Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?
Was half of England's population black during the Regency?

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Why are nords like this? How many more years must the Med people suffer?

I fucking hate these smug lefties who take afrocentrist nonsense as facts.

Pretty depressing desu white people are being erased from history to make their erasure from Europe more easier to accept

That's obviously an exaggeration but it's true that black characters are often left in the background.

Half of England? No.

Half of London? Yeah.

No, three fourths of British population were black back then.

what show is this

Nope. There are thousands of photos from 19th century England and you'd be very hard pressed to find any that include black people. Jesus wasn't black either.

Dr Who

Doctor Who

Low budget British show that stopped being good long ago and just became SJW bullshit

No. It's the BBC and their diversity requirements.

I enjoy the lack of subtlety

>that episode

>the doctor won't even do physical harm to the daleks if he can avoid it
>but he will punch a man who says mean words to negroids


>is doctor who accurate
What do you think? The show's gotten fucking terrible because Capaldi is cleary a terrible fit for the role, but don't pretend as if anyone in Britain is actually watching for historical accuracy.


So are you telling me that Doctor Who became a low-quality SJW propaganda? Good that I stopped watching it after Matt Smith left...

What the fuck has happened to my precious Doctor Who? I remember staying late nights as a kid just to see single episodes of that show. It was one of main things that kicked up my history interest.

And now BBC decides to kill off historical accuracy in the name of political correctness. And if that's not enough, it openly lies to our faces, that this is the truth, it tries to convince viewer to a fat lie, and why? Becasue this is what current political agenda tries to push.

I'd wish BBC to suck a bunch of dicks, but these fuckers would probably enjoy it

I don't like /pol/ but I also don't like this kind of historical revisionism.

No. This is just cultural imperialism and appropriation.

nice pic. gonna use that as a stencil tonight.


Big Black Cock ?

>Boo hoo hoo Dr Who isn't historically accurate and has poorly written episodes.

No shit a tv series that started in an era of black and white tv is going to have shitty episodes.

Also, why the hell are people demanding historical accuracy from a show that had William Shakespeare saving the Earth by quoting Harry Potter?

How do people lie like this so freely?

Really, it's factually bankrupt of them, what are they doing?

I suppose it's less that, than the fact that this scene goes beyond and claims in its own words that Britain was racially diverse and full of black people at the time, did you even open the webm? Or maybe you're just a stupid foreigner that can't glean meaning from a sentence.

we demand it because we pay for it

What the fuck

Not my OC, but I'm glad you like it.

The show has also said that Queen Victoria was also saved from a freaking alien werewolf. Never planned to take anything it says about history to be accurate.

why mention /pol/?
historic revisionism is never a good thing

We're da Brits nao whitey

in the realm of science fiction you can have things like that, however, it has a backdrop of reality to respect as well, it may well be alternate universe who if it's going to make claims about the make up of the populace that are daft lunacy

Several seasons ago there were some black soldiers in medieval England. It's idiotic and weird, the historical episodes are like one-third of all the episodes, is it really that hard for the producers to have white people in them?

Are you retarded? Its literally makes the claim that they are presenting real history and that other sources have whitewashed history.

It is CLEARLY intentional propaganda of a political agenda, paid for with taxpayer money.

>the fictional show tells its viewers that it is historical and that the historical sources are fictional
now THIS is shilling!

When in the hell has Dr Who had respect for reality? I remember an alien race that was literally evolved to carry it's brains in their hands. The whole godamn show is looney to all hell.

No. At least 7/10th of the population during Regency was black or directly descended from Christ.

Jesus was obviously a nazzeriean. At was most probably olive. It's incredibly unlikely he was black.

get thee gone BBC

>7/10th of the population during Regency was black or directly descended from Christ.
that is redundant you ignorant nazi

Not as retarded as the user who thinks that the show about a nutter with a time machine who abducts people to go on adventures is something that people would use as a source for learning history.

>we have to pay taxes on this shit

Why black? Why couldn't they say "little less white"? What's this obsession with black people that anglos love to import?

Stop misusing words, Becky.

And definitely not as retarded as that user who thinks kids don't pick up on this stuff, and that it 100% wasn't included in it for that reason.

you're the only prat to make the claim that anyone would use it as a source of learning from history

I would love to glass you

t. shill

A kid picks up a lot of stupid shit that thwy learn is now true as they grow older. We got entire holidays dedicated to telling kids that a rabbit leaves them eggs to find and an old guy breaks into their house to leave toys behind.

Go choke on your Yorkshire pudding, Nigel.

Not true*

And a lot of kids don't ever learn better, hence why you've got people believing in le dark ages and what not.

But I did like your reddit snark, you'll go far

>We got entire holidays dedicated to telling kids that a rabbit leaves them eggs to find and an old guy breaks into their house to leave toys behind.
right but what is the reason we tell children those stories? because they are a tradition and they are fun. now can you tell me why the bbc is telling children that the regency was black and history is a whitewash?

And we call those people dipshits, we have had them for generations. We still got holdovers from when people thought the Earth was flat. Only difference now is that they got a new flavor of shit to eat now.

Because the BBC has poor hiring practices and currently has talentless hacks on staff.

ok but why do the talentless hacks that the bbc employs want to tell children these things?

Yes, but stuff like a flat earth and other such retarded conspiracies aren't a hot button topic. People are now whining that Cleopatra has been played by white people instead of blacks, and you can't speak against it without being branded racist

They're your Semitic kin, Abdul.

Imagine the western world being so engulfed in propaganda that before saying it is too much you also have to post a disclaimer stating you're not a neo nazi.


The ACLU removed a post with an image of a white baby with an American flag because people whined that it was racist.

Welcome to hell.

Because even though /pol/ is shit I can still find some common ground with them.

You are a cͬoͤoͭlͣgͬuͩy

>Tfw at some past point in my life I would have laughed believing it's just absurd humour and moved on.
The cynicism is killing me bros.

Because morons when given a modicum of power or a platform to be heard will say moronic things.

People will whine about literally anything, the internet just gives it the illusion of importance because some popular website had one of those whiners writing a faggy article about it.

Should be london.webm

/pol/ is bad because they don't have any rigor or honesty and 90% of content are outright shitposts, but I appreciate that they care about topics academia and the media are refusing to even touch.

Why haven't you gotten rid of the BBC already in the UK? It isn't even needed in the 21st century

Not half. But there were more black people than they show in movies and television.

>the doctor won't even do physical harm to the daleks if he can avoid it
what show have you been watching

Pathetic. They're literally trying to rewrite history and are succeeding for the most part.

Not exactly :

Dr is kinda schitzo about that sort of thing, some episodes he is this pacifist type of guy who will not hurt a fly. Other episodes he will throw an alium into a collapsing galaxy so she will live forever in agony.

They aren't succeeding. What do you think motivates all those right wing rallies now a days? People are tired, and the backlash is so intense they're going to the deep end

oh yes, excuse me, all of history is a whitewash conspiracy and such

why is Veeky Forums so ahistoric and racist?

You just love punching hornets nests, don't you?

[spoiler]So do I[/spoiler]

Well sheeit, there goes the surprise.

fear not, I won't be replying to his ignorant bait comment

He's never been strictly one or the other. Yes, he abhors violence, and views it as a last resort, but part of the reason he hates it so much is because he knows and fears what he's capable of. It's a bit more complex than "kinda schitzo."

Minority. Most children and a large part of the millennials do believe that blacks took an active part in European history.

Do it, it's funny to me, DANCE MONKEY!

why are "certain" people so triggered by this fact? is it because it shatters their meme about minorities being the blame for everything?

>Jesus was black


They got egos and persecution complexes that are inflated to high heaven. So when someone isn't kissing the ground that white people walk on they think it is an act of genocide.

>Oooga Booga muhdik we wuz English n sheeit

Go be 52% somewhere else.

Not a conspiracy. Since white people overall make the entertainment produced and are still overall the acting population, they understandably end up casting white people in historical roles where black people would be. Also, historical education tends to be hilariously basic. There were black people in history, but they're never mentioned, so we never know they're there. There's mentions of black people in Celtic stories. Were they everywhere in London? No. But they were around, in moderate numbers.

It goes the other way, too. Did you know that the Byzantine empereor had an elite set of Viking guards?

In the context of this ep in the header, this is the Great Frost Fair, so all the classes and races who would normally not mingle are mixing. That's why there is so many black people at that moment.


Jesus wasn't black...but he was blacker (as in, darker-skinned) than he's often depicted.

You're a nut.

See what I mean? user is also acting as if he knows everything he needs to about me from one gay ass post I made.

What did you disagree with about my points? I can probably provide sources, if you wish.

Through the Keyhole, why?

>There's mentions of black people in Celtic stories
Only they didn't mean black as in negroid, they meant black as in pitch fucking black.

Lemme guess, these black folks are all supernatural in some way

>There were black people in history, but they're never mentioned
They're mentioned constantly and often exaggerated.

He's probably referring to macritchie or some other weird folklorist hogwash like that. Afronuts love him for some reason.


Like poetry.