
Is this really that good or is it just a meme?

It's not the god mode people say it is but it's still pretty good. Increases focus, motivation and lets you go on with little sleep easily.

I don't recommend taking it every day but it's nice to have when you need an extra boost from time to time.

It's a fucking meme. It's great if you want to stay up all night and get shit done, but otherwise it's pretty fuckin' mediocre. Depends on what you want it for.

t. tried modafinil, modvigil, waklert and adrafinil

makes you need to piss every 15 minutes no joke

It's pretty good. Increases focus a lot. Don't take it more than once a week as tolerance builds up fast.

It's excellent. Could sit through STEM lectures with dry profs without my mind wandering or at all.

Just don't take a test on it, because you WILL have to piss

i never took it but have taken adderall before

anybody familiar with both? adderall is literally a godsend for me but it's hard to get an appointment with a psychiatrist here and most doctors wont prescribe it

canada btw

I take Vyvanse and bought some armodafinil. Doesn’t do shit for me. Stick to the amphetamines.

sucks man, they hand it out like candy in the states.. find a drug dealer.

Literally just had to tell a doctor that I was having hard time paying attention to get my script Ken

You don't need drugs. Drugs are for losers.

Modafinil is actually pretty good, again it's not a godsend but it does the job somewhat. Just don't take too often only if you know you're about to have a stressful day/week.

I got to jittery on adderall and had a shitty comedown when I stopped using it and was being noticeable anti-social. Did work though but wasn't worth 2-3 weeks after.

Used modafinil and provigil and unfortunately neither really did anything for me. I still have half of a $600 bottle of provigil from almost 7 years ago

Still have a half bottle of modafinil. Got way too jittery and doesn't actually help with focus (unless you're already a focused person, then it'll keep you on task for extra long).

Just got a script for vyvanse... Hoping this will change my situation soon... I'm a fucking 32 year old loser living in my parents' home (but I have an awesome body from exercise and a big dick... STILL can't get laid because Im dead end)

Modafinil is fucking awesome but be careful what manufacturer you get it from. In Canada, there is mar-modafinil and it's a bad trip. apo-modafinil works as advertised.

If you have ADD and/or are middle-aged It's god mode. I don't know if I'm doing it justice but it's like more of my past experience is available for synthesizing ideas than is possible when off the drug.

I wouldn't say it's god mode for ADD. I have adult ADHD (or whatever stupid label they put on people who can't focus for the life of them). I was on modafinil for a bit; it helped to make think fast on my toes (in social situations oddly enough), but for staying on track, it was terrible... Maybe on par with a strong cup of coffee or a redbull.

fuck yeah modafinil is sick, bought 300 or so online the other week. Helps out with focus and concentration, pretty much makes u the dude from 'Limitless'

much better than ritalin or adderall

used modafinil but somehow made me concentrate more on sleeping lol wut so now i stick to adderall cuz ill be up 2 days straight on just half a cap

Fair enough. I'm blessed with the low energy version of ADD. The one where you're unmotivated and can't do things like write exams around ticking clocks or read books.

Amphetamines helped but led to amphetamine psychosis. Modafinil seems to burn a lot cleaner and, while I do still distract on it, I am able to get back on track in a few minutes instead of 15-20. Amphetamines were just hyper-focus to the point of not eating or drinking.

It's funny that you note the social nimbleness. I've read that modafinil can make people more "in tune" with the other's moods.

Really? I thought they make you jump through a bunch of hoops like taking a bunch of tests that last many hours, like you'd have to not be ADD to be able to get through all that. And I've heard if you go to a doc and ask for it they label you DSB and that will follow you forever will become difficult to get any medications.
I probably need to get this because all my life I have barely been able to study more than a minute before getting distracted an drifting off.

Tell stories about how you can't even concentrate on things people enjoy. That includes sex, reading, listening to other people's stories, etc. Also explain that you're disorganized and have difficulty managing chores and structuring your day for exercise and proper eating. All that and not being able to study.

This might get you a prescription for adderall. You'll need to take it for a bit and complain of heart palpitations, bruxism, and jitters. Explain that the side effects are awful but that you've had some improvement in concentration and organization. Then say that you've been reading that modafinil is being used as a treatment for ADD and that you would like to try it because you've read that the physical side effects aren't as bad.

I was intended to ask regarding adderall, not modafinil.

Nigga modafinil is like strong coffee.

Vyvanse and adderall is what you want to go to the next level. Too bad their comedowns suck.