Why didn't Japan or China or India ever take over Australia before Europeans arrived?

Why didn't Japan or China or India ever take over Australia before Europeans arrived?

Overseas colonialism is hard work and Australia Is pretty shit and hard to find

Southeast Asian Muslims knew of Australia before it was discovered by the Europeans. They just saw it as an inhospitable shithole populated by hostile savages and thus inappropriate for either settlement or trade.

European attitudes were hardly more enthusiastic. Much of Australia's early settlement came from its status as a prison colony and it only started attracting immigrants with the discovery of natural resources like gold.

Nevertheless, the entire population of Australia was still significantly lower than individual European capitals in 1900. It's only been post-WW2 immigration that has elevated it from small-time colony to a country in its own right.

Because literally everybody that's ever taken a look at Australia has said "Wow. What a shithole."

The only difference is that Europeans said "Wow. What a shithole. Let's drop off these fucking guys here."

Colonialism only started to become a thing because of how insanely profitable certain areas of the world outside of Europe were, such as the Americas or Africa's Coast, India or Asia.
Also this

No obvious resources and the natives are to poor to trade with.


if you know what i mean

The ancient greeks knew it was there, my dude

Because Australia is pretty much a shithole with no easily accessible resources or trade opportunities.

have you ever been to australia? Its a human deathtrap, thats why the only people in the world crazy enough to go there was the british. Apparently their homeland is so shit they'll go LITERALLY anywhere else.

See: antartica

I'd spread my imperialism all over her.

They figured there would be some land in the southern hemisphere, but no Greek ever came close to reach Australia in ancient times.

How can black people range from monstrosities with wide gorilla heads to having ultra curvy estrogen bodies with feminine faces, while whites mostly never reach these two extremes?

>while whites mostly never reach these two extremes?

dude go outside

Stop thinking of human history as a game of Civilization. The Japanese, Chinese and Indians had absolutely no reason to go sailing into the distance in search of far off wastelands, and even less reason to colonise them.



Black women have both more estrogen and more testosterone than women of any other race

See, this just showcases my point. The fat distribution turns her into a blob. The other girl needs is just slim all the way. Never proportionally thick thighs.

How is it hard to find? It's a massive island just next to Indonesia, one of the most transited routes ever. I never understood this.

This women has a disease. Mental or physical I don't care.

There is more genetic diversity between two Subsaharan Africans than between an Asian and a white man.

Not really, two RANDOM subsaharahs sure, but not all subsaharans are diverse, most belong to fairly monolithic tribal / racial groups.

While it's not true that other races don't have that, is it kinda true that black women only seem to exist in extremes. I generally don't see "average" black women.

Because there was fuck all in Australia, it was just a shitty desert and people had no use for all that uranium that was there yet. Even the Brits, the biggest resource exploiters this planet has ever seen, settled that place as nothing more than penal colony.

Well that particular Black Woman is an American one, so the answer is degrees of European Admixture

Her hair is clearly European and her nose also seems to have been influenced by both sides.

muh dik nonetheless.

Her face reminds me to a girl I had a semi crush, I bet she has iberian genes in her.

You would have sell her as a slave for a high price?



super saiyan