Whales Controlling Coins

The same whales are controlling ADX, PAY, OMG, NEO, and likely qauntum. They are all following the exact same price movement patterns.

They are also all having their fifth wave moons cancelled. I had a lot of hope for this coins but the level of scam here is astouding. Beware.

OP image is the base wave pattern being created by bots, which has been halted on the recent moons for NEO, then MCO, and now ADX.



Now that u spotted they cancel the 5th wabe they will do it in 4th or the 6th

Great u literaly listed all my holds. Im gonna go suicide

Completed wave with from Neo's third wave

5th wave cancelled and dumped twice now

Lain is a serial fudder. Why do you give a shit what he says

Third wave from MCO completed

Hes good at predicting and he called mco would drop right before it did he's not a whale so he is with us

Fifth wave from MCO cancelled

I'm not a FUDder. The bulk of my own bags were also in these coins. Then I noticed this pattern in NEO. When MCO failed it's moon last night I saw it again. Now I'm seeing it again in ADX. I wish it wasn't true, but this is what is happening. Look at these charts and try and deny it, user.



why? that means they'll moon like no other

Apologies. You do share a good point.

I knew oMG and NEO whales were related but this all leaves a sour taste. That said, not giving in to it, not selling

How did you learn to see charts like that is there any youtube video you can link me to ? Thanks btw

The circled area is where Neo was cut off on it's 5th wave moon mission a few days ago and how far it was dropped since then.

Consider how huge the volume on these coins are. They're constantly on top Bittrex volume. Though Neo was only pumped up 25% in price, the amount of coin bought at that 25% increase was massive due to whales using sell walls to keep the price moving slow.

For those who bought at those 25% prices, they are now down 25%

NEO bagholders are fucking delusional. This shitcoin already pumped, it only goes downhill from here.

So where did you shift your investments now?

Is it still worth holding NEO/OMG mid to long term?

Autism powerss activated. I noticed it first from seeing the same wider patterns on Neos waves. When I zoomed in on the waves individually, I saw the patterns repeating in all waves.

I noticed the same general larger pattern's in MCO when I was trading it yesterday, but didn't put two and two together until it dumped in the exact same point as Neo. I then compared the two charts on smaller time frames and saw it was the same.

I noticed ADX today when I was watching it and once again saw the exact same fractal pattern occuring and the dump taking place in the same point

Been holding since $7 and currently it's more profitable for me to hold than gamble against whale manipulated prices. 1500 neo here, extremely comfy position. ICO season, adding to japanese exchanges in the talks, dApps being adopted. Has a competent lead developer and competent representative who's the CEO of a blockchain company providing assistance for blockchain projects for companies and their government. Has a large chinese investment firm staking from Foshan.

In addition, i'll be looking to take profits from my shitcoin positions and all inning NEO before the RP ICO begins. The FUD on this board, really is just no neos looking for entries or ETHeads protecting their bags.

Nigga dlete this the sec is watching

so based on your observation. the only way for the coins you listed to moon is when the news arrives or some twitter user with many followers shilled a coin

Thanks Lain, I just cant FUD on OMG yet but I would rather have more holdings in NEO. Do you still see potential in the Thai Neo?

The problem is we cant predict their game for more than a few hours ahead 12h at most after that is all gambling if they want it they could pump neo to 100$ and all the charts predicition fuck themselves maybe learning to read and recognize the patterns on the charts in the short time is a way to prevent falling in their game but so far everytime i try to predict im wrong 90% of the times

And you seem pretty good at predicting their game honestly

Tough luck kid i for one welcome whales learn to read books instead of shit tier ta

Yo chart noob here, what can you tell from this chart? Pic related

This is why I just buy and hold, trying to time pumps is just stressful. If you put your money in decent coins with a strong cult following it will pay off handsome if you turn off the computer and come back in 6-12 months.

guys, if you hold any of these coins...just fucking hold. whether or not you believe this whale shit, think about why they do it. to get it cheaper before it takes off. if anything you should consider whale action an indication of future profit.

ask yourself, if you sell in anticipation of a random dump, do you trust that you can 1. sell in time and 2. buy back in time. i doubt many or any of you can. just hold.

Double top reversal, gonna fall imo

Depends on volume, it could take a sub-whale to plunge small cap coins with no volume, even though they have good prospects for growth. Seeing it's cryptopia, it's like a bittrex at 0.25 speed. So it's kinda good for practising exit strategies and timing. Not lain but good luck.


The problem with this is they inflate the price way to much like i doubt neo is worth more than 10$ by the real market as soon as they decide to abandon their pump/dump activity the price would fall back to its real price and people is left behind holding the bags untill they decide to inflate the price again, it is kinda gambling to determined which altcoin has the less inflation and most real price

What about DNT ?

Looks like same whales manipulation on that recent pump

Lain. Hey Lain. Lain, hey. Lain. What's OMG gonna do, Lain?

have u seen ethereum price? the volumes are huge... price is deflated rather than inflated

lmao neo is UNDERvalued, so is every other coin you are fudding up right now. neo can go 20x what it is right now and still be undervalued, same goes for qtum.

i'm out of this retarded thread

I am triggered by this entire thread

Go see the order book theres 30 buy orders from 0-50 neo and 1 order for 1k-5k neo if that's not inflation ....

noob question, what difference does it make? if that buy order isn't way higher than the others then how does it change anything?

This thread is autism at its finest

crypto is a hell of a drug

Yeah exact same whales price drops when it hits chinese exchange lmao sneaky chinks getting it to dump so they can accumulate

OMG will be the next 5th wave coin to take off. We'll see if it happens here too.



Any idea of timeframe? Watching stats in my custom shit.

Cheers for this.
So you're saying that MCO will be dumped, and NEO will keep gong down?
And is ADX going down or up?
Do you mean QTUM or Quantum? And is it being dumped?

For OMG, open two tabs: one with the last waves candles in 30 minutes, one with the coming waves in 2 hour timespans. If you see the exact pattern repeating in both waves, it is likely the same whales controlling OMG.

Be ready to sell if it makes any large deviation from the pattern. So far, MCO, ADX, and NEO have all been halted in the location shown in OP

G-good luck, user

Ascending triangle closing on the 28th. Ascending triangle indicate high liklihood of upper break

So far Neo is the only one far enough in the timeline to see the dump, however if you consider that these coins have followed the exact same upward pattern and had their moons halted at the exact same spots, it is possible. If you stay in MCO I would suggest setting conditional sell orders about 7% below your buy price in case it dumps.

Once we see how MCO and ADX move in the next few days we'll have a better idea of it a dump is also expected to be followed by stalled moon on these coins.

Far enough as in less or more likely?

I'm still holding OMG. It still has potential and despite likely being controlled by the same whales has yet to prove this. We'll see what happens when the triangle closes on the 28th.

If looking for something else, Strat is super super low now and is rumored to have Breeze being released on Friday.

can you call the top of the next OMG pump?

Going on just traditional TA alone I would say .00355. Traditional TA didn't work out very well for me with MCO and NEO this past week due to whales though.

Tell me something new, user.
At this point in time whales are controlling every shitcoin and their mums.
Crypto should now evolve into the wider crowd, instead of being left as an inflation-driven market for gainz.

if it's being controlled by whales then you treat it exactly how you treat foreign exchange and stocks NEO is going to keep plummeting from what I see and I've been trading for 6 years now just stay away from Neo until it bottoms out then buy that shit at the bulk which may take some days

ADX is partially neutral although there's a chance it'll go up for a moment so stay away

PAY is going to go down by the hour

Any thoughts about possible future movements of FUN?

Good mid to long HODL. Newly added Bittrex coin that has yet to be pumped yet and they all get at least one.

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