Can we all agree christianism destroyed all what used to be true spirituality and iniciatic knowledge and replaced it...

Can we all agree christianism destroyed all what used to be true spirituality and iniciatic knowledge and replaced it with a shallow religion designed to reach to the spiritual simpletons?

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Define 'spirituality'.

Real Christinanity, middle eastern christianity died so long ago than to robbing plundering and religious cleansing ( golden age of islam)
That all we got now (especially the roman catholic church) is a poor excuse to get power and pull money from people.

It was closer to mysticism than to catholicism today.

Says the New Age crystal charmer

False. Stop egostroking, pagan.

Who cares about which way you cuckold yourself to the demiurge?

flat earth.

All esoteric religions are shit because they worship the creation, not the creator. It's all a bunch of bullshit "naturalism" where you gotta be "one" with nature n shieet. And if they do worship some "god" it's not any god who has a Son called Jesus Christ.

From a book called The Union Jack

>If Masons would honestly search the meaning of their Masonic Church and worship, they would find by authority of the makers and fathers of Masonry, such as Clavel, Ragon, Pike, Mackey and others, that Masonic symbolism in its original and proper meaning refers to the solar and phallic worship of the ancient mysteries, especially those of Egypt. That the Masonic religion is of a phallic nature is the opinion of the most eminent and best informed Masons.

>Those who can only see God in a perfectly ordered paradise earth are seeking God with the natural mind instead of God's revelation of himself through his kingdom of grace. They are seeking God in nature or they are seeking Divine nature and it is this "earthly" spirit that denies them the blessing they seek. Confusion as to the nature of God's kingdom sets the creation of God in the place of God. To say that the creation (man and the whole physical world), is to be God, is the spirit of the world kingdom religion- What then? Shall we render unto Caesar the things that are God's?

>St. Paul said in Romans 13:1,2, "Let every soul be subject into the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." Notice he said that the powers that be are ordained of God, not that they are God. Christ further clarified the distinction between the natural and the supernatural, flesh and spirit, when he said render unto God the things that are God's and unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Luke 20:25. Never can Caesar become God nor a world political state become spiritual Israel. The essence of truth is that God is the Creator and the world is the creation, and we are not admonished to worship Israel after the flesh (the creation) simply because it says it is God. The World Kingdom of Israel after the flesh is not God's kingdom of righteousness and never shall the two be one. We cannot trust in fleshly Israel and yet be born of the spirit of God. We must serve the living Jesus Christ and His gospel of grace.

go away pagans and masonic shills

Someone didnt get the memo of the first post.
Im not pagan, im christian agnostic, meaning i believe in god and have a strong background with the christan faith. I just dont believe earthly institutions.

if you think that all that esoteric bullshit is god or "true spirituality" then you're mistaken

I dont. didnt say that, all these new agey faggots are the bane of my life.
The roman catholic church is the church of satan and nothing else and that comes from a former altar boy who was baptized with water from the jordan.

protties are really brainwashed on the catholic church huh

??????????????? where does it say im protestant? or did i missunderstand you?

Pic related

Christianity is the only spirituality worth noting about after the wisdom of the Greeks such as Plato and Aristotle was absorbed by them.

Francis of Assisi, Meister Eckhart, the Philokalia are the highest points of spiritual ascendance anyone can reach.

That Rothschild Jew can gloat all he wants, the Jews did not conquer anything, it was Europeans who in their free will took up Christ and the revelation of his Godhood as fact. Just because the Jews of the old testament had a covenant with God, doesn't mean that the new Jews are part of the same covenant if they reject Christ. Nor that they are necessarily the same as those old God fearing Jews of the OT.

>Can we all agree
No, I didn't even read the rest of this post but nothing can be agreed upon by everyone.

Protestants are the source of all the anti catholic propaganda was his point

another jew who is brainwashed and smoking his own dope, he adopted "judaism" just like europeans adopted Christianity. the khazar thing is real and 99% of the jews alive in this world are converts.

Well, that doesnt matter in the slightest. they all pray to the same god. except catholics, theyve been tricked into devil worship since forever.
Vatican city is a giant satanic memorial.

Christianity created the international order that has made spiritualism irrelevant unless you're a stoner or a NEET looking for entertainment.

Jesus is a preety cool guy, he whipped money changers and wasn`t afraid of death

Meh I guess the lesson that can be gained is that allowing secty and cultish groups to become state institutions has terrible consequences and that the Roman method of tolerating a diversity of deities but looking down on 'superstition' was the patrician choice.
For all we know the Christians' persecution could have been due to some other cult paying some Roman official to sanction it had their resistance to worshiping the emperor not been known. Gnostics thought martyring oneself was absurd which made them look less devout in the eyes of the populistically driven rabble but is probably no different in essence from the devotion of a self detonating Muslim extremist. They would go on to be persecuted by these same people afterwards.
In the modern state of affairs there are many religions and sects people are free to choose from, some of which are cultic and exploitative and can be affiliated with the politics of the state.


I love how the Christian doctrine has been molded in such a way so for you to be a good man you have to live with the Church and Political system cocks inside of you and if you resist or want change you're a sinner, is such an obvious scam is almost laughable.

If it wasn't Christianity, then it would have been another belief system. Complete with secret societies and the like.

It all goes back to babylon. People just like to blame jews.

One has to think how much more utilitarianly driven the old world could have been before the establishment of Abrahamic religions as the state institutions and how it was stifled and diverted from utilitarian purposes because of the adherence to scriptural tenets and doctrines or under the pretext of these.

The tower of babel failed.

Sure it did.

Yes, not to mention the obvious lengths the writers of the new testament went to include gentiles in the covenant while also tailor the covenant to be more palpable, even though the original covenant was supposed to be "eternal" (regarding its content: kosher laws, God's chosen people) aswell as using a completely twisted version of Jewish sacrifice to somehow say Jesus "saved" everyone.

Middle Eastern Christianity still exists, user. Both the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches have large populations in the Middle East. Pic related is the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem and Palestine.

The Oriental Orthodox and the Assyrian Church of the East preserve a more communal appearance whether it's their own doing or because of their circumstance of not being state religions. Don't know if that has always been the case though.

It's a "being a minority religion" thing. We Eastern Orthodox have the same thing in the US, Syria, Palestine, etc. And the Armenians and Ethiopians are just as grand as us in their home countries.

Well to be fair the growth of Christianity was pretty much an affair of the Roman world. Further developments of middle eastern Christianity took place due to theological disputes, persecutions, and Islam.

Makes sense being the national churches but in Egypt and Syrian regions they have been more native. Also eastern Orthodox pray for the leaders, civil authorities, and armed forces of the country they are in during liturgy.

I'd be willing to bet that the Oriental Communion does too, depending on the rite. The liturgy we use is the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, and it dates from the fourth century, so when the Oriental Communion was still a part of the Church, and it's supposedly developed from a Syriac liturgy.

You are missing the allegory to idealistic "Heaven" not space.

Or you are trolling, can't tell on Veeky Forums.


fuck off

Really now a mud brick tower would be more menacing to the deity in that late bronze/early iron age story than a space shuttle.

The Syriac liturgy is derived from the liturgy of St. James which is believed to be the oldest. The Greek Orthodox Church preserves the oldest form of it. The liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is of Byzantine rite. Copts use the liturgy of St. Basil.

christianity is shit because it asumes there is a supreme creator while esoteric religions (all religions are esoteric actually since there is an esoteric branch of EVERY religion, specially christianity) as you call them follow something similar to the scientific method to discover how the world works and is more believable to think there are different deities with different levels of power than to choose a religion just because it sais there god is "the most powerul". That is a childish way to decide what to believe.

The Middle East is an invention of the British empire in the 19th century. True Christianity is Med.


>implying science is good
Fuck off, redditor.


Anything which attempts to appeal to everyone at once is going to be pretty dumb downed. This is true across everything from religion to video games.

So going deep into Christianity ultimatly teaches you how to think like an idiot. It is also telling that the more profound versions of the religion always seem one step removed from destroying the religion itself. Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky for instance come off as proto versions of Nietzsche. The spirtual movement of the Renaissance ultimately lead to heresy if not an outright rejection of the entire cannon.

This isn't to say Christianity should be descarded. Just as there is a place for simple food, simple movies, and simple video games there is a place for simple religion: it's for simple people.