How are the Japanese so developed even though they live on a relatively small island and have no natural resources in...

How are the Japanese so developed even though they live on a relatively small island and have no natural resources in contrast to Russia which has nearly the same population, all the land in the world and an abundance of natural resources?

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They had a political system that was built around the need to develop.

Institutions, bruh.

Also, they had the US break them and then remake them as burgers, which is typically a beneficial experience for an up and coming nation.

Low alcohol tolerance

Communism ruined Russia.

Russians = authoritarian socialist collectivist society

Japanese = libertarian free market individualist society

>they live on a relatively small island
Relatively small compared to what? Honshu by itself is larger than Britain. The four home islands combined are larger than today's Germany.

They where really shit pre industrialization
Then they became OP after industrialization
Then they git raped by the USA , had their backs broken by the USA, and then got molded into literal asian burgers by the USA
Then that all fell apart because they have autisim

High IQ

There is nothing individualistic about Japanese society.

Japanese have the most active and thriving independent arts/music/media scene in the world.

They are just as hive-minded, dogmatic, and collectivist as any other Far Eastern people.

>Perry expedition
>Meiji restoration

Japanese have the most patents per capita in the world.

not even close you fucking weeb
maybe the most active out of east asia, sure. but there's not much competition there!

High IQ end of duscussion.

>individualist society
It's literally the opposite. Just like most of Asia.
Blame Confucianism. "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down."

You don't have to be an individualistic society to be creative. The Japanese are not a "hive-mind" like says, but in most eastern cultures, the family, the company, the team, etc. supersedes the individual. For instance, before the Meiji Restoration, the smallest legal entity was the family, not individual. This doesn't mean being innovative and creative is necessarily discouraged, in fact bringing prestige to your nation/company/family with your works can be a great motivator. But "making waves" or being an upstart is generally frowned upon. That doesn't mean there doesn't exist a counterculture (for example, Japan's punk and hipster scenes as well as hikikomoris), but that is the overall culture of Japan right now.

>zero interest on historical discussion

>For instance, before the Meiji Restoration, the smallest legal entity was the family, not individual
That's a nice tall tale for western consumption but not true in the least.

>no guns
>no drugs
>protectionist keynesian economy


dude america lmao

>Individualistic apart from some subcultures
This is your brain on weeabooism.

Because the US spent billions on them after WW2 so they could have a vassal in the Pacific.

Why must Americans ruin any form of discussion? Only this nigga got it right

The US pumped billions into South Vietnam and Iraq too.

It's nice, but it isn't enough.

Completely different contexts.

IIRC there was a pew study done and they're actually the least collectivist of the far east nations.

That's my point.

It's dumb to attribute Japanese success to US aid when the US aided other countries and it didn't do shit.

Japan's success was primarily a result of indigenous institutions.

You literally compared two countries where US didn't successfully subjugated to the one country where it did

The US didn't successfully subjugate them because they had terrible native institutions.

In South Korea, Japan, and even Panama, native institutions were effective enough for the United States to withdraw and leave behind a functional state.

In Iraq and Vietnam, poor governance created both economic doldrums and state failure.

Or maybe just maybe they were still fighting wars in them while Japan effectively signed a peace treaty with US before the US investments and aid came in? It is massively disingenuous to compare a country's development in its peacetime to other countries mired in local resistance. A far better comparison with Japan would be Philippines, South Korea and any other country in US's policy of containment

Japan is the exact oppposite of everything you described them as

Less spread out population/small country-ness in general leads to prosper.

They are highly evolved mongols they are the only peers to the nordics.

Because Japan is the best.