You've been transported onto the RMS Titanic on April 14, 1912 as a first class passenger. What do you do to survive?

You've been transported onto the RMS Titanic on April 14, 1912 as a first class passenger. What do you do to survive?

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Get in a lifeboat with a load of food and water and a gun. Live in there until the iceberg hits, then kill as many people as you can before escaping.

>the titanic isn't breaking in half

People didn't know that before the 80s dumbass

Go to the captain and tell him to watch out for fucking icebergs

He was asleep when it happened so that wouldn't help

Wake him up.

Relieve Jack Phillips from duty for disregarding the ice warnings, particularly the rude response to one from the Californian cause he was busy sending out greetings from first class passengers.

You're just a passenger, enjoy being put in the brig for your disorderly conduct and drowning, dope.

OP never said save the ship, he only said to survive

All the 1st class women and children got off and I'm fairly certain nearly all the 1st class men did too. All you'd need to do is to not be in 3rd class when it all starts. I would take as much silverware as I could from the dining hall before boarding tho because I don't have any other form of wealth.

weren't there eye witnesses?

Most people of all classes got off, but first class males had the lowest survival rate because MUH CHIVALRY.

>dye hair/grow it out
>take pills to become feminine
>become a sexy trap that's totally not gay
>make poor boy think I'm rich as I have weird conversations with old senile fucks, because they think I'm their dead daughter of something, and tell them to shove off when they try to marry me away
>tuck my dick so this faggot poor boy can draw me
>as the titanic sinks, find a door
>I'm on
>poor boy tries to latch on
>kek nope
>tell him i'll never let go
>let go
>Fuck off and become old senile trap hag

Ah, I skimmed over that part.

They didn't believe it could happen so doubted the survivors. Kinda sad how someone survives all that shit just to be called a liar.

Well I hope drowning in a brig while I escape with all the booze and the lolis is a lesson for you.

Close but not exactly. But desu it seems like all you need to survive as first class man was a lack of a less chivalrous outlook. The second class men wanted to be more honourable than the first it seems and so they suffered more than 3rd class men.

Around 100 people of each class got off, its just that while there were like 200-300 ish people in first and seconds class there were 700-800 people in third class and in the crew. So that statistics show that you'd have a higher chance to die in third class just because of how many people were there.

Force John Jacob Astor, Isidor Strauss and Benjamin Guggenheim onto lifeboats at gunpoint so they live and stop the Federal Reserve from being created.

Also, kill Jack and Rose so we don't have to sit three hours of god-awful star-crossed lovers bullshit.

Stats soz I forgot

Why were the Jews so cruel towards the passengers on the Titanic? Why would they deploy an iceberg, when they knew that women and children would be on board this passenger ship?

Most of the survivors in the lifeboats described it going down in one piece. Since the inquiry determined they had the better vantage point, that became the most commonly accepted version of the sinking until Ballard discovered the wreck.

Multiple witnesses gave conflicting reports so the Inquiry just ruled the ship did not break in two.

Tell Philips to send a greeting to Cyril Evans telling him he's a good lad and I appreciate his service and have a cup of coffee and stay awake for a few more hours and he'll get a prize.


Prank call the Bridge with "ICEBERG RIGHT AHEAD" two minutes before the lookouts do.

At least these poor souls went down with honor and bravery. You Millennials you damn youngsters would be filling your diapers with the sinful muck of fecal matter complaining as your feet got a little wet. Well I'm sorry that your Pampers are going to get a little wet from the cold seawater but that's what happens when you're on a sinking ship you dumb millennial. Oh I'm sorry was it rearz the brand you were talking about?

If they're so honorable and brave, how come they're dead? Checkmate, atheists!

>they think THAT was the titanic

Immediately search for Jack Dawson to use his skin to create a makeshift scuba diving suit. It will be hot.

I'm not a heathenistic sinful atheist who likes to wear diapers for his own sinful pleasure. No I'm an old geezer who understands that the Millennials of today wouldn't last for a single minute as the Titanic was sinking. They've be freaking out and calling for safe spaces as they continued to fill up their Pampers with poop and pee. It's a sinful way that I do not understand you youngsters these days why you keep feeling your Pampers with excrement.

what the fuck guys

I was literally on the Titanic kiddo, don't bother with your "hurr I'm so old xD" foolishness with me.

Are you Mr. Plinkett? Me and that man share the same contempt for this messed up subhuman species known as the millennials. Millennials are sinful creatures that can't even speak properly they shit constantly and they sinned and they are proud of it. If this is the mr. Plinkett who survived the sinking of the Titanic, I commend you for your bravery because most millennials would just give up when the water reach the waist of their Pampers and it got wet. So good for you mr. Plinkett.

90% of 2nd class males died
Actually something like 5 women and 1

2nd, 3rd, and male crewmen actually suffered the worst death rates.

Steal a crying child on the boat deck while no one is looking, run to the other side, and tell the officer I'm all she has in the world.

Being a trap would actually pay off then...

...sigh this world.

Get on a boat

Go to the Starboard side where First Officer Murdoch is loading lifeboats, he was letting men on if nobody else was getting in.

I unironically despise James Cameron for not using that scene to give Caledon a moment of redemption, where he bonds with the kid during the night and after that finding her parents are dead, adopts her as his own. Utterly wasted opportunity to show how much of a life-changing experience the sinking was for those who lived it.

>lol he killed himself xD
Jesus James.

I'll be honest the guy wasn't even that bad. I rewatched the movie today and sure he was a prick but he was no more of a prick than any other man would have been in 1912 across all classes. His most asshole moments are when he throws their breakfast across the room, when he slaps her and when he tries to kill her.

The first instance was because she had just spent the night getting drunk and dancing with another man. The slap was after she let another man draw her naked and slept with him, remember she was his fiancée and he hadn't even slept with her at this point. He was still willing to forgive her knowing this.He tries to kill them when she literally chooses to die with this guy she met yesterday instead of get on the boat. We're also shown him not letting a crazed mob board his life boat, like this was some cruel act and not one that saved the lives of the women and children on board.

Rose on the other hand was a stuck up spoiled bitch. One scene has her among other 1st class people having tea and she starts smoking at the table, she constantly makes snide remarks about the activities the wealthy men and women get up to while acting like she is different.

At the end we see her throw the diamond that is worth a large amount of money in to the sea. The diamond she knows the search crew is looking for and an item that could have suported her family for generations. Lets also remember it was given to her by her fiancée and not Jack the one time 3 day fling from 100 years ago.

The alternate ending has her explain she thought about selling the diamond but always thought of Cal when those thought appeared.
But that whole ending is just so fucking insane that when I first read a summary I thought it was a joke.

crossdress as a woman

I'd become a shota

>particularly the rude response to one from the Californian cause he was busy sending out greetings from first class passengers.

That's not why that Californian didn't respond to Titanic, though. Evans never asked for his ice messages to be delivered to the bridge in the first place (which he should have, if they were serious enough); he went to bed shortly after, and the rest of the crew ignored Titanic's distress rockets even though they saw them clearly.

Any minor disruption from the historical timeline would probably result in missing the iceberg or even just hitting it differently and not as bad.

>Most people of all classes got off

75% of third class passengers died, 57% of second class, and 36% of first class.

Immediately call man overboard.

They will then fuck around for ages doing a Williamson turn to try and find the person, likely avoiding the situation which led to it hitting an iceberg.

t. Merchant navy officer

Run into the most populated room and yell at the top of my voice "ICE TO MEET YOU" then probably go wait at a lifeboat and have a smoke.

Better keep off the internet for a while, champ. Your mind is broken

There's a few factors that go into the extremely low survival rate of 2nd class men. In no particular order:

More 2nd class men were traveling without families than both 1st and 3rd. 2nd class was a common choice for middle class workers and businessmen who weren't mega rich but could afford nice accommodations. You were more likely to get one of the spots on a lifeboat in the upper 2 classes if you were traveling with your wife and children if you were on the right side of the ship (which practiced women and children first, not women and children only) because you were allowed to actually walk up to the lifeboats due to your class and the necessity of seeing your wife/kids off. Third class men were not afforded this luxury, unlike 2nd and 3rd.

The layout of the ship meant that most second class men and/or families coming up from the 2nd class stairways to the boat deck were more likely to gravitate the side of the ship practicing women and children only. Since this side did not allow men outside crew into the boats, you were SOL.

Some historians have suggested that the higher death rate for 2nd class is because they were primarily British men who culturally more likely to "obey orders" and did not consider fighting for a spot on the boats until it was too late. Although, since relatively few men survived by "fighting" for a spot (there's accounts of perhaps 3-4 surviving by hidiing on a boat or being hidden by women) and the vast majority of the passenger men who survived on lifeboats themselves left earlier on when there was no panic OR they managed to have survived on the overturned collapsible. And, the same percentage of 3rd class passengers survived whether they were British or non-Britsh, so...

this is your mind on GOP


Damn right it is you young whippersnapper you. At least back in my day we had youngsters ready to die for the homeland. Now these days you millennial subhumans just like to whine and complain about everything. Well I guess it would make sense considering that yer pampers are always wet and full of shit all the time because of the sin of anal sex you youngsters like to have all the time.

Remember it's my birthday, then rip out a dresser drawer, and float in it.

Hey Kim Il Sung!
President Kim Il Sung, the Great Leader was born on April 15, 1912 (Juche 1)

Fuck Kate Winslet