White people call being a debt slave for material consumption to be a number in your country GDP being civilized

white people call being a debt slave for material consumption to be a number in your country GDP being civilized.

god forbid those black niggers on africa work less, have happier lives, live without TV or internet, socialize IRL in their villages, have comunal traditional lifes, don't feel on GMO suggar garbage.

god forbid that live.

no, we have to make them literal slaves to a system where you're simply a number for your country social system and gdp growth when you're born, you're indoctrinaded in what the jew academia wants, study 15-20 years on useless dumb shit by people without creativity, all your curiosity since you were a children is destroyed, can't even get a job after 15 years of education, have to take university education (more brainwashing), can't afford food without money, the food you get is GMO processed sugar trash, your drinks are coke garbage, you spend time watching comercials and propaganda on TV, spend time socializing on internet, waste time on youtube, live all your live in cubicles and small houses, have to pay taxes or the goverment kill you, you have no direct democracy, your childrens are vaccined with autism rather than real vaccines, your goverment spread disseases on their air to make you sick, you literally breath smoke because you live in a big city filled with cars, you'll never enjoy pure air and pure nature.

What a nice live, I love being civilized, they're the barbarians.
wow, I love capitalism and being western.

Kill yourself communist faggot

This is now a carrots thread



this is precisely why people from those countries want to immigrate to the US and Western Europe, while literally no one from the US and Western Europe wants to immigrate to those countries, right?

yeah, is not like there's GNO and human trackfickers moving then in europe.

Primitivism is the final red pill.








They feared the black warrior

yeah i'd much rather die from a horrific disease i got from eating bushmeat because nothing else except mud or flies is available

You completely missed his point.
The difference is that those niggers wanna move to the West because they don't think your rustic bananaland fantasy is better than TV and internet and gibs and economic opportunity.

I'm actually angry about how right he was. Does anyone know how to make a bomb?

I'd immigrate today if I could afford to.

I don't know about you, but I like not dealing with intestinal parasites and rampaging warlords.

Well then they should have no problem with being sent back.

Black genocide is real

>liberal billionaire donating to causes = NEFARIOUS JEWISH CONSPIRACY
>conservative billionaire doting to causes = patriot exercising his freedom of speech

>have happier lives,
Then why do they risk their lives to move to Europe?

And why pray tell are human trafficker moving them to Europe?