If any Aussies want to make easy money on eBay just sell these one hitter dugouts

If any Aussies want to make easy money on eBay just sell these one hitter dugouts.
The only place on eBay that sells them is in the US and underage fags can only buy them on eBay.

If an Aussie wants these $15 dugouts they need to spend $40 including shipping.

if an underage aussie wants to smoke he just daks a gatorade from woolies and cuts the end off his neighbours hose

Shutup OP. get REKT faggot

There is no substitute for quality

if any ausie is good with their hands they can make these from scraps of wood they find at their local sawmill

australia is like the south except instead of saying nigger or ain't they say gibberish like woolies or daks or gabba

Free shipping does not apply to Australia.

Also the shipping takes a while.

fingerbox market is oversaturated down here imo

Daks? What state are you from?

That means "pull down someone's pants" where I live

dak=steal something by putting in your pants
woolies=whole foods or whatever you americans have there

Underage fags can't smoke in their backyard or house can they?
Or if they want to smoke in public they pretty much need a dugout.

it has several meanings bro

>my daks
my undies

>dak him
pull his pants down

>dak that
steal that

Here in WA dack means to shoplift and to dack means to pull someone's pants down.

> dak that

Means to put it down your pants in order to steal, not just to steal something.

I knew I guy who used to steal whole 1KG blocks of cheese from woolies down his shorts. Never figured that one out


I wouldn't be surprised man

OP can you explain this. Are you American or Australian? Why are you sharing this tip if it's so profitable and not doing it yourself?

If I as an Australian can buy these things from the US on ebay, why can't these kids buy these things on ebay themselves?

Someone who wants to buy a product strictly made for someone less than 18 is calling other people a faggot?

Really makes the neurons fire

I am Australian.
The idea is, if you're over 18 is to buy these things at smoke shops then sell on eBay where underage Australians have no option but to buy from.
Australians have to fork out like $40 to buy these things on eBay so you can resell these things for more than they're worth

u n d e r a g e

Ah, thanks. Have you tried this yourself? How many units did you sell and for what profit?

aud confirmed

I haven't done this myself desu.
I live with my religious parents who would never let me own anything smoking related so I just let Veeky Forums know.

Get rich slow schemes aside, no one gives a fuk about Australia.

lol trumpfag

Tbh famalam there are plenty of one-hitters already on ebay here and I doubt the sellers would care enough to check the buyer is 18.
Never seen anyone use one of those here, and yet plenty of fuckers manage to toke. I imagine they just roll joints or fashion a bong out of a gatorade bottle.

I use one because it's pretty much the only way to be stealthy without buying an expensive vape pen.

Emptying out a cig or just rolling a joint with normal filter is pretty stealth, bar the smell ofc.

Dunno how stealth you can really be smoking something that you can smell from 20m away but ok

Well I'm not exactly going to rip a bong in a park.

You can't smoke weed with a cigarette filter. It stops the THC.

they have apples in australia

You totally can, it's pretty inefficient though.
Anyway there are tons of cheap, easy-concealable smoking devices on ebay already.

Hey these things are terrible. yes they are stealthy. yes they are portable. but if you get some sticky weed in there it's going to stick to the bottom of the duggout and your going to have to find a way to scrape it out of sacrifice your precious kush. If you're going to invest in paraphernalia why not choose a quality product like a "titanium" herbal grinder? (((nobody can fucking tell if it's titanium or not)))

People who live in states where weed is illegal are completely oblivious to what THC Oil vaped smells like. I use mine all the time in public and no one bats an eye.