The War to End All Wars

>the War to End All Wars

>My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.

>Great Depression
>Wasn't Great

>February revolution
>Wasn't in February

>The Hundred Years' War
>actually lasted 116 year


>thousand year reich

>Polish-Lithuanian "Commonwealth"
>is actually an union between two poor shitholes


what did they mean by this


>Third Rome
>not in Rome

>Golden Horde

Westernmost part of Mongol Empire was called Golden Horde because the people inhabiting it (the Cumans) were from north-western China which is covered in desert.


>Nogay Horde

>actually full of gays


>All Britain had to do was let Hitler have his little Pan German sandbox by giving back alsauce Lorain , Danzig, the German parts of Poland, and the Sudentland
>Then there would've been no war
Why were the allies such cunts?


>World War 1
>Doesnt involve the entire planet

What the fuck

>nogai horde
>nogai khan wasn't alive during its existence


>in addition to forcing Britain to surrender its colonies if Germany was allowed to have its way

>there would've been no war
Uh oh spaghettio someone forgot that Liberalism, Communism, and Fascism are incompatible and would have enviably fought each other to the death.
Post yfw you realize that it isn't WWI and WWII that are a single war but rather WWII and the Cold War as a fundamental battle of ideologies pitting Liberalism vs Fascism vs Communism.

>"Anarcho" Communism
>Involves democracy and coercion
>Calls other anarchism fake

>Go to war to keep the colonies
>Lose the colonies anyway

why would Britain need to give someone elses land? why they didn't give some of THEIR land to appease the krauts?

evil eternal perfidious anglo strikes again.

>they're economically tied together
>therefore they can't possibly go to war with each other