Was he the first protestant?

Was he the first protestant?

What do you think?

No, Leo IX was.

Nope, there were many "pre-reformists" before him.
Probably Peter Waldo was the first reformer.

Marsilius of Padua (1270-1342) writes vehemently against the papacy and the rule of monarchy. Opposing monarchical rule, he outlines a theory of city-wide popular sovereignty with separate legislature. Writing of papal authority, he categorically denies the clergy any authority within the temporal sphere. Marsilius also effectively renounces Aristotelianism of the scholastic tradition in favour of a more Platonist view


Peter Waldo precedes both of them.

he was inspired by wycliffe and the lollards

no that'd be Paul

>be me
>in a university lecture about the reformation
>female classmate of mine says she doesn't see how this shit is supposed to be important
>this is after we'd heard about the countless wars, philosophical revolutions and general changing face of the western world that were a direct result of it
>i basically tell her it must be a problem on her end
>she acts as if i had just raped her mother in front of her
How do we solve the normie question, Veeky Forums?

Wycliffe is generally seen as the first in the Protestant camp, but Waldo does proceed him slightly. Another early Protestant was Master Erkhart, who probably influenced Luther very closely, being himself a German

Depends on what you mean. He's (as far as I know) the first person to start a religious movement against the Catholic Church. Other early religious "splinter groups" or factions tended to come before the Catholic orthodoxy took over (ei gnosticism) or were based on ideas that weren't fully established in the orthodoxy (like Pelagius). A lot of other movements wanted to reform from within the church, but not to really move away from the church like Luthor did (like the Céilí Dé). But it's not like he was the first to challenge the Pope, just the first to ragequit Catholicism.

The first protestant was Lucifer himself

Luther didn't want to 'move away' from the Catholic Church, he wanted to reform it according to his own personal views. Hence, >reformation.

He obviously got told to fuck off and looked for some feudal lord that could safehaven his ass from incoming Crusade.

It really wasn't any different from previous anti-heretic crusades, like cathars or hussites, except that this time lots of nobles and powerful princes and kings sided with the heretic due to the power politics implications derived from Luther's ideas.

You're wrong, there were sever anti-orthodox groups who essentially said exactly what Luther did in terms of the common Protestant talking points.
Waldo, Wycliffe, Master Erkhart, jan Hus, and others all predate Luther and fall in line with the commonalities of mainline Protestatism, i.e. rejection of Catholic dogma, rejection of Popery, rejection of the doctrine of Transubstantiation, and desire of a biblical vulgate. All of those, except Erkhart, had large followers who would be considered different Protestant sects if they had come in luther's wake. Waldensians, Lollards, and Husites were all popular sects


>Founded by Jesus
>Founded by two fat guys and a Frenchman

>founded by anyone but a schismatic pope with a lust for power

The one Jesus founded was the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church.


Shit ain't adding up..

>And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

Keep them as sheeple

Papa is just a fun hyponym. We all know that he is simply the infallible arbiter of God's will on this Earth. We do not pray to the pope, but for him.
We only pray to God, in His three aspects, Mary, the mother of God, and all the Saints in heaven, so they may pray to God for our sake.

It's all there in the bible. The Priest tells me so.

>this is what papists actually believe

In 100 AD, all Christians were Baptists. Emperor Constantine invented Catholicism centuries later.

>Founded by Jesus
Is that what they teach you in those papist churches?

>The Priest tells me so.

Subtle lel