What are the best coins to have in-case of a potential flippening with BTC?

What are the best coins to have in-case of a potential flippening with BTC?

So far I have


Anything else that could potentially usurp the throne?

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all of the coins you named after ETH are not gonna move big during a BTC crash.


iota is a meme

>Bitcoin Cash below its initial offering on most exchanges. Will not recover

>IOTA Unproven shit and only listed on one exchange so far. This coin may not even be big one day. everything is speculation about it.
>XMR A coin that is good for security purposes but is not actually a very useable coin and the devs behind it are extremely shady. Also you have to keep all your coins in their mymonerowallet. I am currently shorting this coin because I believe a huge money laundering op is going on rn and teh price of XMR will fall back down to earth probably 75usd>


You're missing NEO my friend


>Kiddies love XMR because it was babys first successful buy and shill the fuck out of it.
>zomg so secure you can buy dudeweed on internet with it
>"This is what bitcoin shoulda been" Doesn't even work with Ledger
6/10 pathetic shills.

Unironically byteball

None of these coins will save you, All of the quantum resistant tokens as of now are nothing more than vapourware atm. That's precisely why there is no better time than now for the sky to all. You really think ben bernanke embraced crypto with arms wide open without having a plan for this?


In a 50-40-10 percent order

Don't believe the shills. IOTA and XMR are great. ETH is pozzed by the Jews.

Ledger is working on adding monero and it'll be ready this year, faggot.

the only coin near to replacing btc is eth. XMR is gonna tank HARD when metropolis is released, bcc has no dev team and no roadmap, and i don't even have to say anything about fucking IOTA.

Its so funny how those who bash Iota only do so because they cant understand the complexities of the Tangle

Its blockchain 2.0 and will revolutionize cryptocurrencies moving forward

>zero fees
>no miners
>truly decentralized
>first payment method EVER to allow for micropayments. Even IBM wasted tens of billions trying to solve this
>thousands of use cases including electric cars, electric power grid distribution, online ad payments, online content viewing, drone shipping, etc

XRP is the only one that could.

XRP is for banks... go home. -_-

Pascal coin
>Infinite scalability proven
>Low marketcap
>Active Devs
>Only 1 year old

XMR is for people who actually know what the fuck cryptocurrency is about

Yes, ETH has all the decentralized app developers for Web 3.0 that is more and more in demand now that the left went crazy and is censoring everything on the net that isn't approved by trannies. Ubiq will get some love too because it will be easy to port between ETH and Ubiq.
You can always tell a big Bitcoin whale is worried as fuck about ETH when he goes on a rant about how "All ICOs are scams" and "You don't need smart contracts and apps or alt coins Bitcoin is all you need for the whole world forever". These guys know they've already lost the war for the future of crypto and are just trying to delay the inevitable by FUDing the whole concept of Web 3.0

People want a free internet again, and people don't want to work for the manipulative psychos that control and steer all the BTC. And there's billions in venture funding in ETH attracting more and more developers, and the next ETH update will make it a lot easier to develop for.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin has like three forks and a civil war just to implement shitty solutions to pretend to stay competitive with ETH while continuing to enrich themselves with rents.

BTC's brand awareness and network effects are vastly overstated and you should invest as if it already has flipped. You might be able to make some money off BTC still if you follow this advice: Expect the manipulative psychos to do something to crash the price of BTC before the November fork, then pump it up soon after. And that will probably be the last chance you have to make money on BTC cuz after that it will stagnate or just collapse by this time next year.


ETH is a fucking scam, it's broken as fuck, always will be, that's the point, it's living purely on meme magic at this point

Nothing will dethrone BTC. Make peace with yourself.


If enough vendors pick up Bcash it could really hurt Bitcoin's burgeoning market. There's a clear advantage with Bitcoin ass over bitcoin due to the smaller fees and transaction speeds.

I can see miners getting behind beeCash because of lightning pushes them off the network.

Yeah, gets pretty quiet when reality hits, don't it?

You seem really intelligent, do you have any resources for me to utilize with web 3.0 in regards to ETH?

Web 3.0 stack will be Ethereum, Swarm (or IPFS), Whisper or some other messaging service

Thank you.

What good is a messaging service if the fundamental technology gets hacked constantly? If you want fully user messaging, Digital Note is already implemented and running

I meant messaging service in the context of JMS or Redis pubsub. Spotted the liberal arts cuck, ohhhh boy.


Then you should be able to explain to my why anyone would trust an underlying platform that has already been hacked for several millions of dollars?

*several hundreds of millions

I legit want you to try to sell me this broken vaporware. Do it like your life depends on it.

hacking a shitty ETH app is a lot different from hacking ETH itself. and there is an update to ETH itself that will increase security and anonymity for apps built on it. The good thing about ETH is it is iterable and easily incorporates solutions to whatever problems pop up, whereas Bitcoin can't agree on anything and triple forks any time it needs an update.
The fact is that Bitcoin transactions are just too slow and expensive for decentralized apps to be built on it. Ethereum already has the best developers locked in to long term projects with tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. Bitcoin can't just make more developers magically appear even if it magically fixes all its technological hurdles.

Web3.0 consumer commerce will happen on ETH. ETH is designed to be a usable currency. Not like Bitcoin's autistic "only 21 million coins ever for the entire world". Sorry, but people want whole numbers in their wallets, not 0.0000000000001 Bitcoin to spend that includes a $15 transaction fee that goes to some psycho to help him plot the next way to screw you over. Anyone sticking with Bitcoin just replaced the federal reserve with Blockstream, gg.
That's like saying Bitcoin is a scam because MtGox was hacked years ago. An Ethereum app being hacked because of bad security implementations isn't the same as Ethereum the coin being hacked.

Except the hackers took advantage of Eth's inherit code, whereas Mt. Gox was the result of Mt. Gox being a shitty exchange.

it doesnt look that way to anyone who's got his eyes open

BTC is the 'gold' standard of crypto. Its not going anywhere by the mere fact that it's THE coin that will get normies into the market in this early adopter market.

Yes, BTC tech is not the best, NOVA or XRP or ETH is better in that regard (fast tx times, low fees).


Hey retard, XMR is actually being used in darknet markets already and without any issues. Also, you can store coins in offline wallets.

Ethereum will never be private by default. Having some tacked on privacy features does not make it private.

IOTA Tangle is being used though. I think BitDice platform uses IOTA

Hold some IOTA. Its cheap right now and it will only get better.


There's a lot of coins with smaller fees and faster transactions that are already on networks. No-one in their right mind would add a coin that is specifically designed just to strangle another without any thought put in to it's own survival.

You wouldn't even buy it unless you're a cuck.


How long will BTC last?

It still is the leading crypto because you have to buy it in order to get altcoins.

But will it get forked again soon? When will the slow transactions be improved?