Isn't anything but sola-scriptura inherently like the pharisee religion...

Isn't anything but sola-scriptura inherently like the pharisee religion? Replacing the word of god with man-made tradition?

It's the same thing the pharisees did. How can any church which has non-scriptural traditions look itself in the mirror?

>moses gave us an oral torah, I swear, now worship Shekhinah

Catholic Church
>Jesus gave us church tradition, I swear, now worship Mary

Other urls found in this thread:

religious texts are just a snapshot of tradition in a certain moment, therefore meaningless and useless except for literary merit
in fact every heresy supports some form of sola-scriptura, from luther to isis
religions were born before their holy books, so they can work without them
tradition > scriptures

>he thinks the holy scriptures arent divinely inspired

But you have no proof if it's not written down. That's how judaism became such a corrupt tradition, they added on so much tradition and so much man made bullshit, they forsake the torah for the talmud

>divinely inspired
What does this mean? Seriously, what the fuck does this phrase mean?

I think he means by that, that the new testament is the word of god. It's a recollection of stuff Jesus did, Jesus is god, therefore it's divinely inspired


>he thinks living religious authorities aren't divinely inspired

How can the church claim it's traditions are truly divinely inspired though when there's no proof? That's the whole point. It's more hereitical than the "super sekret oral torah that moses gave us n shiet"

anyone can just say that jesus started this or that tradition with no proof just like any pharisee could make up any bullshit rule with the justification that moses told it to them but didn't write it down

honestly at this point I'm starting to think all the sola scriptura autists are correct

But no one who talked to Jesus wrote anything. Also, Jesus didn't write the old testament, a bunch of different people did.

Like God literally dictated to someone who wrote down shit for him?

They can be so long as they are acting in harmony with the Holy Scriptures.

The authors were literally full of the Holy Spirit.

Full where? Stomach? What the fuck's the Holy Spirit?

>he thinks religion is about "proof"

and why exactly is the tradition depicted in the scriptures better than the others?

>But you have no proof if it's not written down. That's how judaism became such a corrupt tradition, they added on so much tradition and so much man made bullshit, they forsake the torah for the talmud

.t has never met an actual Jew nor read anything in the Talmud, which quotes the Tanach extensively.

From the soles of their feet to the crown of their heads and the Holy Spirit is the Counselor.

Because it is θεόπνευστος.

The scriptures are a part of Church tradition.

t. jew

But not all (((church))) traditions are part of the scriptures.

Yes. I come from a proud religion and rich theology which certainly doesn't have to edit out half of the texts it supposedly claims as holy in order to not have its own claims invalidated on their face.

>All the older churches are heretics
>Only my tax dodging divorce cults that popped into existence in the 14th century follow God

That makes sense, since the scriptures specifically state that not everything Christ taught could be written down.

So every cell in the body is "filled" with the "Counselor". This still doesn't explain anything, what does that actually mean? Is there a substance infused into their cellular structure? What is the "Counselor?"


>the talumud

>Our Sages tell us: When Titus was traveling back to Rome on a ship with the Jewish captives and the vessels of the Holy Temple, a storm at sea threatened to drown him. He said: "It seems that the G‑d of these people only has power over water. When Pharaoh came, He drowned him in water. When Sisera came, He drowned him in water. Now He is about to drown me in water. If He wants to show His strength, let Him come onto dry land and fight with me there!"

>A Divine voice came forth and said to him: "Wicked one, the son of a wicked one, descendant of Esau the wicked, I have an insignificant creature in My world called a gnat. Come ashore and do battle with it!" Titus went ashore and a gnat came and entered his nostril, and pecked at his brain for seven years.

>One day, Titus was walking past a blacksmith's shop. The gnat heard the noise of the sledgehammer and became silent. Titus said: "There is a remedy!" Every day they brought a blacksmith and he hammered in Titus' presence. To a gentile blacksmith he would give a handsome stipend, but to a Jew he would say: "It is sufficient that you see your enemy suffering!"

>For thirty days they brought smiths to hammer in Titus' presence. Then the gnat adjusted to the noise of the hammer, and continued pecking at Titus' brain even when the hammers were struck.

>Rabbi Pinchas ben Arova said: "I was with the great men of Rome at the time when Titus died. They examined his brain and what they found in it was the size of a small bird!"

>As Titus lay dying, he instructed his servants: "Burn me and scatter my ashes over the seven seas so that the G‑d of the Jews cannot find me and bring me to judgment."

Truly a theology on par with the New Testament

>Bible only Christians = shit

>Torah-only Jews = good

>Qur'anist only Muslims = good


The church isn't Christ so it has no business teaching doctrines that cannot be supported by scripture.

The Spirit is God's breath.

one of those things is not like the others

The scriptures were decreed by the Church. The scriptural canon was decided by the Church. Also:

18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18: 18-20

That's what you started with. You explained in a giant circle.

Yes and therefore the Church should not deviate from its own scriptures!

If protestants don't believe in immaculate conception what DO they believe then?

Some things can only be explained that way.

>I accept the authority of the Church to determine what is scripture
>But they can't agree with things that aren't scripture
So, what do you think theology looked like before the scriptural canon?

And what about the parts of scripture where Christ specifically gives the apostles the power to bind and loose sins?

what about the parts of the scripture where Christ tells us to worship his mother?....oh wait

>should not deviate from its own scriptures!
>Proceeds to remove 7 chapters from the bible

That Mary was a very nice girl who would be embarrassed by the cult that has sprung up around her.

I'm not Catholic.

>Divine inspiration is God's breath, which fills men's cells with the Holy Spirit, which is the Counselor, which is God's breath.

You're fine with this?

God breathes into people, it makes sense to me.

Like literally breathes into people? He respirates?

these people are straight up /x/, not history or humanities.
I'm honestly not sure why they are allowed here at all.

How are interpretations of texts less man-made than the unwritten law of what makes one Church sacred and united with the Messiah in spirit, and another a mere assembly of coreligionists?

This is the problem of theology in the English-speaking world. It's Tradition, with a capital T, not simply tradition. It being passed down is but one aspect of Tradition. It is also revered by the consensus of the whole Church, not just the clergy, and is thus untouchable. Whether the Catholic, two Orthodox and Nestorian Churches abide by this is another question.

Judaism gets special pleading

Traditions without evidence become susceptible to corruption and manipulation. Religious organizations aren't free from opportunistic doctoring and politics.


You're saying God is physically extant in the world and has analogue respiration directly into people's bodies?

No it's more like magic brainwaves.

No I'm saying He puts what was in Him in us.

Yes, of course.


John 20:22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

It means that the 40 men who wrote the 66 books of the bible were all filled with the Holy Spirit of God, who brought to their remembrance everything that had happened. It means that the bible is a collaborative work between the Creator and his creation, to send a message to the world that even though the world deserves destruction, and will be destroyed, whoever believes in Jesus will be saved.

"Divinely inspired" means that God is responsible for what is in the bible; for what the bible means; maintaining the bible; and teaching the bible to anyone who will listen to the Holy Spirit.

It also means the bible, the autographs, were inerrant, without any spelling mistakes or copyist errors, other mistakes, lies, or mistranslations.

What we have of that work is 99.5% intact. You can dwell on the 99.5% that is intact, or you can imagine that the 0.5% makes the 99.5% invalid.

Your choice. As in everything, the universe is weighted so that your choice belongs to you, and your agency will not be overwhelmed either way.

Believe, or don't.

I don't know how you would call the Holy Spirit of God "physical", but yes, the Holy Spirit of God literally dwells within all believers.

They have a different deal. A worse deal. And eventually, they will either have to enter into the new covenant, or die.


Luther was a Catholic.

And several of the books the Catholic canon included were not scripture.

He is the Holy Spirit of God. Counselor, Comforter, Restrainer, Transformer, and many other things as well.

>It also means the bible, the autographs, were inerrant, without any spelling mistakes or copyist errors, other mistakes, lies, or mistranslations.
Which version?

Only if you're a fool. If you're not a fool, you don't mix the holy with the profane. And the "traditions of men" are nothing if not profane.

Jesus criticized the sadducees, whose theology at the time was very sola scriptura. You sola scriptura adherents would know this if you actually read the scriptures.

The autographs for the OT would be Hebrew, with a few verses in Aramaic, and the NT would have been Greek, with Matthew being in Hebrew, and a few words being taken in Aramaic.

Nope. They were also Pharisaical Jews, they just didn't believe in the afterlife.
"The Sadducees rejected the Oral Law as proposed by the Pharisees. Rather, they saw the written Torah as the sole source of divine authority."

>Isn't anything but sola-scriptura inherently like the pharisee religion? Replacing the word of god with man-made tradition?

Most of the Jewish Bible isn't the word of God - that's what Jesus meant by the Jewish leaders replacing the word of God with "traditions of men."

Think about it for a second:

"There's a god but there's not been a single divine agent out of billions of people in over 2000 years - we have it on the authority of a talking burning bush with no witnesses and we'll kill you if you disagree."

this guy again

The scriptural canon was created by men at the Church councils.

>this guy again

Yes, I'm your God in the flesh. Moses worship is still prohibited on planet Earth and can result in anywhere from soul death to eternal damnation.

Jesus rebuked the pharisees and their oral traditions too. Read the part where he talks about the washing of the cup.

There's no proof for the scriptures either lmao

by this logic there's no proof for literally any religion

>infallible God
>has a .5% error rate

>by this logic there's no proof for literally any religion


Tell him what he's won!

They didn't care. They were rich, they ruled the country, and they were political animals, dominating the Sanhedrin. They didn't keep the written tradition any more than the oral tradition; they didn't even believe in angels ffs.

the 66 books of the bible were written by about 40 men over 1500 years, and existed well before anyone put them in their book collection.

Infallible God.

Written word 3500 years old. 99.5% intact.

Yes, that's a miracle.

>by this logic there's no proof for literally any religion
>Tell him what he's won!

That's not true at all - but it is true there's definitely no proof for Moses' homicidal rape fantasies being divine. Jews, Muslims, and "Christians" are just LARPers and that's all they've ever been and ever will be.

Or just typical anthropologic writing and you are dazzled by some numbers you made up.

Well the bible is not 3500 years old, and is filled with half truths and inaccuracies, but since I doubt you believe in modern archeology or historical method you will dismiss that.

I am sorry you love your book more than the truth but remember, the truth will set you free.

What the fuck are any of your stupid videos supposed to prove? They have no fucking point to them.

Are you schizophrenic?

He literally is.

>What the fuck are any of your stupid videos supposed to prove? They have no fucking point to them.
>Are you schizophrenic?

No, I'm a prophet of God.

You know - those people Jews, Muslims and Judeo-Christians base their identity around killing.

e.g. Ba'al - whose prophets Elijah slaughters - is god of storms, king of the gods - cognate to Zeus.


I share your disgust. That guy is weird as fuck, always posting bizarre non-sequiturs with bizarre collages, and nonsensical videos.

He makes REI seem normal.

Yes, but it was the Church that decided which books were scripture and which weren't.


I got way more evidence than anyone discussing any genocidal talking burning bushes. So I don't know why you're calling me delusional. I'm not the one running around claiming I got a license from God to kill because I read the Pentateuch.

>I don't know why you're calling me delusional.

The scriptures are also made-made


Hey, 1/1,000,000 chance I'm delusional - I'll take it.

That's an overblown meme. The New Testament canon was already formed by the community over a period of decades.

Did God mind control everyone to ensure his 99.5 percent accuracy rate on the legit/apocrypha?

No there were books generally agreed on which made it in, books a lot liked, some of which made it on, others were regarded as either heretical or semi-canonical, and then there were books only liked in certain regions and sects that generally were not included.

But the idea that it was completely agreed upon is total crap.

btw who agreed? answer: a bunch of bishops

How is he responsible? Did he speak to the scribes, or did he send thoughts to the scribes that weren't actually theirs? I'm asking logistics here.

What's in him?
What's in us?

You people keep using phrases with no definitions to provide definitions. What did he breathe, and what is the Holy Spirit?

How, in what way? What is it about a person that has the "Holy Spirit" inside of them. What is different about a person than an animal that a human has the "Holy Spirit" literally inside of them. What is the Holy Spirit?

unrealistic odds are a sign of a disturbed mind and the psychotic oftentimes never have insight into their condition

t. Gospel of Thomas gnostic

>muh 99.5%
Christians, due to their religion, were very, very good at copying manuscripts. But there is still a 0.5% error rate, and this includes extremely important stuff like 1 John 5:7. Plus, just because it's intact doesn't make it true.
>Herod-Quirinius problem
>Saints appearing in Jerusalem(no records at all which should be there if it actually happened
And that 99% doesn't extend to the Old Testament which is completely indefensible on any level

>Implying I "believe" any of this stuff

>actually believing it's about translation
t.zakir naik fan

