Historically Peaceful Cultures / Nations

Are there any records of cultures or nations that were pre-dominantly peaceful. Ones that didn't need to devote resources in order to survive?

I find it hard to believe - due to the need to defend oneself from neighboring aggressors - not to devote any resources in military.

The only ones I could think of off the top of my head would be like Pacific islands - obviously not the Maori. But this could just be a fallacy cultivated in some romantic view.

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Oh - Hard mode.

No Switzerland!

Being forced into peace by the pope really shouldn't count.

Maybe Eskimos? Is the secret to peace living in an area with small populations and a harsh environment?

Good point - It should be a peace originating from societal/cultural values.

Uh oh...

I should add first and foremost - this isn't coming from the bleeding heart perspective of the Noble Savage.

A lack of technology or advanced civilization I know doesn't pre-dispose a society to peace. I think if anything, isolation would though.

Icelanders and Faroese peoples. No central governments and democratic assemblies kept the peace within the nation for centuries. Also low rates of murder and violence compared with other nations.
Eskimos are murderous bastards who only have rare conflicts because it's rare for them to meet other tribes. They murdered the Norse Greenlanders and still murder each other in their alcoholic rages in Nuuk. Literal subhumans

in the absence of any information or cultural context, would you be peacably disposed to some bunch of random faggots who are on your land, whose intentions and capabilities you don't know and where your family and friends are close by? i'd be wary as fuck and may well go full andaman islander on them.

Here were some peaceful polynesians.

But as with many peaceful civilizations they got BTFO.

A little bit of extra searching has turned up Minoan civilization being peaceful. But evidently there's not a whole lot of evidence to make an absolute conclusion.

>no evidence have been found of a minoan army

Maybe because we have no deciphered Linear A yet?

But a lot of weapons including some of the earliest bronze swords and bronze arrows in the world where found in Minoan Crete/The Aegean

The Moriori, the original inhabitants of New Zealand and the surrounding islands, lived by a professed code of pacifism, non-aggression, coexistence, and the usage of dialogue to solve conflicts.

They were wiped out and eaten (as in cannibalism) by the Maori when they in turn began to colonize New Zealand. They were wiped out on all but three small islands.

Why I posted here - to get these little extra details.

In absolute peace since 800 A.D.

>Icelanders and Faroese peoples.
Seal clubbing and slaughtering highly intelligent whales.

The only peaceful peoples were small groups of people or sometimes nations ruled by a popular benevolent ruler or ideology (e.g., Ashoka the Great after his conversion to Buddhism).

Tell me moar frand.

Nazi Germany

>In 1835 some displaced Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama people, Māori from the Taranaki region of the North Island of New Zealand, but living in Wellington, invaded the Chathams. On 19 November 1835, the brig Lord Rodney, a hijacked European ship, arrived carrying 500 Māori armed with guns, clubs and axes, and loaded with 78 tonnes of seed potatoes, followed by another ship with 400 more Māori on 5 December 1835. While the second shipment of invaders were waiting, the invaders killed a 12-year-old girl and hung her flesh on posts. They proceeded to enslave some Moriori and kill and cannibalise others. "Parties of warriors armed with muskets, clubs and tomahawks, led by their chiefs, walked through Moriori tribal territories and settlements without warning, permission or greeting.

Are the Maori the most evil people on Earth that never got any comeuppance?

>completely peaceful
>no women allowed
Really makes one ponder.

The fuck? Pretty much every Polynesian culture is really serious about the warrior shit. Look up the Tongan empire. They controlled a large swath of the pacific through threats and warfare for almost a millennium.

A long history of mercenaries that still lives on in spirit through the Swiss Guard. Also marksmanship is as popular as skiing.

Harsh environments and scarce resources can often mean your clan needs to kill rivals or perish. This was even true for the Inuit.

Hey, we got one! Bummer though.

>The Byzantine Empire was conquered in the 15th century and the Ottoman Empire took its place. The Athonite monks tried to maintain good relations with the Ottoman Sultans, and therefore when Murad II conquered Thessaloniki in 1430 they immediately pledged allegiance to him. In return, Murad recognized the monasteries' properties, something which Mehmed II formally ratified after the fall of Constantinople in 1453. In this way Athonite independence was somewhat guaranteed.
Very wise.

Who gives a shit about seals and whales?

I wonder what assholes created them? Such a culture does not simply arise. Wherever their mythical Hawaiki was, it must've been a crab bucket full of assholes.

Thanks for your input - friend.

You can't read this obvious noble savage bullshit and take it seriously

Fag archeologist wishful thinking is pure cancer.

The Amish

Not really - but I'm an amateur study of history - that's why I'm asking you guys! That and people on Veeky Forums are generally more honest.

Moriori were never the original settlers on the New Zealand landmass (at least not in large numbers, no artifacts found etc. etc.), they supposedly have / had a different genetic makeup

>Who gives a shit about seals and whales?
The whole point about being peaceful is trying to minimize suffering of all sentient creatures as much as possible.

Only in your wet dreams are Icelanders and Forese peoples the most peaceful individuals. BTW, did you know the most popular gore site was most frequented by Icelanders?

The cucuteni culture

They have found settlements as large as 60.000 people (Rivaling the cities of Sumer) and yet no artifact of a weapon made for the purpose of large scale warfare


>I find it hard to believe - due to the need to defend oneself from neighboring aggressors - not to devote any resources in military.

That's the thing, if there's abundance of resources for everyone to be self-sufficient, there's no scarcity, no competition and therefor no need for conquest.

ALL cultures were peaceful until white people showed up. White people fucking ruin EVERYTHING

Shut up, nigger.

White race is the primal race

>did you know the most popular gore site was most frequented by Icelanders?
does your definition of gore site include the websites of restaurants that sell meat?

Monkeys are more evolved than niggers
Captcha: EGIPTO stadio

>Harsh environments and scarce resources can often mean your clan needs to kill rivals or perish. This was even true for the Inuit.
That sounds similar to the atmosphere Mongols and Muslims came out of.

We already know that niggers were as stupid as monkeys. Now we know that monkeys are better than them at everything else lmao.

>The whole point about being peaceful is trying to minimize suffering of all sentient creatures as much as possible.

Because you say so?

Pretty sure they had obsidian and even copper blades

>The whole point about being peaceful is my own personal values and opinion about peacefulness.
It's pretty obvious we're talking about peace as in the absence of war and internal strife. Even Quakers hunt deer, ffs. You know what? Just because of you, I've resolved to go to Canada. I want to visit Quebec and eat me a harp seal. It looks fucking delicious. I hope I get a young, tender one, you know when they still look like an overgrown beanie baby?

>Hunting for food makes your culture violent

Damn. I'm having a hard time finding a place in Montreal that serves seal. Any suggestions for places to visit along the bay?

Iceland and the Faroes were settled by Norsemen, a warrior culture that routinely settled problems and disputes by armed combat either in the case of honor duels or just straight up ambushes and raids against their literal neighbors, and a culture were common men were expected to carry weapons at (almost) all times in case they were assaulted by someone trying to settle a debt of honor.

Due to the low population density of these places and a change of culture after their Christianization murder rates are currently low, and historically they have avoided any sort of warfare, but trying to describe them as a culture that was peaceful or didn't devote resources towards warfare as OP describes seems fallacious to me.

Minoans were warlike af, why do you think they had dolphins as symbols on their quarters? It wasn't because they believed that they were pretty creatures (despite what dated 19th century archaeologists would like to say), but because they are violent and rapey. Also what said, archaeologists have found weapons dated on the minoan period in mainly minoan archaeological contexts.

Micronesians and Polynesians had a different definition of conflict and war than other cultures did. They engaged mostly in small scale raids rather than total "I'm going to kill all the males above age 10, steal your women, and salt the earth" war.

Moriori. Once thought the predecessors to Maori, they are now categorised as a sub group of Maori that moved to the Chatham Islands and became pacifists. They were invaded and killed/enslaved by Maori in the 19th century.

Literally the worst family reunion in history.

Assyrians since converting to Christianity

Also Copts

Reminds me of the tribes in Fallout New Vegas before Caesar shows them total war.

I've heard that the Saami have never been in a war. Not sure how true that is nor do I know how narrowly they are defining "war".

I'm pretty sure that both participated in the wars of their greek/persian overlords.

[citations needed]

They received the favor of some of the Mongols though any violence carried out probably came from the Mongol element.

Did Eastern Siberian peoples like the Yakut even fight anyone?
>Mongols Invasion of Siberia.
>Literally just Mongs walking up to the place with an army. They did fight a bunch of Mongols who lived there, but the other tribes like the Yakut went. "Yeah, sure, cool. You the boss."

>Yuan Dynasty
>Khubilai Khan sends a colony of Chinese and a Mandarin Official to develop the place into a farming community.
>Decades later: Yuan officials discovered that colonists finished the road at least but abandoned civilizing the place, went native and also started herding reindeer, smoking hallucinogens, and fucking weird Yakut forest babes.

Source that they were used for warfare?

Are these the pre indo europeans?

Apparently Pre Indo-European Europeans were very peaceful hippy type people who lived in matriarchies and never had war.

It would explain how the IE conquest was so damn thorough, and how the Pre-IE men were totally wiped out but the female genetics are all thats left.

Someone might have posted it, but i remember hearing about a brutal Eskimo massacre against another tribe where even all children were killed

Aztecs were pretty peaceful. They never engaged in pre emptively attacked and acted largely in self defense. Societally they were extremely proper and had a high degree of etiquette. They were very similar in these ways with the British Empire actually.

*pre emptive attacks



It's interesting to see how basically it was feminine-orientated societies were the ones who brought agriculture to Europe while the masculine-orientated societies of the time were basically hunter-gatherer snowniggers

I went to high school with two Yakut girls. Just a few decades ago, blood vendetta was fairly common among them.
They're Asian Turks.

Wasn't the claim of pre-IE Europeans being matriachal and peaceful the claim of some feminist academic that has been since debunked?

Just basing it on the shit I read about them in relation to Mongol History.

The Mongols call them and everyone in Siberia "People of the Forest" and thought they were very weird.

The Swiss were notoriously violent for the majority of the nation's history, and they're one of the few countries in Europe with an active gun culture

Federal Republic of Germany

Ok, keep this in mind next time the modern Chinese eat dogs and cats.

I don't give a shit, faggot. My point is peacefulness is about a general awareness of the capacity of all beings to suffer and working to minimize that. Also look at what this guy said here: You're acting like Faroes and Iceland people were Jains or something. I am saying this is false, you fucking dolichocephalic pin-headed knuckle-head.

Then precisely define peacefulness in OP. We're operating under different definitions. I view stuff like Jains, Manichaeists, and etc. are epitome of peacefulness to point of being overly vulnerable. Being extremely peaceful is not good for survival.

San Marino qualifies.

>getting this mad out of sheer spite and pettiness
>even human

Funny how these guys avoided Africa like hell

They had copper axes and bone daggers

If i remember right the indigenous Californians were very peaceful and slothlike as food grew naturally in great abundance within the state.

Could just be bullshit though.

Its not dominant, its Anglo-American-French bitch.

>Apparently Pre Indo-European Europeans were very peaceful hippy type people who lived in matriarchies and never had war

Yes, neolithic ones maybe, during the bronze age both Iberians, Sardinians and Etruscans had weapons and practiced warfare, even if we don't know how war like they were, the fact that they had forts and several different type of weapons suggest they weren't so peaceful

This is orc-tier behavior.

Their ancestors probably originated close to Africa if not in Africa itself and have some kind of genetic memory of Africa being absolute shite.


This is the most fucked shit.

The Moriori were just an offshoot of the Maori. The Maori colonised New Zealand, then some of them left and later became the Moriori.

The plentiful miniatures depictions of warriors/heroes in sardinian and iberian culture suggests that they were VERY warlike at least in ideology if not in actions too. Not to mention that sardinians were part of the Sea Peoples.

Not that being warlike is bad for a people of that age. Gotta feed your people and sometimes this means taking the food from others.

They also had life sized statues and the skeletons buried belowed them had signs of cuts in their bones made by swords

>I view stuff like Jains, Manichaeists, and etc. are epitome of peacefulness to point of being overly vulnerable.

You're confusing excess with perfection. Someone can be perfectly peaceful or not perfectly but plainly peaceful without being excessively peaceful. Jains are excessively peaceful. No act on animals, whose suffering is irrelevant compared to human one, will prevent you from being peaceful in the same way that being kind to animals but cruel to men doesn't make you kind.

The british empire was not peaceful and the aztec myth includes themselves skinning alive the daughter of their host for no reason

>It's Anglo-French!

Well the way that morphed basically was steppe tribes having contact with those societies that were more settled and realizing "Oh this agriculture and trade shit could be pretty manly if I used it to throw huge feasts and sacrificies" and starting to integrate that aspect

Unless you are a Platonist, then perfection is relative. Also, let me make it clear: The question posed here was what societies were the most peaceful, not which best balanced peacefulness with pragmatism. I answered the question by defining this term, given the OP did a poor job of it, you insipid retarded piece of shit. Since peacefulness was not defined by OP, I defined it myself, and then I answered what is the most peaceful based off my definition. You are just debating semantics at this point because you are a retarded bonehead. Now fuck off.

Albania if you ignore the countrys it was before the Ottomans taking over the Balkans

[citation needed]

Holy shit this makes my brain and eyes hurt. Chimps fucking suck at swimming.

The Tamil in South India were pretty chill (more so the prehistoric), depending on who you believe - also very prolific, writing, architecture, and culture-wise, so not one of those "noble savage" kinda fantasies, and they lasted a damned long time.

The greeting written at the head of a lot of their trade documents was, "Yaadhum oore yavarum kelir", which more or less meant, "Every place in the world is my home and every peoples are my relations."

Not that they were *completely* peaceful, traded a lot of weapons, had a lot of stories about warrior martyrs, though a good chunk of those weapons were for yoga rituals, and they were kinda infamous for their neutrality.

Sadly, ocean got em, and what was left got annexed.

Finnbro here. We finns have always been pretty peacefull.

It's true. You've barely killed any people in war. Only Slavs.

One of their most important deities is a war god (Murugan/Kartikeya)


pick one

>They have found settlements as large as 60.000 people (Rivaling the cities of Sumer) and yet no artifact of a weapon made for the purpose of large scale warfare
they could also just have been shit at war


At some point a whale died on the shore and they got words, but that's about it.

Every now and again, Bjork attacks.

>highly intelligent whales
Like your mum?

quality b8

On the contrary, it proves he's human. Possibly even Chinese.

lol@ your silly arbitrary definitions and butthurt

fuck off, retard