victorious in most of battles
>have connection with French and Breekis
>1814 end of the round 1
>leader if round 1 gets executed by an agent who is hired by leader of the 2nd round
>2 round, at first it was battle, the sucking Turkish cock
>get three agreements
>finally Soachia gets autonomy
>big bros with mountain niggers
>many intellectuals like that virgin Nicholas Tassel (Croat)
>tyranny by a cuck
>76-78 small disagreement with Turks

>1878, Soachia independent
>1903, infertile betamaster gets BTFO by Black Hand
>new king YAY
>1912-1914 first serious Balkan apeshit
>1914, some autist smacks archduke
>ultimatum and Soachia refuses
>u boj krenite junaci svi, tandara mandara
>get cucked to south
>war ends
>Serbia exhausted
>(((happy twenties)))
>Kingdom of Soaches, Croats and Slovenians
>1933, Hitler
>1939 WWII, but in front of our door in 1941
>Hitler asks us if the king would sign the pact
>the king signs it anyway, but the nation goes apeshit
>Croats BTFO us
>get cucked by Clean Germany
>chetniks vs (((commies)))
>1945, Soachia is finally fr-
>SFRJ gets formed later
>commies rule now and big brother
>Tito dies and tensions go NUCLEAR
>1989 the wall collapses, 1990 (((CCCP))) and Checkemoslovaia collapse
>jump on bandwagon
>Balkan apeshit II: Revenge of Soaches
>1999 Soachia gets McNuked
>countries finally split up
>no hope
>degeneracy and filth spread by the (((proggresives, democrats etc)))
>current date

Looks kind of like Iran except with down's syndrome.

>workers controlled workplace to a degree
>didnt destroy commodity productipn because its part of the transition from capitalist to socialism
>tito wasnt a sectarian faggot like stalin
Seems pretty based to me
>being this delusional
Its not like your system has killed way more people, you are not free faggot, the market doesnt exist for the population's interest

cant imagine it could be much worse then times of the rwandan genocide

also the Rwandan genocide is both horrifying and fascinating considering that you can look at what kind of indoctrination a society has to through before there ready to slaughter there neighbors on racial lines and showing just how useless the UN can be when its main members decide to play realpolitks

Slovenia, which produced 1/3 of all foreign exports (important source of foreign currency) and up to 25% of its GDP while being less than 10% of the population stopped funding the central government in Belgrade. Croatia did much the same. These were the two most developed republics.

The Federal government kept printing money to pay for itself regardless, massive inflation follows and the already struggling economy takes a nose dive. State owned companies that were running at a loss and have been subsidized by the state for decades went to shit, unemployment followed.

Couple that with ethnic tensions in other parts of the country and the political divisions between Slovene-Croatian coalition and the Serbs which resulted in the Slovenian communist party walking out the Yugoslav communist congress and the Croatian party maintaining that a Yugoslav communist congress without the Slovenian communist party was impossible and thus walking out as well ended any illusion of a Yugoslav unity.

Then you have the over-laping territorial claims and a fucked up ethnic picture on the ground resulting in no one ever being happy and no real compromise being possible due to the radicals on all sides.
You could write 100 books about it and still not tell the whole story.

>Austro-Hungaria stopped funding the Ottomans
Say it like it is, lad.

Fuckin nice. Mind if i screen that cap, m'lord?


So i can't?
[spoiler]awesome greentext. Thanks dude[/spoiler]

Screencap this.

Any other yugos in here who's Baka is a dead-set doppleganger for Tito?

You were too wretched even for a wretched world.


>*autistic screeching*



Based Göring