Why are humans such evil and scum?

Why are humans such evil and scum?

It seems like evil is their main basic state of nature for the majority of mankind

Too many LGBT people, they're basically sociopaths.

The opposite isn't any good either

Compared to what/who?

Compared to someone who doesn't bully others or take pleasure in other people's suffering (about less than 5% of the population).

OP here. I don't think of any comparisson

Animals hunt for hunger, fight to defend themselves, etc.

Humans act like assholes for no apparent reason or for pure greed

Define evil.

Could also add killing/torture people for pleasure, while animals don't seem to do that

cats alone torture stuff and then dont eat them.

you have no understanding of evil and scum has no real meaning in this context. You're just some pansy that shrieks at the sight of blood

oh and ducks literally have a corkscrew dick/vagina warfare going where the females try to not get raped.

Ask the meat industry.

Just because others think you shouldn't, doesn't mean you can't.

Intent. Animals by their Darwinian and instinctive behavior can't fully be blamed as they would lack what we call autonomy, whereas humans have a degree of intelligence that allows them to reflect on their actions and delay immediate impulse gratification. This makes whatever violence people inflict that much more malevolent , because it it has so much thought being out into the action.

Dolphins will play with their food in quite brutal ways before killing it.

cats enjoy playing to develop motor skills as a kitten and as a side-effect this behavior continues into adulthood, female ducks present a challenge to male ducks to ensure they get a healthy mate, their behavior is no more "evil" than a lion killing to eat

only humans make a conscious "abstract" decision to inflict suffering on others

>the basic "humans are inherently good vs. humans are inherently bad" argument again
oh my fuck find something new to talk about

t. Koala
Don't think you can trick me with your marsupial wiles

The most intelligent animals in nature also tend to be very violent and cruel. Look at Chimpanzees and dolphins as examples.

so youre complaining about natural selection?

thats what happens when you give an animal a high intelligence
with great power comes great responsibility
the reason you dont think a chimp is evil when it bites a gazelles face off is because it just needs food
as humans we use logic, and you can tell when someone is being a dick to someone on purpose, making them "evil" or "scum".
but like getting food, we behave like assholes for personal gain. we already have food so we're gonna look for other things. it's not really that different, just a bit more complex than other animals.

Sure is spooky ITT

t. never owned a cat

Retards who idealize animals should study them more

sociopathy is inherent in human nature.

to free from evil. free society from sociopaths.

The earth is evil. LIFE on earth is evil. Meaning every living thing on earth is evil. The cat eats the mouse while it is screaming. The lion eat's the gnu while it's innards are hanging out and it's suffering pain, if it's escapes it suffers even more. Life on earth is based on the survival of the fittest, in a good human's eye, this alone is evil. Survival of the fittest? Why are only the fit and strong supposed to live? Only to secure the existence of the further generations? Yes. And that is also evil. We need to kill and suffer in order to secure the existence of one species. Life IS evil, it really is. And it will never change.

But maybe on another planet, somewhere in the universe it's different. Because i don't think that every evolution of species is based upon survival of the fittest. Maybe evolution found another way. At least i hope so, but my views are grim. I think life is evil, everywhere. And only beings like humans can change their way of living, to let retarded people live etc, to spit in the face of nature. If this is a good or bad thing, idk. It probably is bad. But who cares? We are humans and we can do whatever the fuck we want we are not longer bound to survival of the fittest.

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." - George Orwell

>whereas humans have a degree of intelligence that allows them to reflect on their actions and delay immediate impulse gratification.
You say that, but interacting with people makes it seem like that isn't the case at all for most people.
Or maybe I should stop interacting with shitty people.

Dolphins are kind of assholes. Groups of male dolphins have been observed gangraping female dolphins for days on end.

Don't forget dolphin rape caves

Evil is only a human construct. Can anyone tell me why enslaving and using a species for its meat, milk etc.? Why, because we say so? Why are we worrying about other species's well being? The only thing we should care about other animals is to ensure they don't die out because if they did so, there is also a possibility that we may die. Other than that why are we the only species's going against its insticts and even deeming an action "evil" or "good" if they are only but a human construct do we really need to worry about it?

etc. is evil?*

Because of the actions of Adam and Eve.

Innate aggression was influenced by thousands of years of evolutionary pressure when we were living as hunter gathers, 400 years ago we developed agriculture and the Industrialization, We haven't been able to evolutionarily adapt to our new lifestyles and are still acting like apes in bands of 10-30 people. That's why we seem evil

Evil is a virtue.

Mankind is a spook

Evil will only lead to unhappiness and pain. It is the opposite path to enlightenment. Yes, evil will get you cars, houses and all that stuff, but you'll always want more and more. No matter how much you eat, you will never be full, you wil never have enough.

I just like to see chaos and disorder. Does that make me evil?

But muh hell, muh naraka, muh tartarus!


The insatiable hunger is an interesting one. Its an extreme however. The one that probably kills us is the dehumanisation of others. Like René Girard says there is always conflict because we will always want more. We will occasionally hurt but we cling to our inner narratives to justify the hurting.

Not many people have the bottle to say "I will torture this man because I want $200"

We want to do whatever the fuck we want while believing we are good or at least not wicked

>We want to do whatever the fuck we want while believing we are good or at least not wicked
It's completely true. But what we want will not always lead to happiness, but it may lead to evil.

Who knows man.

Carrot and stick hey. Both have to be real. But there's no point lying about what you're doing

Sometime around 6 million years ago a brain mutation made us feel pleasure from violence as we evolved this sadistic impulse just got stronger and stronger until you have the first humans who were evil african savages.

Every intelligent animal is sadistic

Really makes you wonder about aliens.