What kind of IQ do you need to fully appreciate Maoism?

What kind of IQ do you need to fully appreciate Maoism?

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anything under 50

>Mao wants to increase agricultural yields
>Tells a billion chinks to disregard a thousand years of unchallenged agricultural know how.
>Tells a billion chinks to plant seeds as close together as possible because they're the same class and therefore won't compete
>Tells a billion chinks to kill all sparrows
>Mao sees the country is barely producing any iron
>Tells a billion chinks to build backyard furnaces and melt down all their pots and pans
>Locusts, uneaten by birds, swarm in and eat the meagre, barely growing crops
>1 billion chinks starve

Truly Brilliant.

>Tells a billion chinks to plant seeds as close together as possible because they're the same class and therefore won't compete

wtf hahaha

4d chess


The best part is that all the metal was too low quality to use for anything.

I like Maoism cause he killled Chinese people and we got enough of them already so less are appreciated.

Remember that time Mao had grade school teachers executed because country needed hard workers, not scholars? Some good times

The best part about it is that Mao also told people to plant seeds six feet underground to promote class consciousness and revolutionary struggle in the crops.

That was disturbing


Was it autism?

But comrade, read books are for the bourgeois

He's right you nerd.

whenever anyone tells you that too much x is bad for you, you know that they're a complete fucking retard because that's exactly what "too much" means.

You left out the part about how kikes were responsible for Mao gaining power.

"85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish."

Source: forward.com/the-assimilator/159051/a-jew-in-maos-china/#ixzz3EcOS0HbX

sub retarded IQ levels

>how to quell dissent 101

Y'all a bunch of brainlet niggas

Any actually reliable sources?

>tfw two intelligent four successful planning

It would've all been worth it if he shouted THE ARISTOCRATS on his deathbed.

Intelligence is a bourgeois treat, purge yourself comrade for the revolution.