/v/ and /tv/ are triggered by women using bows because they say only manly men can draw them back...

/v/ and /tv/ are triggered by women using bows because they say only manly men can draw them back. But if this is true why was Artemis associated with it?

Because she's a hunter and hunters use bows?

Artemis was a goddess, not a human. Greek gods didn't play by mortal rules.

She's apollo's sister

Nigga that's a lazy answer.

So a godess

Adult, trained women can draw bows that can have lethal penetrative weight.

Scrawny women, teenagers or boys can't, that's the issue.

>Nigga that's a lazy answer.

It's completely true though. The Greeks saw the gods as having a completely different sense of morality from humanity. They could get away literal murder. They had favourites. They would sleep with random mortals. Gods would engage in non-masculine activities and goddesses in masculine ones. Just look at Athena, who was born clutching a shield and spear when she burst out of Zeus' head.

You want an answer to why Zeus can turn into a fucking bull and rapist duck and shit?

Then they must have thought Scythians were gods because they wrote that the Amazons were archers too.

>they wrote that the Amazons were archers too.

They saw them as barbaric freaks. Only the gods and bizarre alien cultures would let women fight in their eyes. People on the edges of the world were seen as closer to the gods in some ways actually, e.g. the Aethiopians were beloved of Zeus.

hunting bow =/= war bow

as the godess of the hunt she needs the weapon of the hunt which is a bow but you shouldn't take that to mean that women were the ones who undertook hunting

A lot of women who hunt with a bow hunt with pretty low draw weight bows and the ones that try to do traditional archery are usually stuck at the lower weight bows as well

Would mounted archers use low draw weight?

Mounted archers use ridiculously stiff bows with a very short draw length.

The fact that she's a mythological character might have something to do with it like with every other supernatural being.

>being THIS much of a delusional neckbeard

>Archaeologists have found skeletons buried with bows and arrows and quivers and spears and horses. At first they assumed that anyone buried with weapons in that region must have been a male warrior. But with the advent of DNA testing and other bioarchaeological scientific analysis, they've found that about one-third of all Scythian women are buried with weapons and have war injuries just like the men. The women were also buried with knives and daggers and tools. So burial with masculine-seeming grave goods is no longer taken as an indicator of a male warrior. It's overwhelming proof that there were women answering to the description of the ancient Amazons.

>he believes kike lies
tell me about how science (in this case looking for garbage and defiling supposed graves) stopped being a joke too

Consider suicide

Exceptions do not make the rule.

>THIS triggered about the very idea that a woman might have used a bow ONCE in the last eight thousand years

Archery nerds are the worst

One-third is not merely an "exception".

I thought they weren't buried with armour and some other things that the male warriors were buried with so people now believe they were buried with weapons for ceremonial reasons

Being buried with a bow and a horse means precisely fuck all. How do you think the women fed themselves when all the blokes were out fighting?

This is dumb. You dont know bowmanship.

Anyone can draw bows if the draw weight is weak enough.

Hunting bow and warfare bow are however different in nature. War bow require much more draw force than typical hunting bow as it needs to pierce armors. Hunting bows are only meant to pierce the flesh of animals, that can be done by a child in training.