Why aren't you reading the best contemporary philosophy yet?

Why aren't you reading the best contemporary philosophy yet?

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I am by avoiding this shit.

How is it shit?

I'll just leave this here...

I really like this entry:

>A provisional hypothesis: the many varieties of contemporary (basically “new agey”) misappropriated left hand paths have a parasitic relationship to Wisdom. They draw upon it, for no spiritual “way” could subsist without its “power”, and derive principles from it, but they then distort and pervert those principles for their own narrow ends. It should come as no surprise then that one finds traces of Wisdom participating in an “unclean” spiritual Way. It is precisely what one should expect given that no such Way could subsist without Wisdom. The error that leads them to such a relationship with Wisdom is their belief that Wisdom is a neutral, undetermined, unliving source which is to be valued functionally, in terms of its usefulness to us. Whereas, Wisdom is living, it has definite intention and direction, and is not a mere passive body of knowledge.

What do you like about it, my dude? I'm about to post a couple more entries, stay tuned.

This is great stuff.

It concisely describes the abuse to which charlatans submit eternal truth (wisdom), and I just like your view on wisdom as a living being. Wisdom is the eternal virgin being gangraped by monsters and abominations.

This is your blog? I like what I see.

I do take slight issue with "Parables." You define parables as alogical, which is true as far as it goes, but you fail to grasp the true nature of parbles as metaphoric. Metaphor and analogy are the highest types of thought and this can be seen in that they involve resonnance/harmony. Resonnance/harmony is what makes sounds into music in the auditory sphere and what makes thought into insight in the cognative sphere. Note the high value placed on music as a form of philosophy by both the early classicists and the ancient Chinese thinkers.

The effectiveness of parables can be attributed to the fact that they explain a concept without resorting to logical argument—directly. The parable is alogical not illogical.
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this seems rather vain friend

I'll see your Sophia and raise you a Goddess Prajñāpāramitā.

>Wisdom is the eternal virgin being gangraped by monsters and abominations.
Nah, it's more like dudes who can't spit game and get rejected but then go online and brag about that gorgeous lady they bedded.
I need to think about this for a bit...but I think parables and metaphors are something different, although related.

>I need to think about this for a bit...but I think parables and metaphors are something different, although related.

Think of it this way: Musical harmony is when the vibration of one string causes the vibration of a corresponding string in a different octave. It's a kind of "as above so below" action, if you are not triggered by a dash of Hermeticism.

Metaphor/parable is the same type of action in the cognative rather than the auditory sphere. In a parable, a given cognative construct (say, a tale about some talking animals who take over a farm, as per Orwell) resonnates with a higher cognative construct (sociopolitical / historical commentary, in the case of Orwell's construct.)

In both music and metaphor/parable, activity in a lower sphere sets off a chain of corresponding activity in a higher sphere. Harmony is the cornerstone of beauty in music, and metaphor/parable is the cornerstone of wisdom.

You do realize that there are user, and post, counters in threads, right? We can see your samefagging.

>"as above so below" action, if you are not triggered by a dash of Hermeticism.
I just posted that...synchronicity or subtle reference to my recent post? I really ought to know more about music, though, thanks. You read Alain Danielou? He became a Shaivist (his brother is a really well known Jesuit author) and he wrote a lot about music in relation to Hinduism especially.

Never heard of him but will check it out, thanks.

What did he mean by this?

his whole blog is a bunch of psuedo profound mystical bullshit. that one entry about all heroes being autistic is pretty funny though


I don't think you know what a blog is...
New to internet?

Put your trip back on.

new to the internet? no. i dont however know the technical definition of a blog and i dont care since i dont read any


I liked it when he worked for McDonalds for like a full day before sperging out and never ever returning. It reads exactly like an r9k copypasta.

>that one entry about all heroes being autistic is pretty funny though

This one?





Is that on his site?


P U R E. A R Y A N. W I S D O M

lol holy shit that is puerile

What does that symbol mean?

"disregard my opinion, i suck cocks"


He seems to divide people into two opposite categories.

Hero - villain
Autistic - schizopath
Noble - ignoble
Gnostic - ignorant
Good - evil
Pure - hybrid
Latent - actual
Thing - nothing

What's the endgame here?

The two types of people will fight each other to the death in one final war.

Von Liebenfels-core

>Von Liebenfels
>Lanz justified his esoteric racial ideology by attempting to give it a Biblical foundation; according to him, Eve, whom he described as initially being divine, involved herself with a demon and gave birth to the "lower races" in the process. Furthermore, he claimed that this led to blonde women being attracted primarily to "dark men"



Btw can someone tell me if icycalm is still alive or if the forums he hosts are still active? I literally just read about him after seeing this thread.

I am really curious about who these people that run these sites are for some reason