I have just parted ways with my Digibags ;_;

I have just parted ways with my Digibags ;_;

What should I spend 1 BTC on for short term gains?

Ethereum or TenX (Higher risk)


All of this time holding and you sell now? Why?

Qtum, lad.
No Questions asked, just do it.

Short term? ARK.

Long term? SIA.

1btc for short gains, probably dgb

buy dgb

DGB insane pump to 20k in september and you sell now!!!? WTF

DGB is gonna moon now, thanks OP

Opus. Just started trading on etherdelta, still time to get in for some quick, easy gains.


we bout to blast off to 0.001 eth

You're a fool.

Moderate pump before the comp at best. Everyone is wise to it this time. If they win and announce a major partnership expect fireworks.

Monaco or monero


You are stupid and you don't deserve profits.

Why are you leaving DGB or more precisely WHY NOW?

I expect at least triple of current price till end of September.

Holy shit, are you dumb.
You deserve to be poor.

It's going to moon now. I should buy in.

You had 1 btc after cashing out? What the fuck amount did you buy to begin with?


This one. But maybe not.

But op you're a cuck. You hold onto dgb bags until it reaches rock bottom. Then you sell. You did the opposite of what you should do. So if you buy adx, it might crash now. All due to your karma you carry around. Maybe fate has new plans for you after dgb punishment though


>I expect at least triple of current price till end of September.

OMG, Sia

Not even 1k sats dipshit. Less than half ATH.