Were the axis leaders - Hirohito...

Were the axis leaders - Hirohito, Mussolini and Hitler that last leaders/politicians who possessed leadership and characteristics of an emperor of the classic sense of the word?

> the last leaders/politicians


What about Franco and Pinochet?

Also Donald Trump

Hirohito was a Japanese """"Emperor"""" and that ought to tell you how cucked he was.

The most Beta Emperors in the planet, them Japs.

>Trump an emperor

Back to plebbit r/the_donald

He has something about him that I admire. His crass attitude is a plus. He doesn't beat about the bush like a regular politician. His populism is admirable.


he is litterate spawn of usa robber barons and musolini. the states will be a version of the country from the Man in the High Castle in a decade and im not even baiting


Eww fuck Kim and Castro.

>Implying this is a bad thing

I dont care, im not from US so i will just kick back and enjoy watching the world burn


Do you guys even know what a classical emperor is?


He has the demeanour of one.
No one says he would be a good emporer.

>Eww fuck Kim and Castro.
>puts in Gaddafi and Assad
I at least hope you meant the Assad sr.

Tojo was the real leader and strategist of Japan during WWII.
None of those guys are/ were charismatic.

tfw Putin gets plastic surgery to look like julius

What so good about Hafez Al Assad Sr.?

>De Gaulle

>MFW he won't get assassinated by some high ranking military bodyguards

Putin, Hun Sen, Paul kagame also give that aura of emperors.

>He doesn't beat about the bush like a regular politician.
Sure, only took him several days to say that neo-nazism and KKK are bad stuff.

Trump is considered charismatic by his voters, that's all it matters when it comes to charisma

Hitler and Mussolini sure, Hirohito was just some faggot nerd who was just a shitty figurehead to Tojo.

Franco yeah, but Pinochet definitely not.

ITT: Teenagers who think Batman is the pinnacle of manhood.

Obama is considered charismatic by his voters.
Clinton was considered charismatic by her voters.
You are wrong.

He's a retard who can hardly string a sentence together.

Who hurt you?

Obama was charismatic but Clinton? Good joke.

Why do you think Obama's and Clinton's charisma negates the possibility of Trump being thought of charismatic by someone else? Different people find different persons more or less charismatic all the time.

Not a hinderence when you have enough people equally retarded and with a right to vote?

Charisma his shy son (the dentist) lacks?

>Holding in your stomach, sticking out your chest and wearing your pants high will deceive people into thinking you are in shape
People still fall for this meme, kek.

>implying little benito was anything but a vain buffoon.
>implying anybody but an italo-fascist would include him in any relevant list
>pizza niggers are the worst

Fuck all the shits in the thread

The only person that can claim to have the leadership and charisma of an Emperor is a proven Emperor

No one fits the description today because there is no powerful Empire

Emperor Bokassa
Mobutu Sese-seko
Saddam Hussein
Papa Doc Duvalier
Idi Amin
Alfredo Stroessner
Rafael Trujillo

Why didn't you include Stalin in the list? He was much closer to and epreror than Hirohito, who, in spite of being an actual emperor, had zero power.

Pablo Escobar

This unironically.

What are the characteristics to qualify as an emperor ?
