Is this thing done for or will the chink government give it priority when they start to regulate against ICOs?

is this thing done for or will the chink government give it priority when they start to regulate against ICOs?

regulating ICO's means NEO had a headstart. This will be huge

explain why

The chinese government will want this to do well. Work with government, not against it is exactly what Hongfei is doing. They've probably seen whats happening with a lot of scams on ethereum and want to prevent this. It really is a good thing for some sort of regulation and it was to be expected with China.


So investors know they aren't buying some pump and dump shitcoin ico.

Unregulated markets are cool because anyone can make a product but it's really a double edged sword. It's not healthy long term for a market when ANYONE can create a whitepaper and start an ico. Especially when it's unregulated to the point that anyone can release a whitepaper without a working product or any intention of creating one.

Besides, NEO has first-mover advantage as a blockchain. Regulations will literally be inspired by what NEO provides.

Now's your chance to become a crony

idk it just sound weird when we talk about the merits of decentralised crpyto currency and then welcome the prospect of chink government intervention to protect investors

It's hilarious hope people don't see this and panic sold. I picked up a ton of cheap NEO.

Some people are so fearful and emotional that they don't do they research and think things through.

Onchain has been working with the Chinese government before Neo even was a thing.

>chink government intervention to protect investors

That is literally the governments job... to protect the citizens of the nation...

Neo faggots will clutch at any straw they can right now given how dire the outlook is for this vaporware.

100%NEO chadmode engaged..

I think that it has a chance of it bouncing back to $40-$45 next week. Don't forget that the some ICO's are coming up

By banning investment in all ICOs. Just like they ban all other forms of gambling because everyone knows Asians NEVER admit it was their fault that they lost money. They always look to blame it on external forces. In the case of ICOs it was because the government didn't outlaw them in the first instance. It was probably some high ranking CCP faggot or his worthless crotch fruit that lost money in an ICO so everyone will now be made to suffer. They're a culture of losers.

Proud holder of 2.8 neo

0.3 here. Can you spare a little?


No, but I'll give you a word of advice: buy omg while it's low.

Wake up, NEO.

>is this thing done
>meanwhile it's been shooting up all morning

Ok but I already have 5200 of them. Should I buy more? Will I make it?

it doesn't seem particularly low right now, is it supposed to shoot up soon or something?

>contemplating top sell all my OMG for NEO
Tell me more.

Youll make it bro, BUY MORE

12k+ btc volume and rising
have we started the fire?

it looks to me that NEO was riding the decentralized wave only on paper and irl they are setting up their chain as a company for serious digitalization of assets and shares for future companies, which is quite far away from any currency stuff and less open for anything as Ethereum.

You're going to make it. Just give it time. I would honestly just hold everything you have and wait for world governments to see where they stand on crypto regulation. Once normies feel like their money is safe they are all going to want in. Everything will go up when the unsurity of government intervention has passed. Gonna be a year or so before we can tell what direction it's all going.


>Everyone literally jizzing over Chinese ICOs and Chinese ethereum
>Regulation was to be expected, of course

Do you neomarines realize how ridiculous you sound sometimes?

>Government exists to protect the citizens


> gubment vil protecc da citizens.

Before you know it, deep web ICOs that you buy in Monero will be a fucking thing

It's hilarious that you think you're picking up cheap NEO.

I grabbed it at $30. I have already made $2k
Stay mad nocoiner.