What is the Most Famous Scam, Scheme, or Jewry in Crypto History?

(besides crypto itself)

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It was bancor but now it's what's going down with China and NEO. The chinese never miss an opportunity in a crisis, especially when they are controlling the 'crisis'.



Gaw Miner. :)

for future posters, I dont mean some shit coin you lost money on, I mean a coin, whale group, or anything else in crypto that was marketed one way but turned out to be a scam or literal lies to get your monies etc.




josh garza

Neo for sure. Never seen a scam so thoroughly shilled here.

This. But at least this bitch will go to jail in 2018 :)
He cost me my lambo and my trust to crypto.

All the altcoins are scams, but the most notable scam off the top of my head is mtgox

Monero and Ripple are long term scamd

Currently it's bancor, neo, and omisgo. These shitcoins are blatant scams and won't even exist in 3 months


that ugly crooked toothed chink still has a fucking cult following his arse its hilarious

they legit seem to think its going to see $10

Crypsty maybe

Soon to be OMG

Almost forgot MCO with it's visa bullshit

mcxnow fees

Why is bancor a scam?

Buy high sell low. amirite derp?

>buy 2 bancor bucks
>cant afford a lambo


Petrodollar, not even a question.

Mt.Gox obviously

>Bancor is literally unstoppable!

>everyone in this thread forgot Moola and the guy who scammed reddit with Dogecoin after hijacking the project

dunno but for me personally it was Quarkcoin lul that shit put me off crypto for years, fuck Bill still.