Historical Curiosities

Did you know that there's a Mountain in Italy that's made entirely out of Roman Trash?


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nice, I would love to dig there and find random things

yeah, im pretty sure it's where they dumped clay pots that they used for transporting olive oil

I bet the remains of a few poor murder victims are in that pile.

Not likely, since it's in a pretty open area, and would have been a common dumping ground. Especially when the Tiber is like 150 meters away. Rivers are far more common dumping grounds

what was the roman take on murdered people? did they care if they chanced upon someone being buried hastily by their murderers?

I guess it would depend on how identifiable the body was. If you could tell who it was, you'd probably turn it over to the family for burial. I don't know who actually went out to look for murderers in Roman times, since they didn't have police, but I'm sure someone would. Maybe, it was like a civil thing, and you'd go to some civilian magnate and declare that your relative was killed, and you had some suspicion on who did it. Again, I don't know.
I'm sure any unidentifiable remains would be buried in whatever way poor, relationless people were

Essentially nothing happened unless you made a fuss. So for instance if your brother was murdered it was your/the aggrieved's job to perform the investigation, gather evidence, make sure the accused came to court, hire a lawyer etc. Essentially if you were rich you could maybe afford to do these things and had armed men working for you who could drag the person you thought did it before the court. If you were poor you could maybe hope to get an angry mob going in the neighborhood that would do these things. Needless to say it was a smaller world back then so when someone was killed outside of Banditry/Gang Fights/War etc you probably knew who did it and why.

The world is still shockingly small. Many murders go unsolved unless done by an immediate circle for probable reasons, unless they leave DNA and can be forensically sussed out

cool thread op

Did you know that there's a country called Italy that's made entirely out of Roman Trash?


A lot of that though is because of how easy it is to get around. Back then people could not hop in a car and drive to a different district if they wanted to be a serial killer. They were also much more rural so there often was no place to go anyway.

Yeah, but if you were a psycho killer, you could just cut up any person and throw them in the river or bury them on the roadside, and probably get away with it, as long as you could keep your civilian persona in check.
It's pretty suspicious how Serial Murders don't become a thing until pretty recently in history

It's not a mountain, and there are plenty of others like it.

After the Roman army left Britain local militias set up in the garrisons on Hadrian's Wall for several decades afterwards to continue defending it against the Picts beyond.

>It's pretty suspicious how Serial Murders don't become a thing until pretty recently in history
One alternative view could be that serial killers could actually find socially sanctioned outlets for their sickness, or at least go full banditry and have their kils associated with common outlawry rather than specifically with serial killers.

why would you though?
modern media didnt exist so there would be no way to fuel your ego, people wouldn't care if it was some poor beggar and if you killed the wrong person you'd be in real trouble.
serial killers may be a modern phenomenon.If you did have a love of killing and wanted attention you could have been a solider or gladiator were your deeds would be celebrated.Hell you got even work in the slave trade if loved beating and killing people who didn't do what they were told.

>It's pretty suspicious how Serial Murders don't become a thing until pretty recently in history
Most likely forensics weren't advanced enough to sniff them out.
Not all serial killers kill for attention, some kill because they take joy in it or the voices in their head tell them to or something like that

so why wouldn't they join the legion to kill?


Not him but weren't you required to be noble or something to join the Roman army early on? Before they changed that.

For most of Rome's history every male citizen was required to be in the army. It was voluntary during the imperial period and often used by foreigners to become official Roman citizens.