Had Hitler decided to take over Germany only and not the rest of Europe, how long could have Nazi Germany survived?

Had Hitler decided to take over Germany only and not the rest of Europe, how long could have Nazi Germany survived?

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Until the rest of the world got tired of his bullshit

~1938-1940 when the economy imploded.

Like China it would have eventually liberalized and dropped much of its authoritarianism and only became Nazi in name only.

>Freedom of religion
>Tries to take over the Lutheran church with it's "positive Christianity" memery

>Had Hitler decided to take over Germany only and not the rest of Europe

Funny. Didn't know Hitler was Stalin.

Probably until a neanderthal like Churchill gets voted in and decides to blockade and/or declare war on Germany to enforce the treaty of Versailles, and then France and Poland join in for the heck of it.

World War 2 was going to happen whether you like it or not, Britain would do anything to prevent a resurgent German superpower in mainland Europe. Even in 1989 Thatcher tried to do everything short of going to war to prevent German reunificaiton.

Also the picture implies women had rights when they were banned from the workplace.

Ehh, I don't have my copy on me, but Tooze points out that re-armament (which is what really killed the German economy) didn't get into real swing until 1936. If you have a Hitler that for some reason isn't bent on revanchism, and can hold onto power without it, you probably don't get the single biggest distortion of the Nazi economy away from a more conventional one.

Why would Churchill get voted in without someone exactly like Hitler launching a war? For fuck's sake, he wasn't PM until 1940. Why do stormfags have such a poor grasp of history?

>Why would Churchill get voted in without someone exactly like Hitler launching a war?

who knows. the U.K. was changing PMs every few years, someone like Churchill was bound to get in sooner or later.

Fact is, there were people in the British government who wanted Germany gone as early as the mid-30's and they would have kept pushing for it until they got their way.

>who knows. the U.K. was changing PMs every few years, someone like Churchill was bound to get in sooner or later.
That sounds like completely baseless speculation.

>Fact is, there were people in the British government who wanted Germany gone as early as the mid-30's and they would have kept pushing for it until they got their way.
Fact is, there were also people who wanted a conciliatory policy, and they were the dominant power in Parliament until Germany invaded Poland.

Poland wasn't exactly innocent. tensions between them were ongoing for ages, and both sides were mutually responsible for hostilities. The war was a border war for weeks, before the Polish army completely collapsed and Germany just steamrolled into the Polish heartland.

In 1939, the German and Polish armies were almost evenly matched. Germany only won because of better tactics, and the Polish had retarded soviet-tier and German-1944-tier retard tactics of trying to hold on to every inch of border and getting encircled rather than retreating to defensible positions.

>Poland wasn't exactly innocent. tensions between them were ongoing for ages, and both sides were mutually responsible for hostilities
Yeah, those dirty poles, refusing to mobilize fully and assaulting postal stations (according to Goebbels).

>The war was a border war for weeks, before the Polish army completely collapsed and Germany just steamrolled into the Polish heartland.
More like days.

>In 1939, the German and Polish armies were almost evenly matched.
Why do you lie so much? And so badly? Do they teach this in stormfag camp?


>The peace strength of Poland's Army consisted of 280,000 men, and it was estimated that she could muster about 2,500,000 trained reserves. Mobilization had been delayed, however, by fear of giving offense to German. As a result, Poland was able to place in the field only about 600,000 fully equipped men when the German forces overran her borders.

>On September 1 1939, Germany was organizing an army of 120 divisions, and had already mobilized approximately 1,500,000 men. In the Polish campaign she employed, or had available, forces estimated at approximately 1,250,000 men comprising 60 to 70 divisions. Her Air Force possessed 7,000 first-line airplanes.

>For defense of the entire nation against air attack, only 200 heavy and 200 light antiaircraft guns were available. Aircraft, largely of Polish design and manufacture, was inferior to Germany's in every respect. Poland had only 900 first-line airplanes There was also a serious shortage in tanks, for from a total of approximately 600 tanks only 1 armored brigade had been formed. Most of the tanks were dispersed as corps and army tank battalions.

Poland did literally everything to avoid any conflict, cause they knew that even Weimar Germany would eventually steamroll them in case of war.

Contrary to German propaganda, German minority in Poland was very well treated. Poland avoided provocations and in 1920s even proposed a solution to the Danzig question.

1920's poland was very different to 1939 poland which was uber aggressive against the german population and refused any solution to the danzig question

Even if there wasn't rearmament, lack of imports/exports would suffocate the economy

Fun fact. In 1939 ~30% of Women in Germany were economically active (60% in Bavaria, 53% in Berlin).

There was animosity, but nothing serious came out of it. All of the known lynches were after the September 1st. Get your facts straight.

What "danzig question"?
Danzig wasn't even under Polish control at the time, it was a free city.

It feels like it would've run out of money and collapsed on its own within a decade.

Fuck off cuck

Probably collapsed under its own bureaucracy (and decisions made by an increasingly batshit Hitler) by the end of the decade.

>In 1939
When Germany had already initiated a massive rearmament program. In the Weimar Republic women held high-skill and high-pay jobs, such as lawyers, doctors, professors etc, and when the Nazis launched their takeover in '33 the women all got sent home.

So yeah, 30% of women had jobs in Germany, but what kind of jobs were they?

>Hitler is tweaking out after busting some phat meth clouds
>realises that all races are impure in comparison to glorious PIE
>Decides to use the new, state of the art nuclear war heads to cleanse earth of all human life

>women working and taking up space and not raising their kids
So progressive

>Maybe if we stopped girls from getting an education and forced them to stay at home, they might touch my pee-pee ;))))

Who is the cuck, the nation whose army is made up of their sons or the nation who relies on blacks and foreigners?

Where should hitler have stopped? Austria? Sudetenland? The rest of Czechoslovakia? Memel?

>Muh innocent Hitler
>Muh communists are the real bad guys

Women, by raising children, lay the foundation of society. If they fail to fill this role society will fail, your promotion of holloe consumerism and individualism is not justified by your mockery.


Whoops user, you forgot the other half that was allied with Germany.

The latter.
So, the Nazis.

Undeniable proof that multicultural societies are superior.

Follow your leader, /pol/cuck.

Sure user, I'm sure you will love your future Brazilian crime rates as opposed to Japanese.

It still won't be your children they are raising (;

Crime is merely an outcry of the underprivileged and a just response to oppression.

Waffen SS volunteers fighting against Soviet invaders are different than blacks in thr US invasion force.

Now you're just memeing

>take over Germany only

He didn't have to "take it over" he got elected ffs.

What are you even talking about

uhm sweetie no, they aren't

>He didn't have to "take it over" he got elected ffs.
Historically untrue. Hitler was appointed by Hindenburg and mostly got substantial results after using his power to suppress political opposition. But even then the Nazis never got the absolute majority through democratic votes alone. The only way for them to install a dictatorship was with the help of the bourgeois, conservative parties.

>Having "allies" (and half of those aren't actual allies, but puppet governments) means that you didn't push half the world into the most destructive war yet.

Hitler got a large vote share, but he never actually won the chancellorship, it was given to him.

Oh, that country that Germany invaded?

>Even if there wasn't rearmament, lack of imports/exports would suffocate the economy
But you had lots of imports and exports. You only had currency reserve crises because of the strain that the rearmament put on things. Hell, the rearmament wouldn't have been possible without large scale imports of things like copper, iron, oil, and nickel.

The single largest sector women worked in in Nazi Germany was agriculture. I believe the second largest was clerical work.


>Abolition of unearned/stolen/slave-driven income
But the Nazis used slave?

>Social programs to help the unemployed, disabled, pregnant, elderly etc.
But the Nazis killed the disabled?

>More land for the sustenance of our people.
That's a nice way of saying violent expansionism.

>Legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press.
Who is the Government to decide what is true or not?

Why do people act like Churchill was leading policy and not a fringe party during the Chamberlain government, which constantly tried to appease Hitler and who Churchill was a critic of?
Yeah, shocker, the guy who told everyone Germany was going to throw their toys out of the cot and fuck everything up despite appeasement got elected after Germany threw their toys out of the cot and fucked everything up despite appeasement.

Without devaluation and abandoning gold parity, no one would buy German good voluntarily.

Woman worked because they had to. If you read about available disposable income in German families (even during Nazi regime), you will see why woman worked.


National Socialism's only platform was aggressive militarism.

Nazi Germany's exuberant spending on public projects and rearmament would've capsized the economy under the weight of its debt by the early 1940's, the amount of loans taken from the Central Bank in order to fund the economic miracle of the 30's was unsustainable. Hitler had the idea from the start to take out money the country could never pay back on its own, and pay back the debt using the spoils of war from conquest instead. Without all the treasuries of Poland/France/Denmark/etc plugging money back into the German economy, the whole house would've collapsed in less than 5 years, kicking Germany back to a severe depression once the debt bubble Hitler built up finally burst.

>Nazi Germany's exuberant spending on public projects
Hardly any money was spent on public projects. The vast majority of Nazy Germany's budget went to rearmament.

>literally ignoring anschluss, the munich agreement and the rape of sudetenland and czechoslovakia

>hardly any money
The autobahn was not cheap, user. It did play a big part in the later stage since it's much easier to mobilize your recently buffed up military capabilities when you have brand new roads. And there were much spent on architecture projects like those of albert speer. Sure, the majority of the MeFo miracle monies went on rearmament, but certainly not the totality.

>In the work creation mythology of the Nazi regime, the autobahns occupy a special place.25 Ironically, however, the autobahns were never principally conceived as work creation measures and they did not contribute materially to the relief of unemployment. (...) Todt promised to build an integrated network of 6,000 new kilometres of roadway. (...) In 1933 no more than 1,000 labourers were employed on the first autobahn section. Twelve months after Todt’s appointment, the autobahn workforce numbered only 38,000, a tiny fraction of the jobs created since Hitler took office. Given the other, more pressing financial commitments of Hitler’s regime, Todt struggled even to obtain the funds necessary to maintain the existing roadways.

>But, more worrying for the Reich authorities was the impact of underinvestment on the German railway system. By 1938 the Reichsbahn was increasingly unable to cope with the combined demands of the Wehrmacht and a booming economy. Rail investment had been badly squeezed by the steel shortage. In 1938 the Reichsbahn was not able to obtain even half the steel it needed to maintain its current rail infrastructure and rolling stock

>Friendship ended with Reichsverkehrsministerium. Now Wehrmacht is my best friend.

t. Adolf Hitler

Ironically millions of german women were made to work in munition factories during the later years of the war because all the men were sent to fight.


Well meme'd

My grandmother was send as a slave laborer to German village in 1942, she said to me that there were no men, only children, women and elders.

>my grand grandfather grew and sold Tobacco to Germans during WWII
>my family was treated very well by the landowners
God bless Catholic Germans. You are cool guys.

Bavarians aren't g*rman, though.

Hitler never actually won a majority. The Nazis seized power via intimidation.

>Chancellor in Weimar is elected

>How many levels of autism are you on senpai
>idk like 3 or 4
>pssh, pathetic. Watch this:

Nice list. Was that before or after the war?