Would the Nazis have taken power if Strasser was in charge...

Would the Nazis have taken power if Strasser was in charge? What's the difference between Strasserism and Hitler's brand of National Socialism?

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Strasser became less anti-semitic in his later years and his Strasserism is virtually the same as the Socialism in One Country that Stalin and Ceacescu did.

See by yourself


>Would the Nazis have taken power if Strasser was in charge?
They'd never get Zentrum or the industrialists on their side.


He actually was a good guy but he got outmatched by the Southern NEETlords of the Nazi Party like Hitler

Strasser's quote seems more appealing, any good books on Strasserism?

the quoted guy is goebbels btw, before he was fully converted to the hitler cult

the passage i quoted here
is from ian kershaw's hitler: hubris
strasser was critical to the nazi party's electoral success because he was an excellent organizer. its no exaggeration to say he built the party up from scratch, while hitler was an ineffectual NEET who preferred to give speeches, which only fell on receptive ears in hard times. Anyway, you can skip to the 1920s parts and strasser features in it prominently.

Cool, I'll try to check it out. The early internal Party struggles that the Nazis and Bolsheviks dealt with is interesting stuff, really does seem like in both situations the worst people ended up in charge.

no problem. there's a free audiobook of it here uploaded on the Veeky Forums mega. its in 4 parts


he put the socialism in national socialism


How do Hitlerboos defend the purge of Strasserites from the Party?

Hitler was a traitor to the german workers cause.

Was the NSDAP ever actually a "workers" party in the sense that its membership was primarily derived from the working class? I seem to recall reading that it was always mostly based in the petty bourgeoisie.

Strasser would have been far less likely to stake the entire country's future on an all or nothing war, which by itself makes him much more respectable than Hitler turned out to be.

I'm guessing they probably don't even know about it. Anybody who genuinely lionizes the Nazis probably doesn't know much about them and how they operated. I don't think that anybody could read about the fear that the Nazis deliberately instilled in the population via the Gestapo could come away thinking, "yes this is how a nation should be governed."

Hitlerism ruined national socialism.

The Nazi's original electoral strategy was to win worker votes. But by the late 20s this policy had failed badly, with the "socialist" wing of the party failing to make any major gains in the major cities. As the decade unfolded, however, the Nazi supporters and operatives started to look for a new group of voters, and the countryside, such as rural Prussia, looked like a promising political investment. It was. Strasser and Himmler (Strasser's deputy at this point), despite the former's socialist and worker leanings, saw the potential of the rural vote and constructed the machinery to capture rural votes, with tremendous success. This success was made possible, it should be noted, because Germany and the world for that matter already faced a great agricultural depression that struck years before the Great Depression itself. The Nazis promised to ameliorate the small farmers' problems when nobody else promised or did anything before that.

Would Strasser have carried out the Holocaust?

Who is that soldier?

IIIRC, while they were mostly financed by the middle class they did have significant worker support in some areas, especically in the SA.
Pic related, "The Signboard".

Heh, that's a pretty funny cartoon.

Also, most of these points are pretty standard socialist/populist proposals. It's a shame Hitler's autism ruined "national socialism" in the minds of the average person forever.

>We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.
>Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.
>In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
>We demand the nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
>We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
>We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
>We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.
>We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.


>Having achieved national power in January 1933, Hitler and the NSDAP began eliminating all forms of opposition in Germany. In what became known as the Night of the Long Knives, the entire SA leadership was purged, which took place from 30 June to 2 July 1934. Hitler, along with other top Nazis such as Hermann Göring and Himmler, targeted Ernst Röhm and other SA leaders who, along with a number of Hitler's political adversaries were rounded up, arrested, and shot by members of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and Gestapo.[29] Among these was Strasser. Whether he was killed on Hitler's personal orders, is not known.[28] He was shot once in a main artery from behind in his cell, but did not die immediately. On the orders of SS general Reinhard Heydrich, Strasser was left to bleed to death, which took almost an hour.[30] His brother Otto had emigrated in 1933.[31][32]

That Heydrich guy sound's like a real jerk.

Why would the working class find the "National" and "Deutsche" less important than the other components of the party's name? Why would the bourgeoise find it more important than they would?
This seems like communist propaganda.

I think you might be taking it too literally but anyway
Playing up the socialist, worker's party aspect of the party would pretty obviously be relevant for when you're appealing to a working class that predominantly supported the social democratic and communist parties. Most of the workers at the time might certainly be nationalist by modern standards but appealing to nationalism alone doesn't seem to have won them over. It might be relevant to note that the big conservative, practically reactionary, party at the time was called the Deutschnationale Volkspartei, not exactly a party you want to be associated with when appealing to the workers.

The fear of communism is a large part of what propelled fascism and national socialism in Italy and Germany. It would simply be stupid not to de-emphasise the socialist, working class nature of the party (which Hitler violently destroyed the last remnants of in the night of the long knives) when you're appealing to the traditional and industrial elite. They clearly separated themselves from international marxism despite the socialism in their party name. And of course here associations with the Deutschnationale Volkspartei would be more positive.

Also it does seem to stem from a social democratic newspaper, so it might quite literally be considered a piece of political propaganda but that doesn't mean there isn't any truth to it.

Is it safe to claim that the original NSDAP had socialist elements but Hitler's NSDAP was much less socialist and more fascist in nature, in terms of labor and economic relations?

Strasser really didn't like Goebbels, apparently.

I'm surprised anyone did. He literally looks like Satan.

This sounds like the whole Stalin vs Trotsky thing and in the same way people are deluding themselves into thinking one extremist would be better for a movement than the other.

Stalin and hitler had literally common grounds

>those points
Hmm... sounds like a recipe for, maybe, short term improvement but eventual economic disaster.

Just like a normal socialist platform, right?

Quality of life and national strength should be about more than improving the annual GDP numbers in order to impress global bankers.

He did some rallies with Goebbles in North Germany and probably preferred him to the industrialists at first.

So, are you defending those points or just discard them?


haha ebin, but seriously, Do you think the national socialist program contained good points or is just doomed to fail in the end, even if they aplicated to the letter?

It contained good points, depending on what you want the economy to do for its citizens. Fairly similar to what American populists were asking for in the 1890s.

The original National Socialist plan was somewhat similar to what FDR did with the New Deal and what Teddy did to the big monopolies.

How so? I have a Burger education and my small brain can only make out the ablolishing of land tax as a bad idea. Explain for the economic illiterate.


It's funny how before Stalin and the West were on the same side in war cartoonists were so blunt about both Hitler and Stalin being evil fucks.

Because they were evil fucks

He was too big of a guy.

>bawww I'm getting outperformed it wuz my turn


lol, she was literally a Jewish communist

>Margarete Buber-Neumann was born Margarete Thüring in Potsdam, and in her youth was active in socialist youth organisations. After World War I she became more radical and joined the newly founded Communist Party of Germany (KPD). In 1922 she married Rafael Buber, communist son of the philosopher Martin Buber, who was Jewish.

What point are you trying to make? She was a German national, the text even mentions some of the 'German Communist exiles' being Jewish.

Strasser did nothing wrong

Not an argument.

A young Otto Strasser, apparently.

>Hitler was deeply jealous of Gregor Strasser. He was the one potential indeed actual rival within the party. He had made the Rhineland his fief. I remember during one tour through the Ruhr towns seeing Strasser's name plastered up against the wall of every railway underpass. He was obviously quite a figure in the land. Hitler looked away. There was no comment about "Strasser seems to be doing well", or any approving sign.

Heh, what a cuck.

Why don't they ever teach about the Strasser brothers and their purge from the Nazi party? You only ever hear about Rohm, if that.

Because TPTB fear that people will look into it and see that fascism and national-socialism actually had many redeeming elements.

Goebbels was originally backing him when he first entered the party, but then Hitler had a little chat with him and got him to cuck out

I'm starting to think this might be true.

the powers that be don't give a shit about the nitty gritty details of history. all they care about is sniffing coke off strippers titties on the weekend. all they need to do is relate strasserism to nazism and it is toxic forever. it's really not that hard desu

Nobody likes Soviets anywhere from the get-go while Hitler was just continuation of the Great War anti-german propaganda, except real.

>all they need to do is relate strasserism to nazism and it is toxic forever. it's really not that hard desu

That's what sucks, you can't even mention a "national socialist" policy platform without being labeled a nazi. Fuck Hitler, he ruined everything with his extreme autism. Anti-capitalist national socialism without Marxist internationalism is literally the perfect system, and yet it will never be taken seriously.

>many redeeming elements.

Yeah, as redeeming as Stalinism.

Strasserism is essentially stalinism, and the idea that it would've produce a better society than the one Hitler created is at best absolutely retarded, at worst pseudo-intellectual historical revisionism.

just look into national syndicalism or anarcho syndicalism or italian fascism desu those don't have the taint of nazism

also, what is really comes down to is that MOST political systems and ideology are not taken seriously today if they do not resemble, participate in or are accepted by our political system and the media through which that system is filtered and airbrushed for public consumption

Eugene Montsalvat translated a transcript of an early debate between Hitler and strasser, Straser actually makes a principled argument against industrialists and Hitler is sperging out spewing ad hominon

Someone should make a Virgin Hitler and Chad Strasser meme

No thanks, there's already enough of that type of cancer floating around now. The new images totally miss the point of the original.

Can you link that? I couldn't find it anywhere.

Dont be such a square dude

So this is the power of Nazi propaganda...

I would watch a Gregor Strasser documentary, seems like an interesting guy and life story.

Hitler got the party funding and outside support by going against Strasser. Even in those days, the party couldn't get such a big hold without all of that money for their newspapers, other propaganda, the SA. Strasser did find Goebbels though, who originally detested Hitler and was a staunch proponent of Strasserism. They both played a huge part in the organization of the party, but like Trotsky with Stalin, he stood in the way of a tyrant who killed him off to secure power.



despite the obnoxious caps, you're not wrong. some strasserists like even goebbels in the beginning called themselves national bolshevists.

You know communism can exist without Jews, right? In the same way that fascism can exist with Jews.

Jews don't fucking abiotically generate in a communist society just because it's communist.



>what is non marxist socialism?



>who is ernst toller, head of the communist party
fuck off attention whore

You neither fag

>who is ernst toller, head of the communist party[?]




All caps guy is here, still trying to figure out if he is EXTREMELY ANGRY or just a broken keyboard.

Just an angry retard with a broken keyboard who likes Hitler because his regime gave him fap material.



Redpill me on this guy, did he really do nothing wrong?

Naw, he was a real shit.

Bump for fuck Hitler


Evidence of this that isn't originating from your ass? Strasserites were just as anti-semitic as other Nazis.

>implying the Soviet's weren't planning to invade in 1941.

They weren't.

>Strasserites were just as anti-Jewish

Strasser, and thus, Strasserism, was not antiJewish, he was only anticapitalistic.

You're an idiot.

>Strasserism, was not antiJewish
except he was very antisemitic, just not in the same way that hitler was

Ok, moron. Keep believing whatever you want.

why the venom? I've actually read something on the subject. What have you read to tell you otherwise?

Strasserism hate jews but not for racial reasons but for their association with globalism, capitalism and international banking.

yes, thats exactly what i said. he wasn't aracial antisemite like hitler but a different kind focused on the economic power allegedly held by jews.

>yes, thats exactly what i said

Nope. You claimed that he was "antisemitic" (what you mean is "antiJewish". They're not synonyms), when he wasn't. He was anticapitalistic.

He hated Jews, but he thought it was capitalism that enabled Jews to act like Jews, while Hitler believed Jews will be treacherous, backstabbing cunts no matter what. I'm more sympathetic towards Strasser but in this instance Hitler was right, just look at what the Jews did in the USSR which didn't have capitalism

>(what you mean is "antiJewish". They're not synonyms)
For all intents and purposes they are in modern day parlance. But I do prefer antijewish is a better blanket term that includes antisemitism (a questionable word in itself coined by an antijewish german guy) so I'll concede that point.

>He was anticapitalistic.
He was anticapitalistic, I never said otherwise, and he had way less obsession for jews than hitler, but he still had hatred for jews. We can only speculate whether Strasser would have passed any antijewish legislation has he won over Hitler (which was never gonna happen imo), but if other interwar dictators are any indication, passing antijewish legislation, which many central and easter european countries did in that time, is a farcry from Hitler's policies (which were more effective since they were carried out by a competent, developed highly centralized state apparatus). Strasser would have definitely been a lot milder because only someone as obsessive as Hitler (and equally important his colleagues who egged him on) would have gone as far as he did on jewish discrimination. But strasser would have done something, its just not clear how much. The Jews were a very very easy target in the great depression so it was irresistable to do something to get demagogic points.

The Strasser brothers were 100% right about the industrialists. Industrialists didn't care for national socialism at all, note how after the war they immidiately cucked to Western Allies, Hugo Boss now makes apparel for literal faggots and parades around nigger models, Bayer makes contraceptives for western women and contributing to decline of white birthrates, you could continue all day. These people only ever cared for their profit, in that regard they're no better than jews.

>just look at what the Jews did in the USSR which didn't have capitalism

Stop playing dumb Schlomo.

>posting white army propaganda poster
>implying trotsky ever came close to taking power
>implying he didn't identify as russian
>implying that stalin didn't purge all the old bolsheviks
>implying that the old bolsheviks had ANY power over the fate of the soviet union with stalin's rise to power
stop talking about things you don't know